Chapter 35: Severus Snape

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(Leon POV)

We we're in the Defense Against the Dark Arts, or DADA for short, class and Lockhart is our new DADA teacher. I remember that this class was deemed curse throughout the series. Why every DADA teachers always be either villains or has a problem?

Lockhart just yaps about 'his' achievements and all the girls in the class believes his bullshit. I, on the other hand, just kept a straight face but mentally, I was grinning maniacally. Oh the pranks I do to this poor sack of sh*t. I would like the Weasley twins to involve with my pranks but I don't want them to get in trouble.

Lockhart reveals to us some little blue creatures called cornish pixies. I can hear them with their squeaky little voices. The boys laugh at those pixies. I look at the boys what's so funny about the pixies? Is their names? I just took out my wand and prepare for the event.

Lockhart freed the pixies and their mishap begins. The pixies flies everywhere, ripping the pages of Lockhart's books, throwing books at the students and Neville was lifted by them by his hears and got stuck at the chandelier. Everyone panic but I kept calm and summon a battery powered clipper at a table. No one even notice the clipper. Lockhart tries to stop the creatures but his wand was taken away from him. The pixies destroyed everything and doesn't seem to stop. I look at a random pixie and gave it suggestions using Ligilimency. The pixie notice the clipper and grin maniacally. It took the clipper and went to Lockhart's office.

Lockhart ran upstairs and order us four to solve the problem for him and went inside his office. Everyone tries to defend themselves but I walk up to Hermione and held her hand.

Leon: "Take out your wand. We'll do the freezing spell."

She look at me and nods. She took out her wand and we both cast a spell. Blue light came out from our wands and everything became quiet. The pixies floats in the air and can't move their bodies. Neville is still in the chandelier and I request Harry to put him down. He nods and cast [Wingardium Leviosa] and Neville slowly floats down the floor. He thanks Harry for that.

I cast a repair spell on the classroom except Lockhart's books and the room was clean like nothing happened to it. Lockhart came out of his room and everyone was surprise. The girls giggle and the boys laugh loudly. I even joined the laughter. We saw Lockhart's hair was utterly destroyed. His golden flock of hair turns into golden piece of mess. He touch his head and paled. He finds a mirror and was aghast on what happened to his hair. He has many bold spots and one of his eyebrows is shaved off. In the office, I saw a floating pixie still holding the clipper. Lockhart passes out due to shock and Hermione called the nurse.

(Snape's Office)

Snape: "What do you want Mr. Parker? What's so important that you would waste my time?"

Snape looks at me with his scowl face while at his table. He just sit there annoyed by my presence. I'm at Snape's office discussing something. Making an appointment to him was a hassle. I even have to use Dumbledore in order to force him to make time for me. I wrap his leg with my invisible chains and seal his magic. He didn't even notice my chain and his magic is sealed. They really need to train their magic sensory. I also sealed the room so that no one would eavesdrop or disturb us.

Leon: "I'm sorry for taking your precious time Professor Snape. Really though? Do you have to make it hard to anyone to make an appointment with you?"

He scowls at me and doesn't reply. I just shrug and show him a picture.

Leon: "Do you remember this?"

I showed him his shock face last year holding the note.

He slams the table with both of his hand and makes grim face.

Snape: "That was you?"

Leon: "Oh no, this magically appeared on my cellphone." [Sarcasm]. "Of course I did" [I confess].

He pulls out his wand and points it at me. I just stand there with a smug on my face and my hands was behind my back. Snape raise his eyebrow and was confuse on my demeanor. I was not afraid of him and he gets it. He tried Legilimency on me but was surprise that nothing happened.

Leon: [Roll eyes] "You can't use your magic because I sealed it. Even if you have your magic, you can't beat me."

I showed him my magic aura and pressure him. He was on his knees like something held him down. He was sweating profusely. After few seconds, I undo my pressure and he sighs in relief. He still scowls at me with a hint of fear. I change my aura into something comfortable and he was surprise by the sudden change. He stands up pat his robe to remove the dust on his robe. He looks at me once more. He still had a hint of fear but his does do his poker face.

Leon: "Alright. Now the introduction is finished. I have to ask you something. Why do you hate Harry?"

Snape was stunned by the sudden question but didn't reply.

Leon: "Is it because he looks like his father, James. That he bullied you all those years?"

Snape was about to say something but I stop him.

Leon: "Or is it because his look like his mother, Lily, and regretted that you didn't save her?"

Snape can't even talk because how much information I know about him. Well he tries to do but no sound came out.

Leon: "Whatever it may be, don't hate him. Even though he has the blood of James, don't forget his still has the blood of his mother. Remember Lily, I know you like her very much and regretted that you left her and/or didn't save her. It's not your fault."

Snape: "How do you know all of this?"

He remembers his days with Lily when they were kids. They laugh, always happy each other and he showed her his magic.

Leon: "Does it really matter? Please don't be so hard on Harry. He has a terrible life before he was introduce in the magical world."

I showed him the videos and pictures when he was tortured by the Durselys. He saw Harry's unlce abusing him and forced him to sleep under the stairs. Snape was furious and I can see that he is ready to kill them if I let him.

Leon: "Don't, I already threatened them and if they do something stupid. I'll give to the muggle authorities."

Snape looks at and it seems he wasn't satisfied. I Legilimency him once again and showed him his memories where he and Lily were having a picnic under a tree. He fell to his knees and cried there. I let him cry there until he can't cry no more. I give him a tissue and he wipes his tears away with him. He said thanks to me and just rest at his desk.

When he's okay to talk, he ask me about Harry's life. I told him his likes and don't likes and I show him the video when he kick Quirrell in the face. He laughs at that scene. I give him a cellphone and Harry's number in order to talk to him and apologize.

(AC: Want more chapters? Just check out my Patre for more 20+ Advance Chapters.)

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