timeskip and superman

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A lot of time has passed and finally the day when we leave for Kobe is tomorrow.  Koshien stadium is situated in nishinoyama, hyogo prefecture near Kobe.  There are various inns there for players participating to stay so there was no problem for anything now .

In February,  the list of teams to participate in koshien spring tournament was announced and from Tokyo,  teito and seido high school were chosen. 

That day the whole school was in party mode and the principal sensei gave everyone a day off in happiness.  We had a barbecue party prepared by them managers and had fun while coach , REI chan and other coaches were drinking with various other teachers .

I daily fucked Mary when there was school but sadly didn't find any more sex friends.  But I was not that sad because sakura chan had her endurance improved so on Wednesday and Sunday we had sex full time .

I didn't write any new novels in this time after naruto and one piece . It was suggested by my editor who was promoted to chief editor when naruto was released first.  Naruto was first released in December and one piece in January.  The books sold like crazy and even the slightly different anime production started for naruto.  Manga was also released for both novels by my novel company drawn by famous mangaka here in this world. 

I had so much money from royalties now that I decided not to count after 50 million threshold was crossed . After donated 10 million yen to a charity organization which I confirmed was legit with coach . Coach was proud of me when I gave the cheque to his friend from the said organization.  I decided to donate the same amount every year to the same organization and made it so that 10 million yen was automatically deducted and transferred on January 1 of every new year from my account with the advise from coach .

On January 1 , me and sakura went with coach friend from organization to visit many orphanages managed by them . Sakura was happy and played  with many children there so it was decided that she would leave her job and join the organization as her new job   . I trusted mr stone so I told him my relationship with sakura chan and told him to keep it secret from everybody even coach when I asked her to help sakura chan with her job .

Mr stone was the name of foreign friend of coach who was the director of the organization.  He was a very straightforward man who managed the world wide organization. 

I went to the orphanages time to time to watch sakura chan doing her work happily and bring gifts for the children.  These little guys came with  sakura chan to watch our practice matches and some  small tournament matches and cheered for me loudly whole time . Eijun and kominato took care of them and some also were influenced by the loud mouth of his . I taught them baseball whenever I went to their orphanages and gave them copies of my books .

The name superman the super author of 2 masterpieces was all over the news and many were searching for him . Superman was the pen name I decided to use to write novels . I was glad that I decided to hide my name as just by imagining the aftermath if I used it gave me goosebumps.  So much news was running and if they found out I was was also a famous baseball player in high school , the number of people would make dizzy . I didn't want to be chased by media whole day and to let them find my relationship with sakura chan .

Oh yeah , I also  became best friends with raichi . When they came for a practice match I struck him out without letting him hit the ball even once . When the match over,  me and raichi were laughing like idiots with eijun ignoring the weird looks from others.  I saw that todoroki coach was troubled with money . So I gave him 1 million YEN secretly and warned him to take care of raichi as he was going to be a star pro player in future.  Raichi told me that he was not fed with good food daily so I took him to ramen stand and we ate 5 bowls with eijun who for some reason also became friends with raichi . I guessed that both of them were idiots and loud mouths so they felt deep friendship .

After that we at least had a practice match with yakushi high school once every week or sometimes 2 . Coach welcomed it with fighting spirit . Our fielders and pitchers improved insanely after so many serious matches with yakushi high school . Yakushi had problems with pitchers , so I secretly taught the best pitcher form to raichi while correcting his batting form . Now I could definitely say that no other pitcher than me or eijun can have a chance to swing out raichi in Tokyo's high school teams including mei and taiyo. 

I trained only to control by breaking balls so , I taught my findings to eijun which were insane in number as I practiced for hours at home with my high stamina perk . Chris senpai found out the right ones from my suggestions for eijun . So eijun improved his control for numbers and fastball tremendously.  Now , he could pitch 11 numbers with good control and fastballs which was now 143 max with excellent control. 

We practiced lightly today and went for koshien seen off by our school with cheers of good luck .

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