Lessons: Cyrus POV

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I stood in front of six pups, each with a piece of paper in their hands, with Ciara held against my chest. She was a bit clingier this morning, so she was here with me to watch her mama at work. By The Mother, I hope I'm doing this right. I met each of the pups' eyes,

 "I'm proud of you all for having your apology letters ready this morning. It shows that you all are taking this seriously and you should be proud of yourselves for doing so. Now, I'll read over each of them with you, one-on-one, before you give it to Skylar. I'll start with you, James. Follow me to the library and the rest of you pups, wait outside until you're asked to come in, okay?"

They all nodded and followed me as we walked to the library. Ciara played with my hair quietly as I walked. She smelled like baby's breath flowers, all pups do before they get their animal halves and develop their own natural scent. It was a refreshing and calming scent as I opened the door to the library. I paused in my tracks briefly as I entered. The all too familiar scent of chocolate mint reached me and brought a small smile to my face. My clingy alpha had found his way inside, though I couldn't see him, and I found it quite cute. He probably wanted to make sure no one, including the parents, tried to circumvent this small punishment. I also wouldn't put it past him to be cheering me on from his hiding place. As I walked, I spoke to him through our link.

 You know I can smell you in here, right Leo?

There was a bit of silence before he responded innocently.

 I have no idea what you're talking about, love

I slightly shook my head as I sat at the table nearest the door with Ciara cradled in my arms. She protested a bit since her toy, also known as my hair, was now too far for her to reach. I gave her my free hand, and she quickly occupied herself with my fingers while James sat in the seat across from me. He sat his paper on the table and slid it to me without meeting my eye. I took the paper, but didn't read it just yet,

 "James, I'm glad you understand that you did something wrong and that you probably feel guilty, maybe even ashamed, over it, but don't allow it to consume you. You'll only be hurting yourself more than necessary. We all make mistakes and it won't negate the good you do, as long as you learn from it, which is what you're doing right now. Do you understand?"

James' head peeped up at me before looking down for a moment. After taking a breath, he looked up with glossy eyes,

 "I really am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Skylar like that it just felt like everyone was so extra nice to him all the time even though everything comes easy to him. They'd buy him things and do stuff for him even when he didn't ask for it."

I tilted my head slightly,

 "So you were a bit jealous?"

James looked away for a second before nodding. I sighed. I could figure out why the pack was being careful and extra kind to Skylar. He was an orphan under the care of the pack. They probably wanted to try and help to fill the space he was now left with. James might not have seen it that way. He was only a kid. I met his eyes calmly,

 "I can understand how you could get a little jealous. It seemed like Skylar got everything he could have ever wanted or needed, but they were just trying to help Skylar the best way they could because of the loss that he's going through. It was their way of helping him and making sure that he was okay and felt cared for. Do you see what I'm getting at?"

James nodded a little sadly,

 "I do now. When I think back...I feel selfish. Skylar got a lot of extra attention, but he didn't have his parents to do it. I never thought about it like that, though."

 "That's alright because you know it now. Sometimes we can't always see the whole picture at first glance. We should also be careful with how we allow our emotions toward things affect our viewpoint too much. I'm not saying that you can never ever feel jealousy again, that's impossible. Just don't let it be the main thing you feel. Take a moment to think about why you feel that way and, before you do anything because of it, think about how it would feel if someone did the same to you. In fact, keep this in mind for any emotions and actions you feel towards someone."

He nodded with a determined look in his eye. I offered a small, sincere smile before looking down at the paper. My eyes widened briefly as I examined it. It was two paragraphs long in childish, slightly sloppy handwriting. I was surprised he wrote so much and I was thankful that he was actually taking it seriously. To be honest, after all the parents had bombarded my door, I thought I'd be spending most of the time convincing these pups that they not only did something wrong but that they should apologize and be punished for it. James' effort, though, gave me hope. As I read the apology, a small smile came to my lips. It was sincere, and he clearly stated where he went wrong and promised to do better, starting off with beginning their friendship again. I looked back to James, who'd been watching me nervously, and nodded with a small smile,

 "This is very good, James. I think Skylar will really appreciate it when you give it to him tomorrow, along with your other friends."

James smiled happily and nodded as I passed the paper back to him. As he got up to leave, I spoke again,

 "Send in the next person, alright?"

He nodded and told me 'bye' before walking out the door. I took a breath; one down, five to go. Ciara cooed softly, and I smiled down at her, which made her coo even more as she played with my fingers. As I kissed her forehead, I heard the next pup enter.

I wasn't finished until around 2 PM. A bit longer than I'd like, but shorter than I thought it would be. Four of three of the six pups had entered while already in the stages of remorse. One felt that he had been wrong, but that he shouldn't have to be grounded because of it, so we had a little talk and he had to re-write his apology twice. But he was an angel compared to the last two. Both of them had walked in with a one-line apology on the paper. A two-word sentence, to be honest. On top of that, neither of them felt they did anything wrong at all. It took thirty minutes to show them how wrong they were and another thirty for them to understand that they should be remorseful and apologetic. The only upside was that I was able to do it at the same time because they were twins. That didn't stop me from having separate talks with them afterward to make sure that they were learning from this incident.

Now that everything was done with, for now, I felt a headache coming on. Nothing serious, but it was a bit uncomfortable. I sighed and looked down at Ciara. She'd fallen asleep while I'd been speaking to the fourth pup, but she'd be waking up soon to eat. I got up and walked towards the door. Before I reached it, a certain golden blonde alpha appeared and held the door open. I smiled at Leo as he looked at me with pride and affection. As I walked past him, I clicked my tongue softly,

 "So you just sat back and eavesdropped the whole time?"

His arm slid around my waist as we made our way to Ciara's room,

 "Eavesdrop is a bit harsh, isn't it, love?"

I only hummed in response before glancing at him to see him pout slightly. Kissing his cheek, I leaned into his side,

 "Did I do alright?"

He rubbed my waist as he squeezed me slightly, before kissing my cheek,

 "Better than alright, baby. I almost forgot you weren't Luna yet."

I smiled slightly as we walked into Ciara's nursery. I hope so.

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