yakushi high school

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Before coming back  after the win against akikawa academy,  coach decided that I was best to watch the next game which will decide our opponent. 

Everybody was almost certain that ichidai high school will win as their ace manaka was a strong pitcher and their rest of the members were not inferior to ours .

But the result was completely different . Yakushi high school emerged victorious and surprised the crowd who were discussing the emergence of a dark horse in the Tokyo tournament . I watched the whole game with fire in eyes as I knew about this result from anime already. 

Todoroki raichi was a loudmouth like sawamura and I liked his character . In the start , raichi scored a home run from ichidai highschool teams ace manaka which pretty much decided the game . After that manaka continued pitching despite being in bad shape and ichidai was forced to change pitchers . Manaka remained on the field as a fielder and the game transformed in to a slugging contest .

After a while, manaka made it back to the mound with better control but he was injured during the battle between raichi and him . After that ichidai Morales suffered and the game was decided.  Yakushi won and they will be our next opponents . I unconsciously released my aura after the match ended and raichi noticed it . I ignored him and we went towards our bus . All had serious expression on their faces and were full  of fighting spirit  . Especially tanba senpai and furuya . Furuya was excited inside but outside wore a noted expression like always.  I knew it because he was releasing blue aura unconsciously the whole time . I knew the relationship of rivals of tanba senpai and manaka from ichidai high school from the anime.  So I could guess his mood and decided not interfere. 

Me , furuya and kominato got lost on the way and unintentionally saw raichi who was talking shit and his father todoroki coach of yakushi high school . I didn't like childish bickering so decided to not meet him . But it was not the same for furuya and kominato . Then their bickering started which I obviously didn't pay any attention to . I got annoyed of being ignored so greeted 3 of them including raichi with my love fist on the head.  I then ignored raichi and his father and dragged kominato and furuya back to our bus .

They told everybody of their encounter. I didn't stop them as it lit a bigger fire inside everybody's hearts. 
We then reached our school training facilities. 

After the meeting   speech of coach and my batting practice , I returned to my room at 11pm . I found that lights were on and yuki senpai was awake .

Ken - what's wrong senpai,  cant sleep

Yuki - ah .. ken you're back . Yes I cant sleep . I cant help but think about our old rivals of ichidai and yakushi high school ( aura) .

Dont mistake anything from the always cool expression of yuki captain . In truth he is the player with most fire in his heart on them .

Ken - nanda.  That's all . Come senpai let's clear your mind by playing shogi   .

Then we played I don't remember how many rounds of shogi . I won all the rounds as captain totally sucked at the sport but didn't have any recollection of it.  I felt great to win easily everytime so I had no problems playing more .

Yuki - you're good , thanks for the game ( serious aura ) . But let's sleep as we have to wake up early .

Ken - Haha..  senpai I don't mind playing some more seeing that you are all fired up .

Then we played 10 more rounds and of course I won them all and went to sleep .

Morning came and usual day of practice continued . There was not much of a meeting for our next game as there was no data available on yakushi team other than the game we watched. 

Everybody practiced hard all day including me . Tanba senpai was in a bad shape recently,  so I helped him with his practice.  I corrected his form from time to time and got him in full shape at night .we then had dinner and meeting was held .

I just sat there absentmindedly as I will have no problem scoring from sanada yakushi ace . I already analysed his power curve which was only slightly better in control than me and for fastball,  huh if I could not even score a run from it then what was the point of all that hard practice.  I practiced my swings with a bat more heavier than raichi so in terms of swing speed and power I was slightly ahead of him . Only slightly because raichi possessed high talent for batting like yuki captain which I lacked .

Then the starting members were announced which I paid attention to . Starting pitcher was decided to be tanba senpai . I cursed my self inwardly because I got him back in full shape so , could not pitch in the game . There was only small chance as coach included me as a outfielder in starting members .

I then swung my bat in frustration till late night and went to sleep .

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