"Hi Peyton. How are you?" I asked and he blushed and giggled softly.

"I'm fine. How are you?" He asked and twiddled his hands in front of him nervously. I know he has a crush on me, he doesn't act like this with anyone else and I think it's adorable and he is a beautiful delicate little flower who has had my attention the moment I laid eyes on him.

We went out on a few dates but he was always nervous and I didn't try anything with him, not even a kiss and I gotta be honest, I want to kiss him, maybe even more.

"I'm well thank you, are you joining us for lunch?" I asked and he nodded softly and I smiled and patted the spot next to me and his eyes lit up like the fourth of July and sat beside me. I chuckled and I saw him shiver and bite his lip. I gently removed his juicy lip from his teeth and ran my thumb over it and he gulped and was breathing hard.

"Don't do that, your lips are too nice to be messed up from biting them." I said softly and he closed his eyes and nodded.

"God you are beautiful." I whispered against his lips and I attached my lips to his and he squeaked and blushed but quickly started moving his lips against mine and I melted at how soft his lips were and how smooth his skin felt.

A throat being cleared gets my attention because I forgot we were in the park around all our friends and the kids. Peyton blushes and hides his face in my neck and I chuckle and shrug looking at Cooper who is also Peyton's brother which is how I met him.

"Your lunch is getting cold." Cooper said, smirking and I rolled my eyes.

"That's ok, I had something else to keep me warm." I replied and Peyton gasped and hit my chest softly making me chuckle and I kissed his temple.

"I love you bro, both of you but I don't want to see you two doing whatever it is you want to do." Cooper said and I laughed and everyone else laughed but Peyton didn't even smile so I calmed down and had him look up at me and his eyes had unshed tears and I gasped softly and I wanted to ask what was wrong but now wasn't the time so I held him close to me as I rubbed his back in comforting circles and a few minutes later he peeked out and started eating his food.

I looked at my sweet boy who was happily eating with his uncle Cooper right beside him and the other little ones were all eating quietly as the adults had light conversation talking about the plans for the rest of the weekend until I heard my name being mentioned about some meeting I had to attend this coming week. I'll have an email I'm sure about it when I go into work Monday morning but right now I'm not too worried about it. Meeting and making deals with outside suppliers is part of my job anyways.

"Can we go for a walk?" Peyton asked softly looking up at me with his big blue eyes and I nodded and stood up.

"Would you mind keeping Colby for a little bit?" I asked Cooper and he waved me off and fed my son a cookie so I took Peyton's hand and we started our walk in a comfortable silence through the park.

"Um Travis?" He said and I hummed and looked over at him and he had his head down and he seemed nervous so I stopped and that made him stop walking and had him look up at me.

"You don't need to be nervous Peyton. What's on your mind?" I asked and he again bit his lip and I again removed it from his teeth.

"I'm sorry for laughing back there if that's what this is about. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Peyton, that is the last thing I want to do." I said and he smiled softly and shook his head.

"That's no that's not it um I was a little embarrassed with what Cooper said because um I'm a virgin and hardly ever even been kissed." He said and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you going to cry?" I asked and a tear fell and I gently brushed it off of his soft cheek.

"Because you clearly aren't and have had partners and I'm not experienced and I'm shy, not even worth a look at for more than a second. I guess I'm just wondering what you see in me when you can have anyone you want." He has no idea how beautiful and delicate he is.

"Peyton you are the most beautiful little delicate man I have ever laid eyes on. The moment I met you years ago, you had my attention but I also wasn't in a good place to be with someone as amazing as you. You deserve the world and I wouldn't have been able to give that to you at the time but if you let me, I will show you every single day for as long as you let me how amazing and beautiful you are, inside and out." I said as I kept softly touching his cheek with my thumb and he took a shuddering breath and looked up into my eyes and a big bright beautiful smile graced his face and he stood on his tip toes and put his hand on my neck and I let him pull me down to him and he kissed me, it wasn't a long passionate kiss but it was a soft delicate kiss, just like him.

I wrapped my arms around his small waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck and I lifted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist and he deepened the kiss and softly moaned and I smiled in the kiss and he opened his eyes, lips barely touching and slightly panting and his eyes filled with lust and desire but I knew he was nowhere ready to take it to the next level so I just held him, in the middle of the park and kissed him again, trying to show him that he can trust me and that I will love him if he lets me.

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now