after the final match

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After the match ended we celebrated loudly and went to thank the crowd .

Crowd - yo , Japan's top . Well played . I will come to see you guys again  .

Crowd - win the spring koshien too.

I could see my fan girls shouting in the stands and pissed of sakura chan while watching them with fierce eyes . I laughed out loudly after seeing her and got embarrassed that I forgot my team beside me .

Hongo came to me and arrogantly said that they would win at koshien and left.  I totally ignored him . After we packed our things to leave coach  called me .

Coach - ( Smirk ) Ken go many people from national and local media are here for you . Make it short and join with miyuki who is there now .

Ken - yes sir

I went there and saw miyuki senpai was surrounded by many reporters wearing bands and bombarding him with questions . He saw me and waved at me and left . I  cursed him because he left with this hungry crowd of reporters as I hadn't prepared any speech or anything yet. 

Ken - ma ma ... everybody calm down . It's my first time so please ask one or 2 questions and let me leave . I'm tired after a full game. 

I winked at the short man , tall woman duo from the anime and signaled them to start .

Short man - so mr Ken,  we are all adults so we will allow that but our condition is to that you answer are questions honestly as you are a famous player at national level now . I'm sure that your various fans will be waiting for your news .

I sent him a thumbs up in secret.  I blushed lightly at the famous comment and everyone laughed lightly at me .

I then told them that I will answer the TV crew first and will answer the reporters from sports magazines and newspapers later at the same time .

I had a huge smile on my face during the whole interview with the TV channels reporters and waved my hand at the camera at the end . Then for the other reporters left , I answered their questions truthfully . They asked about various things like my opinion about other players , my dreams etc . I ended the interview time with a comment

Ken - you see , I think that our job is to provide  dreams to the people who came to watch us like the pro players did for me .

After that I bowed and left to find miyuki senpai with hands full of professional  cards that they gave me . The whole time miyuki senpai teased me which I obviously ignored till we met with our team and went back in our bus .

Inside the bus

Coach - everybody,  I won't say much as you all know your mistakes now and are tired .  I will only say that you made me proud and showed the baseball of seido high school to everybody.  Now rest well as we will train more and more for  the koshien spring tournament .

Team - yes sir

We reached school and found a huge crowd of students and teachers at the gate . We were praised by everyone and went to do our things . Coach gave us free time till night when meeting was held to discuss various things for training from tomorrow. 

I was still very excited so started running laps to ease the tension in my body . After I felt refreshed,, I called the coach to skip the meeting at night . I got his permission and went home .

I met with sakura chan who was naked after a bath and dragged her to bed for a heavy workout.  We fucked till midnight and slept after the hard work .

In the morning I recieved a call from coach that it was a day off from school and training.  I ran till 7 am and woke sakura chan whose body was aching from last night action . I said sorry with a cute expression and told her to take a day off from work . We decided to have a date today. 

I relaxed with sakura chan the whole day and we went to watch a movie at night . After we got home sakura chan went to sleep and we decided to have sex less often as her body couldn't handle it daily. It was a pleasant side effect of my heavy stamina perk . I vowed to learn to control myself fr0m today. After that I completed the one piece novel .

The next day I went to school and practiced like my normal routine after school . After practice was over , I called my editor and we met in a nearby cafe for the meeting . He came and excitedly told me that my naruto would be released tomorrow in the market. I replied with a cool tone that there was no need to tell me in advance and just transfer my money.  Well,  inwardly I was glad that my book would be on market .

I just wrote the books because I didn't want to forget the good manga and anime from my past life. Here  there were many too but I didn't have  time to enjoy them . I gave him the one piece novel which I had changed a few things as I had never watched the ending . The novel was more than 1000 pages in total so I told him to  read afterwards.  He excitedly took it and went back running. 

At night 9 PM when I was swinging my bat in the courtyard,  i recieved a excited call from . He told me that the new novel was as good as the previous one but this one will sell way more as the genre was more popular . After the call I realised that it was true that stuff like adventure was more popular in my past life too . Well I liked naruto more as I was more of the serious type . I just decided to forget and continued to swing my bat and went to sleep enduring my urge to eat the naked wife on the bed .

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