Two Boys and a Sunset

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I woke up at around seven in the morning. I got up and I got ready for the day. I went downstairs to see, Albert and Jake cuddling each other on the couch. At this point, that was nothing new.

I went back upstairs and I got a blanket from my room and I brought it into the living room. I layed the blanket on them and I went back upstairs. I'm just waiting for the day that my aunt and Albert just break the news to everyone.

Jake's POV

I woke up on the couch, cuddling Albert. We had a blanket over us. I don't remember that being there. Kirsten came downstairs and she came into the living room.

"Why are you guys on the couch? Is he asleep?" She asked. "Yeah, he's asleep. He didn't want to get up so he just made me stay." I mumbled. "Oh, okay. Alirght, I'll be in the kitchen." She said. I nodded and she walked away. I closed my eyes and I tried to go back to sleep.

"Good morning love birds!" someone yelled. I opened my eyes and Russo was running down into the living room with Denis, Elijah and Ethan.

Albert's POV

I heard someone yell from a distance. I was in the middle of a dream and they woke me up.

"Don't you dare take a picture, idiot." said Jake. "I'm not, I'm just messing with you, okay!? Jeez." said Russo in a sarcastic tone.

"Albert, wake up buddy." said Jake in a sweet tone as he patted my back. I moved my arms up and I wrapped them around his neck. "That's adorable. He doesn't want to leave you." said Russo.

"Leave the poor boys alone." said Denis. I let go of Jake and I rubbed my eyes. "Okay, what do you want? I'm trying to sleep." I said. "Nothing, go back to sleep." said Ethan.

I layed my head down on Jake's lap and I pulled the blanket over my head. "Albert, why are you sucking Jake off, dude!?" said Elijah.

I pulled the blanket off from my head and I looked at him, dead in the eye.

"Maybe you should clean that mind of your's, Eijah. I could only assume that you've screwed Denis so many times that, you only think about him and sex, now. Oh, and Russo, maybe you should stop being such an asshole and just go pop some more babies out of Meg or something, I don't know!"

"Albert, chill out." said Jake. "Damn, Albert. I didn't know you were that cold on the inside." said Denis. "Woah, Albert's got some balls." said Ethan. Russo and Elijah stood in silence.

"Stop being dramatic, I didn't kill anyone." I said. "I don't know what to say." said Russo. "Makes up for you being an asshole." I said. "You didn't have to go that far, though. It's whatever. You're definitely not wrong about Denis and I." said Elijah.

"What?" said Jake.

"Nothing!" Denis quickly responded.

"OOOO~, THEY'RE DATING!" I yelled in a girly voice. "OOOO~, YOU LIKE BOYS!" Elijah mocked. "So do you!" Jake laughed. "You're all, gay!" said Ethan. "I'm not gay, I have a wife." said Russo. "I have a girlfriend. Why would I be gay?" I said before I sat up.

"It doesn't mean you don't like boys." said Russo. "Why does it matter, anyway? I love Kirsten and I would never leave... her... for another man... or something..." I trailed off.

I stared at the ground, realizing that what I said was probably not true. "Really? You sound a bit unsure about that one. I mean, you didn't deny that you like guys." said Russo. I looked up at Jake. He had his arms crossed and he was staring at the floor. I looked up at Russo and he frowned.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. I hope I didn't bring anything up." he stuttered. "No, it's okay! Don't worry! I'm good." I said. I wasn't okay. I felt like Jake wasn't okay with what I said and it was bothering me.

"Oh, ok!" said Russo.

"Jake?" I shook his shoulder. "What?" He looked at me with a blank expression.

"I need to go check on my girls, I'll be back." said Russo before he turned around and left.

"Jake, I hope you know that what I said wasn't true." I said as I leaned my forehead on to his shoulder. "No, you're good, dude. It's okay." said Jake.

I looked up at him and I smiled.

"Thank you for understanding."


Jake's POV

Albert convinced me to go watch the sunset with him.

"Let's go!" He said as he grabbed my hand. He dragged me upstairs to his room. He opened the window and he climbed out. He sat on the roof and he looked back at me.

"Come on you dumbass!" He smiled at me. I climbed out the window and I bumped my head on the window frame on the way out. "Ow!" I hissed. "Oh my god, did you hit your head?" He said in a girly tone.

"Y-yeah." I said. "Did you get your smart knocked back into that little head of your's?" he tapped my head and he giggled. "Shut up." I said. I sat beside him and we looked up at the sky.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Albert broke the silence.

"I'm going to miss you when you leave."

"Albert, I still have 3 weeks. Don't worry about that right now." I said.

"That's not a lot of time." said Albert.

"It's not a lot of time of we don't make the most of it. We can still call each other whenever you want, dude. It's not that bad. We can see each other sometime later in the year or something." I smiled at him.

"That's still a long time! I mean, a lot can happen within a month and I'm not ready to go through all the stress without you and I-"

I leaned in and I kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and he kissed back.

Kirsten's POV

"We do plan on moving soon and I'm really excited for that." I said. I was in the kitchen, reading what people had to say to me, live on Instagram.

"Who is that behind me?" I looked behind me and Anabella was leaning on the kitchen counter, behind me.

"Oh, hi!" I laughed.

"Hello." She said back.

"I didn't see ya' there. What are you doing?"


"Oh, ok." I turned back around and I looked at my phone. "That's my niece." I said. I continued to look at the comments in silence. "Where's Bedrock? I think he's upstairs."

One of the comments said  "Can we see Rocky?".

"You guys want to see him? Alirght, let's go on a field trip in my house." I said. I walked out of the kitchen and I walked upstairs. I opened the bedroom door and the first thing I saw was Rocky. He was chilling on the bed with his toy.

I realized the window was opened. I walked up to the window and my heart dropped.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and I ran out of the room. I ran down stairs and I sat on the bottom step.

"I-I just saw A-Albert and J-Ja-" I cut myself off and I read the comments. Everyone was asking what, happened. I didn't want to answer.

"We'll talk later guys, I have to go. Bye." I said with a shakey voice. I ended the live and I took a minute to breathe.

Did I really just see Albert and Jake make out on the roof? Did I see that wrong? Am I just paranoid?

I don't know...

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