daily life at seido high school

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I quickly reached the cafeteria.  I saw only senpai there eating like bull .

Jun senpai - good going new member , finished practice so early . Eat at least 3 bowls of rice now or ( Smiling dangerously ) we won't let you go .

All - that's right .

Ken - it alright senpai ( confident) , I am going to eat way more than 3 bowls.  Dont worry about me .

Jun - huh.... you said it yourself . Everybody keep a close eye on him . If he cant finish  his food let's smack him . Hahaha..

All - OK HAHA...

I then ignored that comment and requested for large bowl of rice and miso soup and sat down . The whole time I was eating my food, everybody was watching me with stupefied expressions. 

Ken- um... senpai , its awkward if you you watch me eating the whole time .

Jun - idiot kouhai , everybody is surprised at your appetite.  Here every first and even some second years struggle to finish 3 small bowls and you bastard thing eat 5 large ones with a easy expression.  You monster .. hahahaha... I like it .

All - nodding repeatedly

Ken - I'm surprised now , looks like my fellow first year members are not serious with baseball.  They cant even eat 3 bowls,  sigh such weak bodies . ( small bow ) senpai , please train their bodies ruthlessly so that they can be any help of the team .

Jun - bakayaro, ( smiling dangerously) it goes without saying . Dont worry you will also receive our love fully  . Hahaha..

Ken - thank you senpai , I look forward training with all of you . You see , my goal is to become a major leaguer so I appreciate heavy training menu here . Thank you for food . Bye senpai good night , I'm going indoors to swing bat for a while .

Just- oh .. major leaguer huh .. big dreams you idiot . We will see if you got passion for the sport or not here . Hahaha... go you handsome bastard .

I then went to indoor gym and started practicing bat swings while waiting for furuya and miyuki there . Oh yeah , I was very handsome in this life too . It was new feeling to be watched by girls when we went to our matches in middle school .

When I reached the gym , I saw sawamura unexpectedly practicing his pitching form .

Ken - yo sawamura , looks like you are diligent loud mouth . Haha

Eijun - you you.. ken . You handsome bastard , the coach forbade to practice pitching during training . He is like a mafia boss too... scary

Ken - mafia boss hahaha.... . Oye  . Forget it . You know coach is right . You and furuya have such good potential but lousy body . Furuya got fastball and  you got irregular fastball . But you cant do anything properly without a good lower body so coach is now focusing on that .

Eijun - that's right .. Haha..  I got potential . Haha... but you are right too . Yosh .. I will run everyday with tire and build a strong body and become ace ...hashanah.. 

Ken - you idiot loudmouth , like it will be that easy . Sigh forget it . Oye eijun , if you want to improve fast go train with Chris senpai . He was regular catcher on the team before miyuki senpai but had to retire to a team manager because of shoulder injury.  Dont bother him with that loud mouth of yours and sincerely ask him to train you .

Eijun - hoo.. such a strong player . Ok I will do that hahaha.. I will become strong  ace . Haha... 

When we were talking , silently miyuki and furuya were listening to our whole conversation without us knowing .

Miyuki - hahaha .. you have got it hard furuya .. . Such a strong player in the same year and even the same position . Interesting .  Hahahaha ... that's why I can't quit catching..

Furuya - yes but I will not lose ( aura )

Miyuki - it's good to be fired up but first let's go and catch your balls. Ah ... and remember Ken's words with heart and train your body as it will be easy to learn control after gaining a good lower body . You also bother chris senpai and request him to train you .

Furuya - ok

Then I ignored the loud mouth of eijun and started practicing batting swing speed.  Furuya didn't come the whole time and I went to bed after swinging my bat for 4 hours straight using high stamina perk.

Next day , I met kominato , kanemaru , tojo and other first years and became friends with them . I also gave them pointers with bat control and told them to practice more bat swings after practice in their free time .

Like I expected , eijun and furuya started to train with manual from chris senpai in basics and body training . Both their hard work bore fruit quickly and shared showing on their bodies . For pitching there progress would have to be seen in actual games as those bastards were being secretive and not showing me their practice  . Their progress I occasionally asked miyuki senpai who  practiced with them in bullpen  .

Coach also forgave eijun after seeing his hard work and allowed him to practice pitching moderately. 

I practiced swings at night with kominato and kanemaru at night always and their batiing skills improved considerably. 

All the main characters of the story were now way stronger than they were in anime in the start of it . I planned to win every tournament with my team this time so their growths were necessary . Now , after their growths many things would change from the story in anime for good .

I also purchased enhanced brain skill from system store with 1500 ap . It made me broke but helped tremendously with studies and practice.  My perception for ball increased and it became easier to master new types of pitch. 

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