Chapter 30: Mishap

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(Leon POV)

Arthur: "My word, this is the best food I've ever tasted. No offense Molly."

Molly: "None taken. I admit, Leon dishes are delicious. It put my cooking skills to shame." [Happily eating]

Everyone is eating my creation. I was just helping the family for their hospitality and help Molly on the kitchen. Expectedly, this happens.

Harry: "Leon is like a grand wizard when it comes to cooking. Everything he makes are so delicious and I can't get enough of the taste he makes."

Ron: "You sure is lucky that you can eat this kind of food, Harry."

I smack Ron's back head and he yells at me.

Ron: "What was that for?"

I didn't answer him and I move my eyes towards his mother. Ron followed and saw her mother looking gloom. Ron realize what he said and apologize to his mother.

Ron: "Sorry mum."

Molly: "It's alright dear."

The atmosphere is getting heavy.

Leon: "Why don't I help you improve your cooking skills Mrs. Weasley? You'll never too old to try something new."

Molly brightens up and accepts my offer. Everyone felt happy they told their mother that they will looking forward to their mother food.

While eating at the table, we heard a loud bang on the window. We saw a brown owl smack at the window glass and slowly sliding down. The family called the owl Herald.

Percy went up to the window and take the letter from Herald.

Percy: "Stop doing that Herald." [Opens the letter] "Oh it's from Hogwarts. They also include Harry and Leon's letter."

Percy gave the letters to each of us and we read the letter. It's still the same as the previous one last year. Only the difference is the new books to buy and other supplies that we need. The books are not very cheap for the Weasleys. I whisper to Harry about something and nudge me.

Harry: "As thank you for your hospitality Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and everyone else, me and Leon would like to sponsor everyone for this year's expenses for books, supplies and other items for our friends. If you don't mind?"

Everyone, except Leon, was surprise at Harry's sudden offer. Only Ron knows how rich Harry and Leon was but he's still surprise.

Molly: "Oh my, that won't do. I'm sorry but I would decline the offer, Harry."

Harry: "It's ok Mrs. Weasley. We won't mind. Both Leon and I would gladly sponsor them. Besides, you treated us like family. So we will treat you as one."

Arthur chuckle on Harry's comment and hugs us both. Even Molly joined it the hug. The twins just pat us our back and tries to prank me but I prank them back. Ron gave us a high-five and Percy just give us a handshake. Ginny just look at us and smile.

We put on our robe and we are standing in front of the fireplace.

Ron: "Mum. Harry and Leon never tried Floo powder before."

Harry: "Floo powder?"

Molly: "Why don't you show him how it's done then? Come on"

Ron went inside the fireplace holding some kind of powder. We back away and wait for something to happen.

Ron: "Diagon Alley" [Drops powder]

Green flame emerge from the ground and Ron is covered by it. He seems a little hesitant when he was covered by the green flame. And then, he vanish. We were surprise by the sudden flame and everyone, except me, covered their eyes. My eyes is greatly enhance so brightness can't irritate it.

Molly: "Quite easy. Don't be shy dear."

Harry next and copies what Ron did. Unfortunately, he said the wrong thing and then vanish.

Leon: "He's not going to Diagon Alley, is he?"

The family just kept silent and I sigh. I gave them galleons for the expenses.

Leon: "I'll go and get him."

I went to the fireplace and took some of the powder. I copied Harry and I vanish. I appeared and slide what seems to me in a shop and I saw Harry patting himself to clean.

Leon: [Cough] "Harry."

I slowly stand up and clean myself.

Harry: "Where are we?"

Leon: "I think we're in a shop." [Slaps shoulder] "You said the wrong thing."

Harry chuckled with embarrassment.

Harry: "Can't help it. I was nervous."

He notice his glasses was broken. He fix it with a spell and now it's good as new.

I look around and see the shop. Many different and interesting items placed on the shelves and glasses. Most of them looks like skulls.

Leon: "Man, somebody is looking forward for Halloween. Eh eh"

I nudge Harry and he rolls his eyes. He just ignores my joke. I look around and heard something snap. I look behind me and Harry was struggling to get his hand out from the creepy old hand. He managed to get out of it.

Leon: "If you really want to hold a hand so badly, why you hold my hand?"

I offer my palm to him. He slaps my hand away. He was annoyed and I just chuckled. We got out and we saw a very gloomy place. I can see shady people nearby, looking at us like a predator.

I created [Intimidation] and use it. When they slowly approach us, they suddenly halt and sweating profusely. They don't know why but when they saw me, they saw a giant shadow forming behind him. The shadow grins with a huge smile and fang like teeth at them. It look at them with pure blood red eyes. It felt like the shadow was ready to feast on them. The predators slowly backs away, leaving us alone.

I called Harry and we walk casually through the streets. I only focus [intimidation] to those who want to harm us. Harry hadn't notice that the predators were trying hide themselves from us or specifically, me.

After a minute of walking, Hagrid found us from a distance. He approach us and commented that we were still dirty. I magically clean ourselves and Harry thanks me for the cleanup.

Hagrid: "What were yer guys doin in Knockturn Alley?"

I point Harry for him to explain. He explains that he said the wrong thing and teleport to this alley. Leon followed me.

Harry: "Wait a minute, what are doing here, Hagrid?"

Hagrid: "Oh I was just looking for flesh eating sucker repellent. They were ruining our school cabbages."

Leon: "Woah, flesh eating sucker? Isn't that like a leach or something?"

Hagrid: "Slugs actually. Flesh eating slugs. Only Knockturn alley has those kind of repellent for them."

While we were walking through the alley. Someone surprise me by hugging me behind. I look who's behind and saw Hermione.

Leon: "Hermione. It's good to see you." [Hugs her]

She hugs me back.

Hermione: "It's good to see you too. Harry, how are you?"

Harry: "Bit of a small adventure just now but it's alright."

Hermione was curious about the adventure so Harry told Hermione what happened and then she chuckled.

Hermione: "It's not even the start of the school and you've already cause some trouble. Luckily no one got hurt. Now come on, everybody is waiting for us."

Hermione grabs my hand and we went to see the others. I was surprise that she didn't even flinch when she touch my hand. I guess the puppy love really did disappear.

(3rd POV)

But unknown to Leon, Hermione turns red when she later notice that she touch his hand. But because her hair got in a way from her face, Leon didn't notice it.

(AC: 10+ advance chapters? Visit my Patre on/NovelAdik to see those advance chapters)

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