Chapter 28

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There are many things about me that people don't know about. Every scar of mine tells a different story. But there is one scar whose tale I can't even bear to narrate.

It is the cause of my nightmares. I was beginning to forget about it. But after the Halloween party, I feel like it's started to bleed again.


I was in the training room, boxing my frustration away. I landed a roundhouse kick on the bag and stepped out, panting. My entire body was covered with sweat. I wiped my face with a towel and chugged down some water. The scar on my stomach was stinging badly.

I felt the presence of someone staring at me. I turned around.

Logan leaned against the wall, wearing a sleeveless black shirt that showed off his toned muscles. A snake was tattooed around his bicep. 

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, walking toward me with slow strides. 

"You want to lose again?" I smirked.

Logan has never been much of a fighter. He always lost in hand-to-hand combat. We both had been trained together. It was weird since everyone in the Russo family was a great fighter. It ran in our veins. 

He took his stance across me. I sighed.

I liked a good challenge when it comes to fighting. Logan was anything but. I wished Sophie was here. She was the best to spar with. It was hard to win against her. 

I wouldn't mind Katrina either. But Logan? 

He made the first move. He always does.

I blocked it and punched him in the side. He landed a kick on my side. I took another punch to my stomach and a hit to my arm. I landed a double kick to his head. We went back and forth for the next 5 minutes. It was easy to predict his next move and even if I couldn't, his attacks weren't difficult to block. He was panting. I smiled.


"You wish, babe,"

That ticked me off. I took a few steps back and sprinted to land a kick to his face. He grabbed my waist and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his shoulders. I took his head in a headlock with my elbow. 

He tapped my hand thrice. I let go, jumping down.

"Ugh, fuck. I practiced so much!" He groaned. I ruffled his hair and sat down on the mat. He rolled over and put his head in my lap. I pushed him off. 

"You want to talk about Isabella?" He asked. I sighed. Logan knew me well.

"It's just a little hard for me to believe. But then again, this stuff is common in our line of work, right?"

"Right. But you should be careful. She might try again." He sat up. He had bags under his eyes. A light stubble was beginning to grow on his jaw. Logan looked good with a beard. 

I sighed, nodding. He put his hand on the back of my neck. His long fingers lay there, moving in slow circles. I felt the tension there releasing slowly. I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, Logan was gazing at me with a sharp intensity in his eyes. The grey in his eyes was like a thunderstorm. I had to blink twice to avoid getting caught in it. 

He leaned close to me, his fingers closing around my chin. His lips were too close. I gently put my hand on his chest.

"Logan, no." I pushed him away. 

He rolled his eyes. He lay on his back, putting his hands behind his head. 

He looked nothing like my uncle. He could give any runway model a run for their money. Logan has never been much of a fighter, even though it ran in our veins.

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