Registration: Cyrus POV

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Run. Don't look back. Don't stop. My tears had finally dried up after I crossed state lines and now my only focus was forward. I hadn't slept in days. Even if my eyes closed for only a few seconds, my dreams would be filled with memories of murder and torture. No. I couldn't sleep. I'd lose the last bit of sanity and, dare I say, hope that I had left. So instead I ran. My only companions were my wolf, who was silent but restless, and the sound of my paws hitting the ground in a continuous rhythm.

I didn't have any specific destination besides East. That's where the Law Council was. I was living evidence of more than enough crimes against...against that rogue pack. Maybe they'd finally do something. I'd lost track of how long I'd been running. The only thing I was sure of was that the Moon was near full when I began. It was effectively a half Moon now, and I was starting to feel the weight of both my and my wolf's fatigue. My legs hurt. My paws were tender. I wasn't even sure if I was going east anymore. Suddenly, I broke through a wall of scent. Fuck.

I stopped for the first time in what was probably weeks. My legs shook, nearly too fatigued to hold my own weight. Dragging myself back to the scent line, I inhaled deeply while praying no one came to kill this particular trespasser. I felt my anxiety ease as I realized the scent line smelled heavily of sage. The universal sign of neutral territory. Thank The Mother. After pulling myself from the start of an anxiety attack, I tried to will myself to continue. Instead, my legs dropped me to the ground. The cool grass was almost too soft, and I was way too tired. My eyelids got heavier the longer I laid in the natural comfort. The last thing my eyes saw was the half-moon edging towards the end of the sky.

Sunlight. Pure, unadulterated sunlight. That's what I awake to. Squinting my eyes at the clear sky, I shake out my filthy fur. After stretching, I readied myself to continue. Before I could lift a single paw my wolf protested angrily, without explanation. He must be insane, and I let him know as much.

We aren't safe! We need to keep going.

He sat us down firmly and fought me whenever I tried to get us up. I was starting to get irritated with this meaningless rebellion.

Why are you fighting me?! Have you finally given up!? Would you rather we stay as Marren's plaything? To use our body and our skills?....To kill at his own discretion?

I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to stop the angry and fearful tears that had started to fall. Had he really given up on me? On us?

I'm still holding out hope for our future...for our mate.

He finally answered

As am I. I'm not fighting you for the hell of it. The Mother Spirit called us to this place. I know you can't feel it, but I can. I also feel your fear. Believe me, I'm scared as well, but the goddess wants us here for a reason. Do you trust me?

I felt my wolf's honesty as he begged me to follow the pull he was feeling. Trust wasn't the issue but...if this was because of The Mother then maybe... Against my better, more rational judgment, something told me that it deserved to be looked into at least.

Yes. But promise me that if nothing happens by winter, we move on.

I promise.

Finally, coming to an agreement, I was able to stand. Scenting the air, I strained my ears to find the water I smelled. Following the faint sounds, I came to a medium-sized lake. Walking around its shore, it was easy to see that it was fairly deep. My bones cracked and popped as I shifted back to my human form for the first time in weeks. Taking a deep breath, I jumped into the clear, pale blue water. I curled into a ball as the water surrounded me and then calmed. By the time I decided to breach the surface, my lungs burned and my chest ached. As I floated across the water, I felt the layers upon layers of dirt and muscle fatigue peel away. I wonder what this place held for us.

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