First Day: Cyrus POV

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I haven't slept in four days and I hadn't been able to catch anything for the last two. The sleep deprivation had turned me into a walking noise machine, making it impossible to hunt. As if it couldn't get any worse, it was also the first day of school. I was an irritated mess of nerves as I pulled my clothes on. I'd washed them clean of the cat's scent the day after and had stayed in my wolf form since. After double-checking to make sure my sleeves were pulled down to cover my arms, I wrapped my lanyard around a belt loop and shoved my schedule in my pocket. It was just after sunrise as I walked to the city, smoking the last cigarette in the pack.

By the time I took my last drag, I was halfway to the school. I crushed out the small smolder left in a trashcan's ashtray and continued walking. As the doors came into sight, I pulled out my schedule to check my locker number. Committing it to memory, I made my way through the doors. Struggling to keep my face neutral, I made my way through the already crowded halls. It was too fucking loud and too fucking crowded. Why the hell were there so many people here already?

I was reading locker numbers as I slid through the annoying crowd. This is fucking ridiculous. Finally, I reached mine. I put in the code fucking four times before it opened. It was filled with schoolbooks, notebooks, and other basic supplies. I closed my eyes as my head started to pound. It felt as if it was going to explode. My door was yanked from my hand as it slammed in front of my face. I was surrounded by the scent of jaguar. I turned slowly and was facing three of them. An alpha, a beta, and a gamma. I kept my face blank as I clenched and unclenched my fists in an attempt to calm down. My voice sounded like ice,

"What the fuck do you want?"

The alpha slammed his hand next to my head, looking me in the eye, irritated,

"Pretty big words for a wolf without a pack."

I just continued to glare at him, barely holding myself back from ripping his throat out. He took my silence as an invitation to continue,

"Ohh, did I hit a ner-"

"Fuck off."

"The fuck you just say?"

"Fuck off."

At first, he looked surprised, but that quickly turned into anger. He growled at me and started to say something else. I was reaching the end of my patience, but just as I was about to throw him out of my way, a scent reached me. It took over my thoughts. Chocolate mint. I scanned the packed hallway until my eyes landed on a pair of beautiful silver ones.


As soon as I'd entered the school, his scent filled my senses. My mate was here...somewhere. I followed the scent, making my way through the crowd. I scanned the faces the further in I went. In the distance, I saw Tyler and his crew crowded around...someone. As I got closer, my mate's scent became stronger. Trying to get a better angle, I was finally able to see the source of this sweet scent. He had crystal blue eyes that seemed to shine. Even from here, they were piercingly visible.

His hair was mostly blue-black, like his wolf, except for a white streak that framed the left side of his face. All of it hung down to his shoulders. A few strands had fallen into his face, getting caught in the thick eyelashes that framed his gorgeous eyes. He was a little shorter than me, so probably 6' or 6' 1". Even though he was tall, he wasn't big. In fact, he was very lean. A little too lean. But that was beside the point right now. At the moment, he was blocked in by Tyler's gang. His face was expressionless and his eyes were cold as ice, with the sharpest stare I'd ever seen.

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