Chapter 23

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The blade flew out of the window. Ethan looked at me with a mixed expression of fear and confusion. His lips were red from our kiss and his cheeks were flushed. I heard someone curse and a person in a mask ran away.

"Stay here," I told Ethan and raced after them. I reached into my gown and pulled out my gun. All of my clothes, especially dresses had been designed in a way that I could carry weapons.

I stood at the top of the staircase and searched for the culprit. But that person had evaporated into the crowd. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. Music was being played and it was loud. Even if I shouted at the top of my voice it would be hard for anyone to understand what I was saying. There was only one thing that could get everyone to quiet down.

I raised the gun and shot into the air. The bang sounded around the entire hall. Everyone put their hands to their ears and the music stopped as people looked around.

"BLOCK ALL EXITS!" I shouted. I bet I must've looked fucking stunning. Standing at the top of a staircase, wearing a ball gown, gun in hand. Exactly like some female leads from the novels.

Guards changed their positions within a second and stood in front of each entrance. Nobody questioned my command. I saw Richard being taken away by Logan to where our father was standing. Guards formed a circle around them as well.

I saw a person moving in the shadows. Looking as out of place as a swan would feel among ducks. Their movement was quick and they were sticking to the shadows. The mask was identical to the one I saw. I aimed but stopped. The person was walking behind Connor and Laura, who had shock-stricken faces. They lurched towards the exit. I understood what was happening. But I couldn't startle them. I calmly walked down the staircase. I analyzed the attacker as I walked to Laura and Connor. Judging by their body language, it was a female. As I approached closer, I saw that her fingernails were painted purple and she had a ring on. The person noticed me and bolted towards the door.

"Stop her!" I shouted. The guards grabbed their hands. But the culprit was enough skilled to not be caught by a bunch of people. She twisted out their grip with surprising flexibility and stabbed the guy who was holding her in the leg. He let out a howl of pain and let go of their hand. The culprit and the other guard wrestled. He got hit and she darted away. I followed. I saw Sophie behind me.

"I'll get the back!" She screamed.

There was a corridor that led to the main door of this place. The woman in the mask took out a gun and shot it at the ceiling. The big chandelier fell. I covered my eyes as shards of glass flew, some getting caught in my hair and dress. I felt something wet trickle down my hands. I wiped the blood on my dress, probably getting more cuts than before. I jumped over the mess and sprinted down the corridor.

I stepped out in the cool night air. The knife-thrower was getting away. Just when I thought that I was going to lose her, a figure emerged out of the shadows and knocked her down. I hurried towards them.

"Did I break Logan's record?" Sophie panted.

I grinned at her. "You even broke my record."

She twisted the person's arm and put it behind her back. She wriggled and kicked. There was a tattoo on their neck, of some animal. I pressed my foot on her back and put my gun on their head. She tried to resist but Sophie punched her.

"Take off the mask, Sophie."

She nodded and reached out to pull the mask off. She pulled off the pink ski mask. Purple hair peeked from beneath. There was another mask underneath. As Sophie went to pull it off, I saw movement from the corner of my eye. I grabbed Sophie and rolled us out of the line of target. A blade like the one before spun swiftly over the place where our heads had been just a second ago.

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