Chapter 21: Christmas

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(Harry POV)

I heard someone calling me and I open my eyes. I look at my room and still messy as I remember. Currently, I'm at my house and the snow keeps falling outside. I don't feel the cold because Leon enchanted the house with protection from the cold and some other add-ons. He can almost do anything. He can do potions, helping dad on the business, a great cook and he help me to train my body and magic. Sometimes I'm jealous of him. While he do something amazing, I just sit there and look at them. He can even sense when I'm feeling down.

He was concern about me and ask me if there's anyone bothering me. When I told him about that I'm useless, he flicks my head. It was painful.


Harry: "Why did you do that for?" [Angrily]

Leon: "Because you're an idiot. You seem think that I'm a perfect being but I'm not. There are things that you can do that I can't."

Harry: "Like what?"

Leon: "For starters, you are a genius in flying and best player in Quidditch. Next, you can play Wizard chess better than me. Those are your strong points."

I contemplate on what he said.

Harry: "But those aren't enough for me."

Leon: "What exactly do you want Harry?"

Harry: "I don't know."

Leon: "Are you thinking something? Something that you want to prove, Harry?" [Concern]

When I heard he said prove something hit me. Am I jealous of him? Do I feel so inferior to him? Why do I feel that? Who exactly that I want to prove? Where this jealousy came from and when did it start? I tried to think. We are both adopted. We have the same tragic past. We are wizards. So what's the difference between us?

That's when I realize. We are not different. We are the same. We're both wizards. We're both adopted. Our parents were murdered. But I feel like, I was left behind. He's progressing way faster than me. He has done so much but I didn't. Compare to him, it feels like I'm stuck and can't move. I was unconsciously trying to prove myself to be useful to them so that I won't be left behind.

I felt something wrapping around me. My mind came back and saw my adopted father and Leon wrapping their arms around me. I feel warm.

CH: "Leon called me and told me what happened. It seems that you're jealous of his talents. While he's does something, you didn't do anything. Am I right?"

He pats my head.

CH: "It's alright to be jealous of your brother. Nobody is perfect. Don't think too much about it. You're young. You'll discover more when you grow up. Focus on being a kid rather than being adult. Leave the grown up job to me."

I hug them back and let a tear drop.

Leon: "Sorry man. I never knew. I was so focus on myself I've never thought that you'll get affected."

I wipe my tear and look at him.

Harry: "It's alright. I've never thought I get this kind of feeling. I'm sorry as well. Brother."

I offer him a fist bump. He smiled and fist bump back.

CH: "Did you get the picture, Leon?"

Leon: "Yup, it's all right here in my phone. I wonder how much if I sell this? I call it, the Tears of Harry Potter."

CH: "The price will plummet because of your terrible naming sense."

Leon: "Oh shut it. You come up with a name then."

He showed me a picture when I tear up. I was shocked and furious of the two. They laugh and was joking about selling it. To show that they're joking they deleted it in front of me.

(AC: What Harry didn't know is that they already got another copy of it.)

(End Flashback)

I still remember that day.

Ron: "Harry wake up!"

I heard Ron calling me and I went to the living room. I saw my family and my friend Ron waiting at the Christmas tree. There's a lot of presents for everybody. The presents came from orphanage, from the teachers in Hogwarts and a mysterious one as well. I open from the orphanage and it was full of snacks and candies. Leon were snacks and candies as well from them. Leon gave his signature Ube cake to Ron. Ron was was curious and salivating of how big it is. We can only hear munching from him.

I shake my head and open the mysterious box. There was no address. Ron ask me to open it with a full cake on his mouth. I open it and receive like a cloak of some sort. I wear it and my body disappear. Everyone was surprised. I look like a floating head in their perspective.

We played with it. Leon ask to play hide and seek. There will be two seekers. The seekers would count to ten and the hider must hid for about 5 minutes. While we were playing the game, dad went out to deliver the gifts for everyone and some business related activities. Ron tries desperately to find me. When the time was about to end, Leon actually found me. It happened the same when Ron's turn. The only one who manage to hide in 5 minutes was Leon.

Ron: ���No fair. What is your secret Leon?" [Demands an answer]

Harry: "Yeah. You're cheating!" [Chimes in]

Leon: [Laugh] "You two didn't notice that you're making too much noise when moving."

Ron: "We're quiet. We're not like you who has ears of a hawk."

Leon: "That's eyes of a hawk, Ron." [Corrected him]

Ron: "Hmph."

Leon: "Don't be a sore loser. Tell you what, how about I make you another of my Ube cake. What do you say?"

Ron: "You're the best hide and seeker ever!"

Me and Harry laugh at his statement and Ron joins in the fun. While we were playing our game. Chris just came home from delivering the gifts for everyone and some business. We tell about the game and chuckle about what happened. Christmas was fun that day.


(AC: You can check out my advance chapters at Patre If you like support and has a spare dollar, just check out my patre on and access those chapters.

2 chapters?! Nani the f*ck?! That's right. It's the last day of the month. Time sure flies. Hope you guys are still safe from the virus.)

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