Mood Swing: Cyrus POV

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Constantly peeing was by far the most annoying thing about being pregnant. Everything else was fairly manageable, even the contractions, but always being on the verge of pissing yourself was nearly unbearable. I waddled into the bathroom and quickly handled my business. As I washed my hands, I caught myself in the mirror. Compared to when I first entered Peace Valley, I looked like a completely different person. My complexion was healthier, my eyes didn't have the empty look I'd had for nearly my entire life. I actually looked happy. Healthy. I smirked contentedly before heading out.

As I walked down the hall, I felt someone behind me. I let out a warning growl at the scent of she-wolf, but that didn't deter them from yanking my arm. My blood boiled. I elbowed the person behind me, their grip on me falling away before I quickly spun and grabbed a certain she-devil by the throat, slamming her into the lockers beside me. Sarah looked surprised before she glared at me. Her lips moved and her annoying voice sounded out in front of me, but I didn't comprehend what she was saying. Annoying. Everything about this bitch was annoying. I tilted my head,

 "Shut up..."

She narrowed her eyes at me as she continued speaking. Her voice gave me the same reaction as nails on a chalk-board, much like everything about her,

 "Shut up."

She got louder, and I snapped. I slammed her against the locker, using her body to emphasize my repeated request,

 "Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP. SHUT UP! Shut up before I rip your tongue out."

I threw her across the hallway on my last sentence. She slammed into the lockers on the opposite side. She was shocked at first before she growled at me. As she opened her mouth to speak again, I crossed the hallway quickly and crushed her hand under my foot. The bones gave way and she yelped before screeching at me, most likely cursing me out. Doing everything but what I asked. I stepped on her forearm, snapping it and causing her to yelp again. This wizened her up slightly as she curled into the lockers, though she still didn't shut her mouth. She said something else, and I drove my foot into her upper arm,

 "Should I break something else, or will you shut the fuck up?"

She glared back at me with misty eyes but said nothing else. I narrowed my eyes at her until she looked away before continuing to the cafeteria. I sat on Leo's lap and he stroked my hair,

 "I almost got up. What took you so long, love?"

 "The slut stopped me in the hallway. She wouldn't shut up. So I made her."

Leo tilted my head up, looking at me in slight amusement,

 "And how exactly did you do that, baby?"

I blinked at him,

 "I broke her arm in three places."

His eyes widened before he shook his head helplessly and kissed my lips,

 "Of course you did."

He kissed me again before releasing my chin and going back to running his fingers through my hair. The bell rang after a few minutes and we headed to our last classes. Once we reached the packhouse, we were led away by Mical to The Mother knows where. I was sleepy, as usual, and yawned as we walked behind the eager Alpha. We eventually stopped in front of the door next to Leo and I's room. I hummed in confusion as Mical opened the door and directed us inside. I raised a brow and walked in first.

My eyes widened as I looked around. It was a nursery. It was painted in a mixture of cream, chocolate, and soft green. The entire room was themed after the forest with wall stickers of trees and a full moon. It brought a smile to my face. I'm sure our pup would love it here. I turned to Mical with the widest smile I'd ever shown him. He looked surprised at first before smiling back and walking toward me,

 "I hope you two like it. Ari, Josh, and I have been trying to put it together as quietly as possible."

I nodded,

 "It looks really nice. Our pup will love it, I'm sure."

 "Cy's right, dad. The nursery looks great."

Leo wrapped his arm around my waist as he praised the room. I felt warm inside from having someone even want to do this for me in the first place. It reminded me of how happy I was to be part of this pack. This family. I was even happier that our pup would be able to experience the same love. It was nice. I looked around the room, taking in the different pieces of furniture; the cradle especially. I rubbed my tummy absentmindedly before looking down at it with a loving smile,

 "Your room looks so nice, pup. I can't wait for you to see it. I can't wait to meet you either. Neither can your dad or pop pop. In fact, we're all excited to meet you."

My smile widened as I felt the pup kick slightly as if responding. Seems like they're excited as well. After talking for a little longer and examining the room slightly more, Leo and I headed back to our room. I was settled into his arms as he rubbed my tummy, making me sleepier than I already was. I couldn't help but wonder if I would be a good parent. Would I be able to raise them correctly? I don't want my pup becoming as messed up as I was. They deserved only happiness; but could I deliver?

 "Whatcha thinking about, gorgeous?"

I looked towards Leo's inviting smile before looking at my tummy,

 "Do you think...I'll be a good parent? A good mom? I mean, I barely remember my parents. What if I do it wrong? What if I mess our child up? I mean, it's not like I'm all that stable. What if-"

Leo kissed me, cutting me off from my rambling. I relaxed into the sensation, my thoughts calming. He pulled away and pecked my lips once more before studying my face with a sweet, yet serious look,

 "Cyrus, I think you'll be a great parent. I think you'll be an excellent mom. You have all the qualities needed to do so. You're strong and protective. You're intelligent and a great listener. You strive to understand those important to you and you don't deny help when you need it. You're responsible, even when you're tired. You love completely and are happy to assist when you can. You don't have to be perfect. I sure as hell ain't, but together, along with our pack and friends, we cover for our faults. So don't doubt yourself, okay?"

I nodded and smiled before leaning back with my eyes closed. He was generous with the compliments, but he was right. We had people to help and we would always be ready to help each other. I'll be fine. We'll be fine.

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