???: ??? POV

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The scent of blood permeated the surrounding area as the remaining warriors fought as the last defense. The territory had been heavily sieged by larger feral shifters and, though the warriors were skilled, size and strength were a huge advantage in battle. I looked around at my shadow with worry. We were sizeable, but nothing compared to the larger communities that could have taken this sort of attack. I knew I should have told those idiots from the council to move faster. We could have been and had the meeting by now. Our forces would have been reinforced and instead, they were stationed at the Black Sun pack lands. For why?! Are they having tea while everyone is repeatedly attacked?! Fuck! I tackled the bear shifter that was trying to take my son down from behind. My Beta joined me soon after; helping to hold it down as I ripped its throat out. I scanned the field again and noticed a group of rogues edging towards the main house. With a yowl, I called through the link and alerted the freed-up warriors who'd killed their enemies.

As we surrounded the rogues, I took account of them. Three delta wolves, a tiger gamma, and a liger hybrid beta. Unlike the ferals, they instantly got into a well-trained formation; an outward-facing circle protecting each other's backs. I growled, irritated, and lept towards the liger. Before my claws could graze his fur, my body was knocked to the side and pain exploded in my side. Damn it! I coughed up blood as I hit the ground; my vision momentarily blurry before clearing as gunshots rang out. Many of the warriors fell in pools of blood while others growled in pain, unable to move. I growled and started to push myself up when a heavy paw pushed me into the dirt. I yowled angrily, and their claws dug into my skin. An emotionless voice spoke from above,

"Stop before we actually erase this pitiful shadow of yours, Alpha. We only came here for information, but you jaguars are as prideful as always and actually put up an okay resistance."

Information? What the hell could we tell them? I looked up to see a shorter, black-haired male with dark brown eyes. He smelled of the liger hybrid. I growled, and he sighed in boredom before his head snapped to the right. There was a blur of fur before a loud thump and crack while the black-haired man let out an irritated growl. I followed his eyes to see my son on the ground; slightly dazed from the impact. The liger glared at him before kicking him squarely in the ribs. I heard multiple bones break and yowled. The liger looked towards me, unimpressed, but curious,

"What a dedicated Alpha, unless..."

He leaned down and pulled my son's head up by his ear; looking between the two of us briefly before a cold smile reached his lips,

"Is that family resemblance I see? How beautiful. I just adore father/son relationships."

With that, he slammed my son's head into the ground before kicking his already broken ribs repeatedly. As my boy coughed up blood, I struggled and squirmed, trying to get to the man. They were right in front of me and I could only watch while my body burned with whatever that bullet had. The liger kicked my son's head, knocking him into unconsciousness, while looking at me, radiating boredom,

"Now, as much fun as this is, I still need info. Let's talk."

I squinted my eyes at him and he rolled his eyes in return as he hovered his foot over my son's head,

"Or I can kick this pitiful creature into the arms of The Mother. Either way, I'll get what I want. The question is whether, or not, your son's life is the road I use to get there. Your choice."

Fuck! I shifted back, the tiger's paw now pressed against the back of my neck as I looked up at the man,

"What do you want?"

The liger put his foot back down,

"No introduction? How rude. Anyway, we've heard from around here that some council reps are nearby. Is that accurate?"

I nodded, and he clicked his tongue in irritation. With a growl, he stared me down coldly,

"I want everything you know about them."

I stayed silent trying to figure out a way around this. As if I'd just spill everything to this maniac. My train of thought was cut short as he made a gesture with his hand. A gun was placed within it and he cocked it and pointed it at my son's head. I flinched as he fired and saw the dust kick up in the small space between the two of us. My eyes flicked back to his uninterested gaze,

"Don't think, Alpha, just speak or the bullet finds a home in your son's skull."

I swallowed,

"They're at a nearby pack-"

I stopped as his finger brushed against the trigger as he spoke emotionlessly,

"Names and numbers, Alpha. I'm a sucker for the details."

"The pack that they're in is the Black Sun Pack. There are two representatives."

He clicked his tongue,

"Annoying. What? Are they here to rally you all together for the good fight?"

The question was rhetorical, so I didn't bother answering as I looked over my son's battered jaguar. Blood trickled from his mouth and his breathing was uneven, but at least he was breathing. The man mumbled something along the lines of 'slow them down' before looking back at me,

"Tell me about the Dark Sons or whatever."

"They're one of the larger wolf packs in the area. The Alpha is Mical Black-Sun and the Beta is Aerin Snowbrook. They have a substantial amount of warriors. They also hold many alliances with surrounding communities."

He waved his hand at the information concerning the alliances,

"There won't be time for that. Also, didn't you forget the Luna?"

"Their Luna was killed in an attack from a rogue pack about 13 years ago."

He hummed curiously,

"No heir, huh? That could be advantageous.."

"He has an heir, so whatever you're planning, you might as well forget it."

He clicked his tongue in irritation before pistol-whipping me and pressing my son's head into the ground with his foot,

"Didn't I tell you I wanted details?"

My brows furrowed, but I continued not wanting my son to get any further beating,

"He has a son who's mated to some rogue that showed up a while ago. The two of them have a kid. The names of the next generation are Leonitus Black-Sun, Cyrus Black-Moon, an-"

He cut me off as his eyes narrowed,

"What was that second name?"

I repeated myself while watching his reaction closely,

"Cyrus Black-Moon."

He took on a thoughtful look before mumbling to himself quietly. Something about 'easing Mary's irritation' and a pet of some sort. I watched him as he stared me down,

"I was going to erase this pitiful shadow since you've been getting on my nerves throughout this exchange, but I've changed my mind. We'll be attacking the Dark Sun pack to distract those representatives. Nothing more concerning than the entrails of your hosts, no. Anyway, that's of no concern of yours since all you need to do is deliver Black-Moon to me. He'll be incapacitated by the time you reach him, so you don't even have to fight for it. Just be a good little mailman, okay?"

What? I don't much care for rogues, but kidnapping a kid is out of the question. Especially to deliver it to this slimy bastard. Before I could say as much, a gunshot rang out. I looked over to see my son's stomach dyed red with blood. My eyes widened as he was lifted up and taken out of my line of sight; the liger speaking once more,

"I tried to be amicable and you continue to be an annoyance. New deal. Your son lives and we leave the remainders of your shadow upon the delivery of Black-Moon. Until then, you'll be a base of operations. Now, show me to your office, we'll be leaving before noon tomorrow."

Damn it. Damn it all.  

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