gift from god and timeskip

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I slept my first night in new world peacefully and woke up fresh in the morning . I then remembered that God had talked about some gifts so I checked for any information inside my mind . I was excited from what I found . There were 2 gifts from God.

1. System
2. High stamina perk

The high stamina perk was was very useful . I would be able to  train longer in future and build a body that could pitch for a whole game and never get tired. 

That's right I will be a pitcher in this life and strive to become ace like sawamura and furuya . The high stamina would be a tremendous help on the way to become best pitcher in the world .

I decided to check system later and first check my body condition which I forgot in excitement . I calmed my mind and did light stretching and found out many good things  . This new body had some talent for the sport unlike my previous one . My height was 5 ft 5 inch tall , good body build for extreme sports . I was excited as I realised the fact that I had way more potential in this new life .

I then did some light training , ate breakfast and went out to familiarize with new environment. Even though I had all memories of this previous owner of my body , it was necessary to get used to it early . I spent the whole day out visiting my neighborhood and talking with people.  When night came,  I went back straight to my room and laid down to think  .

The neighborhood was not much different from my past life.  People were kind and I recognized them from memories . I confirmed the timeline too . I was same age as sawamura and furuya which made me excited . I looked forward to meet them and compete for position of ace as I planned to join seido high school .

After bathing,  I decided it was time to  know about the system . I the called system in my mind .



Strength,  agility,  dexterity


pitching  , batting,  fielding


It was a system that was made for me . I was excited now totally for future .

In system shop there were only skills available like cutball , curveball , pitcher forms etc . To purchase from shop achievements points were required which I could acquire by various achievements during games .

Life then continued . I fully used high  stamina to train my body first and practice basics for batting and  fielding . I had some achievement points which I guessed were available like starter pack or something and purchased perfect pitching form for my body to avoid injuries and have a long life as a pitcher . My new form was perfect as it helped me to put all my power in every pitch and there were no injuries as long as I maintained it properly . I familiarized with my form and practiced only fastballs first .

When I was in 3 rd year of middle school , I joined baseball club there.  It was a weak club but I had fun playing with my new friends . We talked about baseball all the time and I trained them with my knowledge from previous life . We improved tremendously in the year and went to finals in the regional national tournament .

We lost as level of the other team was cer much higher than our fielders . I allowed some hit during the game which passed through because of errors of my teammates but we had fun .

After losing we cried on the ground and I promised myself that I would improve more so that my team would never lose in future .after crying our hearts out we went back to school and were surprised by warm welcome by teachers and students. 

Random teacher - you guys did well . Learn from the defeat and rise up in life . Everybody clap and lets celebrate our school baseball teams first appearance in finals of tournament . Hahahaha...

Clap clap clap .....

We again cried and listened to various praises from students and teachers.

After that days went by as we trained fully with juniors using the training menu I came up with .

In this time i never checked my status again or purchased anything except perfect pitching form from store.  I had decided to work hard all my myself the whole time as I knew that to bite more than I can chew will be harmful rather than a plus .

LIFE IN DIAMOND NO ACE WORLd حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن