Chapter 44: Ghost Makeover

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(Leon POV)

Myrtle: "What do want? Why do you visit an ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle?" [Cries]

She floats around me and look at me with her sad eyes.

Leon: "Why do you haunt the girl's bathroom?"

Myrtle: "Because this is the place I died."

Leon: "Can't you just roam around the school and meet other people?"

Myrtle: "Who would want to see Moaning Myrtle?"

She wails and floats around again.

Leon: "Why don't you just move on and rest?"

She flies in front me and yells at me face.


After yelling, she floats away from me.

Leon: "You already know that she's dead."

She glares at me but sadden. She already knows that she died long ago but she wasn't satisfied. I contemplate on what to do and few seconds later, I've got an idea. I created a skill just now just for this occasion.

Leon: "Alright. You're not satisfied on your looks, so how about I change your appearance to look more attractive."

Myrtle floats through me, not buying my offer. I change my look using my shape shifting ability and she got surprised. But doesn't believe me.

Myrtle: "Would that even work on me, a ghost?"

Leon: "We won't know unless we try. I mean, you have nothing to lose and you don't really feel pain. Even if you do, my ability is painless."

Myrtle contemplates and floats in front of me.

Myrtle: "What do you want?"

Leon: "Stop moaning and moping. Smile and try to stop being depress all the time. Even I change your looks, the important thing is attitude and personality. Is it a deal?"

Myrtle: "I'll try but no promises."

Leon: "Close enough."

She closed her eyes and floats near me. I use my newly created skill, [Soul Manipulation], and change her appearance. I take out her glasses. By the way, do ghost really need glasses? Meh, I move on and remove her acnes. I change her eye color to blue. Well in her case, her eyes was lighter than her previous eye color. Reshape her face structure to more like a cute girl and change her hairstyle into long and straight brown hair. I think I unintentionally change her appearance into Nathalie Emmanuel's looks but more younger and paler. Myrtle open her eyes and look at me.

Myrtle: "Is it done?"

Leon: "See for yourself."

I point out a mirror on the wall and she floats there. She's surprise and in disbelieve that this is her new look now. She touch her face. Do ghost really feel anything in the Harry Potter Universe? Probably.

I heard sobbing and I look at Myrtle.

Leon: "Are you alright?"

Myrtle didn't answer immediately. I waited about over a minute and she just looks at me. She tries to hug me but she just went through me. Myrtle saddened again that she can't hug me.

Leon: "It's alright. Now, go out there and be confident on your new looks. But don't be arrogant because of your new look, alright? Like I said, attitude and personality is much more important than looks."

She just nods at me and just focus on her new face at the mirror. I then left the bathroom. I went to Dumbledore's office and told him what happened.

The next day, we're in the DADA room and everyone is excited for the fight. I mean, for training. I taught my friends about magic manipulation and they were pretty eager when I told them that I will teach them. Harry, Astoria, Hermione and Luna already knew how strong my magic so they weren't surprise. I told them that we will be in Room of Requirements for training.

Lockhart goes up to the stage and told everyone to gather around. Not everyone is excited for him because of when he 'accidentally' remove all his bones previously. His reputation is decreasing rapidly. I snicker at his misery. He told us that Professor Dumbledore granted him the rights to teach the students on how to defend themselves from the dark arts. So he propose a duel between each and everyone one of us.

He boast himself that he has experienced many things defending himself from the dark arts and wrote it in his published works, which I didn't believe at all. He throws his cape to the girls and the girls are fighting each other for that cape.

Lockhart: "Let me introduce my assistant. Professor Snape."

Everyone looks at the other side of the dueling arena and Professor Snape shows himself. I must say Snape has become mellow over these past few days. He cut his hair short and his demeanor was not as gloomy as before. But he still has his scowling face but not too intense.

Again Lockhart was too confident on beating Professor Snape but Professor Snape just scowls at him. I've heard that many staffs were pretty disappointed on Lockhart these past couple of months. The staff are beginning to questioning Dumbledore to why hiring this clown.

The two prepares their dueling stance, walks away like we're in a western dueling scene and they face each other. Before Lockhart cast a charm, Professor Snape beat him first and Professor Snape's wand shoots out a bright white orb and hits Lockhart in the chest. Lockhart flies backward and hits the duel arena platform hard. Everyone looks at him with concern and some laughs at him. Lockhart struggles to stand up.

Hermione: "Do you think his alright?"

Ron: "Who cares?"

I agree with you Ron.

Lockhart tries show himself that he's unharmed and again boast himself that he predicted that Professor Snape was about to do that. I roll my eyes from his narcissistic bullsh*t.

Professor Snape makes a remark on Lockhart's actions and grins. Lockhart just silently stand there and can't remark back. Professor Snape already knew his bullsh*ts. Lockharts finds two volunteer and chose Harry and Ron but Professor Snape doesn't want Ron because he will hurt himself and his wand is damaged. He suggest from his house and it was Draco Malfoy. Harry and Draco face it each other and makes their stance.

I already knew what will happen so I prepare my magic and get ready for what's about to come.

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