The Boy Crying in the Room

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Kirsten's POV

I had arrived back to the house and Jake was already waiting for me. Jake was holding Adam and Anabella was holding her and Adam's bags. I got out of the car and took Rebecca and Roseanne out of the car. They were both in their own car seat. I was carrying them in their carseats to the door and unlocked it. I walked inside and Jake, Adam, and Anabella followed me.

Jake put Adam down and he stood up. "Kiwten!" Adam shrieked at me. "Hi, baby! How are you?" I said as I looked down to him. "Abert!" He screamed. "Shh, he's sleeping. You wanna see Abert?"


"C'mon! Do you need help getting upstairs?" I asked him with a baby voice. He nodded and I looked up at Jake. "Can you help him up?"

"Yeah, sure!" He smiled at me. We all went upstairs and I took them to me and Albert's room. Our room leads to another room. Usually Adam and Ana stay there but since Ana is getting older, she doesn't need to be pampered by Albert and I. Adam, Rebecca, and Roseanne will sleep in there this time. Anabella will stay in her own room so that she has privacy.

We walked into the room that was connected to me and Albert's room. I turned the lights on to reveal the room and Jake put Adam down. "Ok so, Adam is staying here with Rebecca, and Roseanne and Anabell, you are going to be in your own room this time." I said to her as I put the babies down. "Really!?" She shrieked. "Yeah!" I shrieked back at her. "Oh my god, thank you!"

"No problem!" I smiled at her. I picked Roseanne up from her car and let Jake hold her. I picked Rebecca from her seat and walked away. Let's go see Bert, guys!"

We all walked into Jake's room and saw a sleeping Albert. Jake sat next to where Albert was laying with Roseanne in his hands. I sat beside Jake and Adam climbed onto the bed and sat in front of Albert's face.

"Bert," Adam whispered. Ana walked in and sat beside me on the bed. She had her phone out and recorded Adam who was attempting to wake Albert up. Jake blew on Albert's hair and Albert moved a little. Adam began poking Albert's face.

"Give him a kissy," I whispered to him. He pecked Albert on the cheek. I did the same and Albert moved a little more. He almost slapped Anabella's phone out of her hand. I put Rebecca down on the bed. Jake put Roseanne down as well. They both started messing with his face.

"Your turn, you have to kiss Albert." I looked at Jake. "Why? She's recording me.." he seemed concerned. "Get that clout boy" I whispered. "Fine, follow me on twitter, @ jayingee on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to Jayingee-"

"Hurry up and stop stalling!" Anabell shrieked. Jake rolled his eyes and moved close to Albert's face and kissed him on the lips. He stayed there and Albert kissed back. "Uh, what?" Ana said giving me a confused look.

Albert stopped kissing and opened his eyes. He immediately sat up and looked around. "JAKE! WHY ARE YOU HERE!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIRSTEN! WHY DID YOU KISS ME!?" I looked at both Albert and Jake and they were both blushing. Why?

"AWW! THEY'RE BLUSHING!" Anabell pointed her camera at both of them. "Can you send that to me? I want to include it in my vlog."

"Sure, just give me credit for it," she giggled. I nodded to her and smiled. "Why are y'all here?"

"Cuz, we are family," Anabella sang. "Jake isn't even related to us."

"This was supposed to be my room!" Jake yelled at Albert. Albert got real and he sat up.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Albert asked as he looked up at the ceiling. "Well, they need to unpack," I took a look at the kids and then Albert. "Oh, do y'all need any help?" Albert quickly responded and looked at me.

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