Chapter 6

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"You know," Laura mused.

"I know what?" I was doodling at the end of my page as we waited for the professor to arrive.

"If you think I didn't notice that you disappeared during lunch that day, you're wrong."

I looked up from where I had idly drawn an angel holding a gun. I erased it with a sigh and faced Laura. She was looking at me the way your mother looks at you when she finds out that you ate the last cupcake.

"I went to get some juice. I said so."

"Well, the juice machine is inside the cafeteria, not outside the school building. And I also noticed that you left right after Siara went," she said crisply.

"You're quite observant," I nodded. She smacked me on the arm.

"Ow! I-" I started to explain but she stopped me.

"You don't have to tell me anything. I just..." She sighed. "Don't get involved with Siara. She's not good."

I was about to ask her to elaborate more but at that moment Siara entered the class. Sophie walked behind her. When they passed us, Siara didn't even spare a glance in my direction but Sophie did. She smiled at both me and Laura.

When Siara sat in her place at the end of the room (She had stopped bothering me about sitting in her seat), it was only then that I saw her. Like properly saw her. Her left arm was wrapped in bandages. She winced slightly when she moved it, placing it atop her desk.

"What happened to her?" I spoke.

"I don't know." She spoke. "Anyways, are you free this weekend? The group and I were thinking of playing DnD at Oli's place. You in?"

Though I said yes, our plans for the weekend were about to be crashed. Literally.


"LISTEN UP, EVERYONE!" Someone shouted. It was Kelly. And she was standing at her table. All the heads in the cafeteria turned around her. Some held up phones to shoot whatever she was going to do. Maybe she was going to dance or sing? That would be hilarious.

"What is she doing?" Jessica said.

"There's a party this weekend. Siara here," she grinned at her. "Is throwing it. And all of you losers are invited! ALL OF YOU! Get your friends, your boyfriends, girlfriends, your exes, whoever you want. You can find the address on my Instagram story!"

Siara barely even looked up as a cheer went up in the whole cafeteria.

"Will you go?" I asked Laura.

She sighed. "I don't know..."

"Of course, she will! Because all of us will be going. When you're invited to a party hosted by Siara H you can't not go. And there will be Sophie there too." Oliver said, his eyes weirdly wide.

Laura rolled her eyes. "If you fanboy about Sophie one more time, I'll duct tape your mouth."

"I'll get the duct tape," I said. Anything to get this weirdo to stop talking. Laura flashed a smile at me. But when she went back to eating, I could understand that she was hiding something.


"Not again!" I let out a frustrated sigh. I dropped my bag on a chair. I was getting fed up with this now.

Siara was sprawled on the couch watching the T.V. and eating Doritos. Wait, they were my Doritos.

"I had no desire to come here. I'm supposed to be waiting for Sophie. She and Connor have gone to get ice cream. And Soph said I can't the third wheel. She promised me she'd get ice cream for me. Also, stop glaring. It doesn't suit you." She put another chip in her mouth.

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