Fuck me sideways, can't I catch a break? At this point, I'll never find my mate and I'll never be whole. Hell, Rebecca was lucky that her boyfriend was her mate so she didn't have to suffer as much as I am.

"Let's go to the club tonight. You still freaky in the sheets right?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Are you calling me a manwhore?" I asked with fake hurt.

"Nope, but you've had more ass than I had dick so what does that tell you." She chuckled.

"I've matured, cut me some slack." I said growling a little.

"Fair point, but still, it's shocking that in all the ass you've had in high school and college, none of the guys you've been with have been your mate." She said humming.

"Maybe I was born mateless, I mean with me being an Alpha and CEO I doubt I'll be able to give my mate the love and attention they deserve. It's fine if we both have important jobs so neither of us feels neglected but if he's going to be home alone while I'm negotiating with another pack somewhere or have to travel constantly, I don't want him to suffer and we've been waiting for each other for so long." I sighed.

"Can you stop, you're a great guy Gregory. Any man is a dumbass for not seeing just because you act tough means you're a hard ass. Yea, you may have to be tough in front of clients and other Alpha's but if anyone deserves a loving relationship it's you. I know you see your parents and see how madly in love they are for the past thirty-two years. I see the way you look at Damon and I. You can't give up or who knows what'll happen to you or Rift for that matter. Your parents, brother, the pack. They can't afford to lose you. You're a badass six foot and three-inches tall giant teddy bear with a body that's so fine being athletic and shit." She said.

"And you?" She huffed.

"Yes, and me ya dork. I love you and you know it. We've been friends since we were in diapers." She said and I chuckled.

She hates being mushy. According to her, it makes her look weak and not worthy of the Beta position.

After several more hours of paperwork, meets and contract signing, Rebecca and I went home.

Blood River Pack.

The pack name is just for show, we may be a huge pack but we keep to ourselves most of the time. That is unless there's an intruder, then we're more than happy to live up to the Blood River name.

"Bro you look like you just came out of a sauna." My lovely brother mentioned.

"Gabriel Hunter Morgan, you leave your brother alone." My mom said walking into the foyer. Her green eyes staring daggers at my brothers. I inherited my eyes from both my parents, getting my height from my dad and my blonde hair from my mom too. The eye is some mutation thing, I'm no scientist but my eyes are hazel, which most people find more intimidating coming from me being so tall and athletically muscular as people say.

"It's the truth, he smells like a wet dog." He said. I know he was teasing but within seconds Rift had our forearm pressed onto his throat.

"Brother or not, I will feed you to the rogues and add your blood to our river." Rift's dark sinister voice said and our brother whimpered.

"We've had a long day and you will show us some respect pup." Rift said and you can just barely make out a 'yes, Rift'. With family we're lenient with the Alpha title as long as you show respect by saying yes rift or yes Greg or Gregory, everything is golden but never just say yes or no to us.

Rift seemed to have taken that answer as he let our brother go as he choked for air.

"Gregory why don't you go get cleaned up, I made your favorite tonight." Mom said kissing my knuckles and cressing my face.

"Sounds good ma, thanks." I said jogging upstairs to my room.

By the time I was out of the shower, dad was home from his office. He's a retired Lieutenant General from the Army, now working as Sergeant for the local police department.

"Hey, dad, how was work?" I asked.

"Tiring but not as stressful as your day I'm sure." He said.

"Dad, not you too. Becca already gave me that speech for the fourth time this week." I said.

"Honey, we're your parents and we just worry about you. You're only twenty-six and all you do is work. What happened to the promise you made about balancing your professional life and personal life? I can't remember the last time you dated or went out with friends." Ma said with a sad smile on her beautiful face.

I get this speech every time, they just don't get it. It's the only thing from keeping my mind off of the pain of not having my mate.

"I'll make time for him to socialize while we're traveling around to different packs." Dad said sticking a piece of steak into his mouth.

"And no you can't not go." Dad said pointing his fork at me. He's still very much Alpha so we Rift and I back down gulping and just nod.

After dinner, Gabriel and I went outside to shoot some hoops with some of his friends. I was captain of my team so I try to coach them when I have the time.

Around eleven o'clock we wave bye to his friends and go take a shower.

"Night bro." I said as we went opposite ends of the hallway.

"W-wait Greg." He grabbed my arm.

"What's up, bro?" I looked at him as he bit his lip nervously.

"Firstly, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I was only messing around and I'm sorry." I nod.

"I know you were, today was just stressful and Rift was on edge and cranky. Sorry about that." I said.

"Uh, there's one more thing..." He said, sighing.

"Go on..." I said.

"Ifoundmymateandthey'rehuman." He ran his words together so fast and I'm usually good at understanding rambling but that was too inaudible.

"Say it clearer Gabe, please it's late." I said just feeling how tired I was truly kicked in.

"I found my mate and they're human." He said slower and he just broke down.

I sighed and dragged him to my room since it was closer and I have a bigger bed so if he needed a shoulder to cry on then he can do it in the comfort of my bed but honestly, I just want my own bed.

I have no idea what's on his sheets being a hormonal teenage boy who happens to be a nearly shifted wolf.

"So start from the beginning." I said opening a can of Monster.

"I met this new girl, well guy. They're transgender and in transition but that's not important right this second. The bigger issue is he's human. Our bite is fatal to those who aren't pure of heart or have good intentions. What if he's bad, I bite him when we mate and the bite kills him?" Gabe sobbed in my arms.

"Bro, first off, I'm glad you found your mate. Secondly, before you even tell him about us or anything, get to know him and his personality, if he's no good I'll personally help you find your second chance mate, you know we're born with none, our true mates and given three chances if our true mates don't work out. So that's five chances at finding love." I said.

"You're right, I'm sorry I'm such a mess." He sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"If it makes you feel any better, I can use my gift." I winked at him.

"It's not a gift, you just have scare accurate intuition and being able to tell when someone is no good and has bad intentions." He chuckled.

I just glared at him.

"Fine then, don't use my gift."

He just laughed harder and kissed my cheek before leaving my room. God I love that kid like a son, I hope his mate is golden.

Soon enough I let sleep overtake me after I stripped naked and turned the fan on laying on my stomach.

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora