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Hi, I'm NotAlbitch! Sorry for taking long on updating. I'm working on rewriting and it's taking me longer than expected. By the way, this is my 6th month writing this book. Thank you to the people who are still here since the very beginning! <3

Jake's POV

"What's wrong Jake?" I heard a soft voice coming from beside me. I looked down to see a small girl who was holding my hand. "Nothing, I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure?" asked Diana. "Yeah, I'm sure." I said reassuringly.

I'm not fine. I'm concerned.

I was worried about Albert. My gut was telling me that something was wrong. I didn't know what was wrong.

I mean...

Albert stormed off and when everyone else came back, they said they haven't seen him. It was also getting dark out.

Why am I so worried? Albert is okay, right? I'm just paranoid...

We continued our walk for a little while until we decided to go back since it was getting late. It took a while before we finally got back to the car.  Kaden opened the car door and he hesitated to go in.

"What's wrong?" asked Raven. "Jake, didn't you say Albert went back to the car?"

"Yeah, he said he would be waiting for us here."

"Well he's not here."

"He's not?" asked Diana with a shocked look on her face. "No, he's not here." said Kaden. "I'll call him." said Kirsten. She called Albert and waited for him to answer.

Albert's POV

Where am I at?

I woke up in a dark, cluttered room. It was like a walk in closet. My hands and ankles had handcuffs around them. I had also had tape over my mouth. My shirt was gone and my neck was stinging.

What the hell?

I could hear talking coming from outside the room.

"Where is he at?" I heard a familiar male voice. "I put him in that room." said an unrecognizable female voice. "The poor boy was knocked out!" said the male voice. "Anyways, I'll go check up on him. You can go for now." said the female voice. "Alright, I'll be back in a few hours."

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer.

The door opened and a girl who looked like she was in her early 20s walked in.

"Oh, you're awake! Great! That's perfect!" she said.

She sat down in front of me and she pulled the tape off of my mouth.

"Ow! What the fuck!?" I yelled. She chuckled and then she gave me a serious look. "Shut the fuck up!" she snapped. "No! Let me go!" I yelled. She reached her arm out with a pistol in her hand. "I told you to shut the fuck up, Albert." she said as she smiled.

"Who are you?"

"Nobody. Nice to finally meet you, bitch!" she laughed. "Why am I here!?" I asked. "Oh, nothing! I just need to ask you a few questions." she said. "What!?" I asked. "You're Albert, right?" she asked.


"Aren't you dating that Jake guy?"


She pushed the gun closer to my forehead and she gave me a serious look.

"Who is dating Jacob and where is he at?"

"Uhhh, I don't know!" I said out of pure panic. "Tell me or your head goes!" she growled.

"He's dating some Diana girl!" I said.

"Fuck. That little hoe lied!" she said and she put the gun down.


"Diana is a fucking liar! She said you were still dating him! Is she still in Florida?"

"I don't know!"

"You know what? Let's make a deal. I'll tell you why you're here and what's going to happen if you tell me where she's at. That's a pretty good deal for you if you ask me." she said.

"I don't know about this." I mumbled.

"Life or death?"

"Okay, fine! She's in Florida! She was at the park too!" I said with a shakey voice.


"Can you tell me why I'm here, now?" I asked.

"Okay so, Jake's mother wasn't happy about you dating him. So, his mother thinks Jake's ex boyfriend is his "best friend". She wanted his "best friend" to get into contact with you to get rid of you."

"Get rid of me in what way?"

"She wants you dead, just like Jacob's sister's ex girlfriend." she said.


"His ex doesn't like you either. That's why you're here. Diana also used to be my best friend but somehow we ended up like this. I was needed because I still talk to her. I can't believe I helped my old best friend's ex boyfriend, kidnap her boyfriend's, ex boyfriend to get him killed..."

"Who is Jake's other ex boyfriend."


"Oh, him. This is so petty." I said.

"It is! At least I'm getting paid for this."

"But, I'm not!" I yelled.

"Oh well, we still need you, buddy. Jacob's mother wants you dead and unfortunately someone lied and you're here now."

"Who lied about what?" I asked.

"Diana said she wasn't dating Jake, she said you were dating him. Miguel forced her to help him. That girl is such a sweetheart and I still can't believe she lied."

"Great, she's a liar. Can you let me go now?" I asked. "No, sorry! I'm already going to get in trouble for being nice to you. Now I have to get Diana here too!"

I watched as she got up took her gun with her.

"Wait! Don't go! What's going to happen!?"

She turned to look at me with a devilish smile. "I'm just going to get Diana. Nothing much. I don't know about you, but someone's going to have a lot of fun with you."

She picked the piece of tape from earlier back on my mouth. She walked out and slammed the door.

Why did I have to get dragged into this?

♡ Pretty Boy ♡ [Jalbert] **read desc**Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя