Date Night: Cyrus POV

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I narrowed my eyes at the concept,

 "Why the fuck would they shove a bunch of horny teenage shifters into a building? It's stupid. They're asking for someone to get hurt."

Leo simply shrugged. I swear the council was completely hypocritical at times. During the blood moon, everyone will be forced into heat and rut. Any shifter with a mate would be extremely possessive and irritable from the forced sexual frustration. Leo or I would, literally, be liable to kill someone. This was stupid,

 "Can't we skip?"

 "Nope, my love. They count attendance on that day as 50% of the semester's grade."

 "So the whole thing's a test. Keep your shit together all day and you pass."

He simply hummed. He was probably used to it since he grew up going to the schools in this region. Suddenly, a thought came to mind. A question that I was curious about, but also dreaded the answer to. My eyes flicked away from his before meeting his now confused gaze,

 "What did you do...before? During the blood moon, I mean."

He blushed slightly before caressing my cheek,

 "I usually just, uh...took care of it myself. I wanted to wait for my mate."

I smiled before leaning over and kissing his cheek,

 "Thank you..."

He smiled back before pulling me close and kissing my forehead,

 "Of course, love."

We must have fallen asleep like that because Leo's ringtone caused my, very comfortable, mate to groan tiredly. He reached towards the nightstand blindly before finally grabbing and answering the phone,

 "Hello...what?...Sorry. We fell asleep...Shut up Jackson, not everyone is as horny as you two...Whatever, we're on our way."

He hung up and tossed the phone across the bed before turning his gaze to me. I smiled up at him, blinking the remaining sleep from my eyes,

 "Should I be dressing a certain way?"

 "You look breathtaking in everything, so it's up to you, love."

I blushed and looked away, softly hitting his chest with the back of my hand. He only chuckled in response as he leaned into a sitting position, pulling me up along with him. I kissed his cheek before sliding out of his embrace and over to our dresser. Sitting cross-legged in front of the structure, I began to pick through the options. The bed creaked slightly as Leo stood up, followed, momentarily, by the door to the bathroom, closing softly. The sound of the shower came soon after. By the time he'd finished, I'd decided on a black button-up with white skinny jeans. Leo came out in only a towel, his hair still slightly damp. Mother Spirit, give me the strength.

I allowed my eyes to rake down his very defined six-pack before grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom myself. After closing the door, I had to stop and take a breath, images of my mate's body replaying non-stop. Needless to say, my shower will be very cold. Ice cold. When I finished and got dressed, I messed around in the mirror, trying to comb through my hair. Once I was satisfied, I exited and found my mate on his phone, dressed in dark jeans and a white button-up. He looked so good. How did I luck out with such a mate? As I tossed my towel and clothes in the hamper, he looked up and beamed at me, his gaze exploring my body and taking in my outfit. As he walked towards me, I couldn't help but blush slightly. He kissed my forehead,

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