Alpha Baby: Leo POV

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It's been about two weeks since Ciara was born, and her alpha genes were starting to come through. For one thing, she was eating more. So much so that Cy's nipples had become tender and swollen. One day, he couldn't even bear to wear a shirt from the discomfort. Then there was how big she was getting. She was barely two weeks, but she could pass as a one to two-month-old. And she was long. I figured she would be tall since most shifters were. Especially alphas, which Cy and I both were. There were also cute things too. For example, I could tell she would take after her mama in more ways than one.

I remembered when Josh had come into her room with bags. She started to get excited because she figured they must be for her. Hell, they usually were. This time, though, it wasn't the case. Cy had sent him to the store to get creme for his poor abused nipples. The moment she realized it wasn't for her, her entire demeanor towards Josh changed. When he reached for her, she gave the straightest stare I'd ever seen from a baby. Even as he held her, the look didn't change. Cy and I couldn't help but laugh.

At the moment I watched as Josh played with our pup. She'd forgiven him, but it'd taken a day or so. She didn't like to be deceived. Cy was taking a nap in our room. I glanced at the clock. I need to make him lunch soon. My wolf and I had been extra attentive to our mate. We were anxious from the pregnancy complications, and my wolf's instincts made it so much worse. The slightest things would have me worry; like when I wake up without him by my side. I nearly had a panic attack thinking about all the things that could have happened. All of which were ridiculous and completely unrealistic. But they still freaked me the fuck out.

I ran my fingers through my hair and walked back to our room. I froze in the doorway. The bed was empty. My wolf started to panic until we heard the bathroom door open. Cy walked out while stretching. When he saw me, he gave his signature smile and walked to me,

 "Hi, baby."

My wolf purred at the pet name. The previous panic completely forgotten as his scent enveloped us. I wrapped my arms around his waist and inhaled his scent before kissing his nose and lips,

 "Hello, my love. You just woke up, huh?"

He nodded. I smiled at him,

 "Wanna come to the kitchen with me while I make us some lunch?"

He nodded, and I picked him up, carrying him bridal style. He let me carry him a lot more these days, probably just indulging my panicky wolf, but I liked it. I loved it. I loved having him in my arms. I loved the reassurance of his weight and warmth against me. It reminded me that he was okay. That he was still by my side. When we got to the kitchen, I settled him on the counter, as per usual, and started to rummage around in the fridge. I saw chicken breast, green peppers, and onions along with tortillas. Taking that into account, I made us some chicken tacos. I smiled as my baby ate happily. The way he ate the tacos was more like a taquito. He liked to roll them up because it made less of a mess.

My dad walked in cooing at a laughing Ciara as he headed to the fridge. I watched in amazement as he poured a perfect glass of juice while still entertaining Ciara. I swear, he didn't miss a beat. He only ever had one kid, so where did those skills come from? I wonder if Cy and I would ever be able to pull such a thing off. If I were to put money on it, then Cy would master it way before me. He was an incredible parent. He knew what Ciara needed immediately. I'd picked up things along the way, but he just automatically knew and understood. Her different cries and looks, he picked up on all of it immediately. It was amazing to watch, and it made me so proud to be his mate.

 "What are you thinking about?"

I focused on Cy with a smile as he finished his last taco/taquito,


He blinked in slight surprise before tilting his head in question. I kissed his lips,

 "I was thinking about what a great mama my mate is. You make me jealous sometimes with how easily you know and understand what to do. I'm so proud to have a family with you by my side. I love you, baby."

He blushed slightly and kissed my lips as he wrapped his arms around my neck,

 "I love you, too. Thank you..."

He spoke quietly because he was bashful from the compliment and I found it adorable. He was so cute when he was like this. It was rare I could get him to react this way. It was like the perfect storm; everything had to fall into place just so. I kissed his cheeks and carried him to Ciara's nursery, setting him in the rocking chair. Ciara was dozing in her crib, but she should be waking up to feed soon. As if she knew we were in the room, she opened her pretty silver eyes and made the sounds she did when she was hungry. I cooed at her adorable face as she watched me while I picked her up. She put her hand on my face as I gave her Eskimo kisses. I kissed her squishy, soft cheek before handing her to Cy.

He already had a cover around his shoulders, so that he could feed Ciara without showing off his swollen, red, slightly elongated nipples. Apparently, it was normal for those who breastfed and when Ciara was weened, his body would go back to normal. Still, he was already a private person, especially when it came to his body, so he preferred to feed Ciara in privacy. I ran my fingers through his hair and he purred quietly in response and made himself comfortable as Ciara fed. After a bit, he burped her and rocked her to sleep before placing her into her crib. He stood up; stretching, readjusting his shirt as he turned to me. I pulled him into my arms and pecked his lips, bringing a smile to his face.

We headed back to our room, and I ran us a bath to relax in. Cy leaned against me as I kissed his sweet lips. He was straddling me as I held his waist. Since we'd both taken off from school, we had quite a bit of time to ourselves, even with our pup. It allowed me to savor moments like this. Just having him in my arms as we lost ourselves in each other. We eventually pulled apart from lack of oxygen, and he rested his head against my shoulder. I rubbed his back as he rested against me and enjoyed the calm. We stayed in the water until it began to cool and washed each other before getting out.

As Cy was putting his shirt on, we heard crying from the room next door. Cy started to head over, but I guided him to the bed instead and told him to relax. I headed out of the room to our pup's and went straight to our baby girl, who stopped crying as soon as she saw my face. Instead, she pouted with watery eyes as the scent of what had been done in her diaper reached my nose. I cooed at her gently as I took her to the changing table. Changing her diaper didn't take too long, and I was soon rocking her back to sleep. Or trying to. She only smiled and held onto my shirt.

I sighed and gave in, carrying her back to Cy and I's room. Walking in, I found Cy on the bed playing music on his phone. He'd been playing Bring Me the Horizon, but at the sight of me with our pup, he switched it to The Matrix soundtrack. We'd watched the entire trilogy, and he'd ended up liking it more than I thought he would. He played the soundtrack for the first movie for an entire three weeks while he was in his third month and Ciara came out the womb loving it. Playing it calmed her down and if any other music was playing, she'd make her deadly serious face and ignore nearly everyone in protest. Cy smiled as we approached,

 "Hi, baby girl. Did you want to hang out in our room today?"

At the sound of her mama's voice, she made happy gurgling noises and squirmed, trying to get to his scent and body. I sat down next to my baby and he leaned against me as he rubbed his finger against Ciara's cheek. She grabbed his finger and suckled on it before smiling at the both of us. We smiled down at her adorableness. I kissed her forehead, and she made more happy noises. We just sat and played with her; entertaining our little bundle until she drifted off to sleep. I turned to Cy and found him doing the same. I kissed both their foreheads and carefully carried our pup back to her room. After laying her in the cradle, I walked back to our room and climbed into bed behind Cy, since he'd snuggled into my pillow. I pulled him close, and he turned into my chest, his hands gripping my shirt lightly.

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