Chapter 40: Is it Love?

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(Luna POV)

Over the past few months, everything was, well even more magical. I can feel my magic getting stronger thanks to Leon's private lessons. I can see many bright lights and threads everywhere. I can even turn it on and off manually now thanks to his guidance. Leon treated us three equally. He spends time with Hermione with her studies, Astoria giving hints about business and other things, and to me also. We always talk about the magical creatures with their habits, habitat and their behavior. He even ask me if I would like to go on adventure and find these mysterious creatures in the future which I excitedly accept.

When it comes to magic, he's magic is so powerful that sometimes I wonder how did he get his magic stronger so fast. When I saw him every now and then, the aura surrounds him keeps getting bigger and I can feel that it's getting stronger everyday. I ask him about it and he always told me it's just practice. I can only accept his explanation.

Everyone is very nice. Harry is good at Quidditch like he was natural but tends to get in trouble often, Ron is a funny guy and really good at magic chess but insensitive sometimes, Hermione is knowledgeable of many things but tends to get busy more often, Astoria is very reserve but when she's with Leon, she fidgets sometimes. I made a friend with a friendly giant named Hagrid. Like Leon, we always talk about our favorite magical creatures.

In the Ravenclaw house. I was mesmerized by our dorm and so many people to meet. At first I tried to be friendly towards them but they tend to ignore me and call me Loony Luna. It doesn't really bothers me but it kind of sad that they don't want to be friends with me. Sometimes my shoes and other things keeps disappearing. At first I blame the Nargles. I don't really care about the shoes but Leon notice this and was very furious but I don't know why. After few days later, many students came to me and brought back my things. They apologize and promise that they wouldn't do this again. Nowadays, nobody bullies me and they treated me friendlier.

I ask Leon if his involve with this. At first he tried to deny it but when I ignore him that time, he just spill it immediately. He's kind a cute when he sometimes panic. Usually, he always smile and hug us everytime whenever we meet. Always looks confident whenever we see him. I got used to his hugs. It was very warm and I like hugs. Astoria and Hermione was still not getting used to it but they are getting there. It's amusing when I saw him panic like that.

Leon: "I don't like bullies. When I notice that your things are gone, I investigated it and saw the culprits. I warn them not do that again and if they do, I will not make any my dishes to them ever. Also, they will be banned from my restaurants."

Leon cross his arms and makes a frown. I giggled at his actions and gave him a kiss on a cheek face. He touch his cheek face and was surprised. I giggle at his expression.

Luna: "Thank you."

I hug him and we spend a lot time together. I don't know what this feeling whenever I'm with him but I don't mind knowing it with Leon.

(Astoria POV)

My life in the magical world, at first, was very traumatic. When I was born, I got instantly got the blood curse. My mother died when I was young and my father was devastated when he didn't saved her. Our family cried when she departs from the world of living. Growing up, I felt weak and even moving my body hurts. I spend the rest of my days on bed waiting for my demise. Even though my mother is gone, my family treated me nicely and carefully. They always visits me and gave me anything I want but I don't really want anything. My only past time is to watch nature through the window and waited for my death.

After few months, my father heard that someone was healed by an elixir or a potion. He instantly contacted that person and ask about the elixir. I never saw my father's determined look before. It was kind of scary.

Days later, he took me to a muggle restaurant. I never tried muggles food before so I was curious. We went to a private room and there, we saw Mr. Ollivander and his family and one mysterious but handsome man. He crouch down and gave a snack to Mr. Ollivander's daughter and smile at her. My dad was impatient and kept threatening him. Mr. Hemsworth apologized and presented us a vial. My dad took it and take a whiff of it. He still doubted but just gave me the vial. I took a whiff of it and smells like lemon. I drank it and I felt the changes. I feel something warm moving inside me and felt that I was in bed tucked and feel the warmth of the blanket. I can see my hands gaining color and Mrs. Ollivander gave me a mirror. I was shock. I touch my face to see if this is real. I saw myself tearing up and my dad hugs me. I cried loudly but I was happy.

I tried the muggle food and it was amazing. So much flavor just in one dish. I would like to visit this place again in the future. I could invite my sister to eat this place. While I was focusing on my food, my father made a deal with Mr. Hemsworth without my consent and just sell me off with one of Mr. Hemsworth's son. I tried to argue with him but to no avail. I confess that I like to know his son but that doesn't mean you just have to give me to someone else. I was surprise that he was the one who made the potion and gadget. I was very curious.

When I saw him for the first time, he's very handsome. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and I can even feel the confidence from him. Which is weird. I met his friends and I can tell the bushy brown hair was head over heels to him. The other one was really weird. It's like she's going to fall asleep anytime. Leon just act friendly of the two or he just plain stupid to not notice the bushy brown hair's feelings.

Days go by, we spend a lot time together and I was impress that not only he's a genius but also his magic is very powerful. He teaches us some weird and different magic and it was amazing. My perspective in the magical world is even more magical.

I was jealous that I can't spend time with him in the dining hall because I'm a Slytherin but he always text me and we can spend a lot time together whenever I'm free. Everyone didn't treated me differently and everyone was nice. Ron is reluctantly nice to me because he thinks that all Slytherin is evil. So insensitive. Leon just threatened him to be nice or he won't taste his dishes. By the way, his cooking skills are amazing and everyone, except the Slytherin, get to taste his creations. He's very popular in the dining hall and many of the female group really wants to be with him. Like Harry Potter, he has a lot of admires but he knows their likes are just superficial.

He confess that he likes us three and I was glad that he does. I don't mind sharing him with Luna and she doesn't mind and was okay with it. I'm not too sure about Hermione. I like him too as well but I will not confess to him. At least, not yet. I don't know what love is but spending time with him isn't so bad.

(AC: If you want to see more advance chapters like 20+, just go to my

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