Verbal Support: Cyrus POV

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I didn't think I'd ever see that man again. It was good to see that we'd both ended up alright. That we found our other halves and our happiness. I stood over Ciara's crib as she tried to fight sleep and failed miserably. Her little eyes closed finally and I brushed a bit of her hair from her eyes. I walked back into Leo and I's room and sat on the bed as he walked out of the bathroom with a curiously thoughtful look on his face. I held my hand out to him and before long I was snuggled against him while his hand caressed the skin at my waist. We sat like that for a while before he spoke,

"How did you wind up meeting Queen, baby?"

"That man...he has many connections with other sick fucks. When he was meeting one of them, I met Queen. He was a slave of a vampire crime lord. That crime lord was involved in many things, one of which being sex trafficking and forced labor. Queen was literally enslaved. He had to wear special bindings that limited his strength and completely negated his Vampiric abilities. While the two psychos talked, we did, too. We met on multiple occasions. It was before I got my wolf, so I wasn't a threat in any way. Since the meetings with Queen's captor lasted for about a week each time, I was brought along as a way for him to...pass the time. Queen was the only person I'd felt comfortable around after years of being under that man. When he started training me, I was no longer allowed to leave. It's been years since I'd seen Queen and I guess...I sort of pushed the memories of him away. His words, though, they stayed with me."

'No matter how many times they call me slave, I will never be one until I think I am. I'm not a whore until I say that am. Until then, I am only who I believe myself to be. The same goes for you, Little Blue. No one can tell you who you are. Only you can come up with that description.'

He reminded me that I wasn't anyone's property until I accepted it. He reminded me of my will. I'd been very ready to give up, but wouldn't that have been the same as agreeing to all of that man's whims? That would be...truly disgusting. Leo kissed my forehead thoughtfully,

"In that case, I'm glad that he considers you family."

I hummed. I hadn't realized he'd felt so strongly about some kid he'd only met briefly during the span of a year and a half, at most. Then again, he'd always seemed like a very perceptive person. Maybe he knew that at that time what I needed most was some sort of familial support and, though he didn't have a lot of time to do so, he'd done the best he could. Did I consider him family? I didn't know him long but, when we'd had chances to talk, it'd been the closest I could get to talking to my older brother. I suppose he was family, in that case. I wonder how he'd feel about me being taller than him? I smiled to myself, right as my stomach grumbled. Leo chuckled and reached for his phone,

"Dinner should be getting served soon. You want to wait or eat something now?"

I thought for a moment,

"Maybe something small. Some chips."

Leo hummed, and soon he was carrying me down the steps. He'd been quite clingy, but I didn't mind at all. As we got closer to the kitchen, I heard raised voices that belonged to arguing children. One voice, in particular, stood out. Skylar was clearly asking for something, an edge of irritation in his tone. He was usually such a calm kid. What the hell was going on? I patted Leo's chest, and he set me on my feet a bit reluctantly. His arms wrapped around my waist as I peered into the kitchen to see what exactly was going on. Skylar was engaged in a tug of war with another kid who had familiar features, though I didn't quite know why. I listened in on this argument as Skylar spoke again,

"Give it back! I would've shared with you if you hadn't snatched it!"

Interesting. The other kid let loose a growl, showing that his wolf was presenting quite a bit earlier than normal. The kid was maybe ten at most and you don't get your wolf until 13, usually. The kid spoke angrily,

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