Pup: Leo POV

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I ripped out the throat of the feral in front of me. They'd attacked from the east and west, causing us to split the forces. Thankfully, it meant that there were fewer for us to deal with. Our numbers easily swamped theirs. Still, this attack was so organized for feral rogues, which is what the intruders consisted of. On top of that, something was wrong. Through the link, Cy had gone through a multitude of emotions before it calmed to nothing. For a second I thought the worse, but I could still feel him through the link. He was alive, but that didn't mean that he was okay. He could be alive, but dying. No, that was an unreasonable thought.

I would be able to feel the link fading, and that's not what was happening. At least...not at the moment. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of negative thoughts. The sound of an approaching growl drew my attention. I turned and jumped back in time to avoid being clawed in the face by a feral. I tackled him into the ground, relieving its body of its head. A quick glance around the battlefield showed that the intruders were mostly suppressed. There were only a few skirmishes here and there. I didn't feel too guilty leaving the scene in the hands of the warriors. So I did.

I ran full speed back to the packhouse. The trees were unrecognizable blurs and as I passed them. I was soon at the door, scrambling up the steps, still in wolf form, only to head down the ones to the basement. As I reached the tunnel, I pushed myself harder. The smell of blood was heavy. The metallic scent made my fur stand on end. My claws clicked and scratched as I reached the door to the safe room. It was still sealed, meaning no one inside had been attacked. I clawed at the door and called to Jayce, who was guarding from the inside. The guards on the outside had most likely gone to check the interior and perimeter of the house. There was a series of clicking sounds before the door opened.

As soon as it was wide enough, I followed the scent of blood intermingled with Cy's scent. The combination made my stomach turn with fear. Still, I kept repeating that he was alive. I could feel it. I knew he was. The link reinforced that thought. In the medical ward of the safe room, I saw them. Tears fell. I couldn't stop them as I just stared at the scene in front of me; completely frozen. Cy was still, the rise and fall of his chest was the only movement. He was so pale. Much paler than I'd ever seen. His skin was usually tan, full of life. But now he looked sickly. The floor below his bed had smeared bloodstains, showing that there had been quite a bit of it at some point. The IV line of blood connected to his arms only reaffirmed that fact.

I couldn't see most of his body since the covers were pulled up to his chest. Beside his bed was a small rolling contraption similar to a crude bassinet with wheels. Inside of it was a small bundle. I slowly walked up to it. I felt connected to it. To them. In my wolf form, I was still easily able to look down inside the bassinet-type thing. The little bundle, our pup, had a head of blue-black hair like Cy. As I leaned slightly closer, their eyes opened and a pair of silver orbs looked at me. They blinked sleepily before yawning adorably and closing their eyes again. I brushed my muzzle against their chubby cheeks gently and the cute bundle cooed quietly.

I blinked fresh tears back before walking to my still unconscious mate. I didn't know how to feel. I was so happy he'd given birth to our pup and I could tell our child was healthy, too. But something had gone so wrong. And now Cy couldn't even enjoy this moment with me. I closed my eyes as more tears fell. The sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention, my wolf reacted before me, standing on all fours crouched. Ears back, teeth bared; a low growl leaving my throat.

 "Calm down, Leo. It's just me and Marie."

I took a breath and stopped growling, though I stayed standing. My instincts wouldn't allow me to relax while my mate was injured with other people around. My dad walked in first, though he only stepped to the side to allow Marie to enter. They didn't approach, and rightfully so. It was dangerous to approach a wolf's injured mate while they were near. An alpha especially. Marie spoke first, drawing my attention to her,

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