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Jake's POV


I was asleep with a baby in my arms. I was a little confused at first but then I remembered why I have a baby in my arms and why my phone was going off. It was 5:45.

I turned the alarm off and sat up. Roseanne was grabbing onto my hoodie, she was awake.

I sat up with Roseanne still holding onto my hoodie. I picked up the glass of water Kirsten left for me earlier and took a sip. I put the cup back on the nightstand and stood up with Roseanne in my arms.

I walked out of the room and went downstairs. Kirsten was on the couch watching spongebob with Adam, Rebecca, Peach, and Bedrock. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Hey, how are you?" She said with a calming tone in her voice.

"Just a little tired, I just woke up."

"Oh, ok. Albert's been wanting to talk to you. I think he said Russo is coming next week,"

"Russo? Where's Albert?"

"In his office."

"Oh, ok!"

I walked back upstairs and looked for Albert's office.

"NOOOOO!!" I heard someone scream. I knocked on the door from where the scream came from.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and Albert turned around in his chair to look at me. "Oh, hey! What's up?" Albert said to me, with a big smile.

"Kirsten said you wanted to talk to me," I said tilting my head.

"Oh, yeah! Sit." He pointed to the grey beanbag.

I walked inside and shut the door.

"Wait! Can I see Roseanne?"

I nodded and passed Roseanne over to him and he placed her on his lap. I stood beside Albert and crouched down so that the camera could see my face. I pushed my hair back and waved. "Hey, guys! It's jake and welcome back to my YouTube channel!" I said, chuckling. "Shut up!" Albert said, pushing my shoulder. "Ow! Albitch, if you don't stop-"

"Stop swearing! Kid friendly content Jake! We have a baby in the room too! Paige cut that out or censor it, I don't know!" Albert shrieked.

"Subscribe to Jayingee, follow Jayingee on Twitter and Instagram and use star code Jake when you buy Robux!" I said while Albert gave me the death stare.

"Jake! Stop stealing my spotlight!"

"I think Rosie is stealing the spotlight from both of us! Just look at how cute she is!" I said with a baby voice.

"TOP!" Roseanne shrieked. "Your baby now! I'm not dealing with screaming babies!" I said, chuckling.

"Says the one who took a nap with her! Jake, you're older than me, you should be able to take care of a baby better than I can!" Albert shrieked.

"Whatever dude! You're only two years younger than-"

"Shut up!" he screeched.

I flopped onto the beanbag and look up at Albert.

"No." I smirked at him. He sighed and looked back at his computer.

"Watcha playin'?" I asked him.

"Five Nights at Freddy's!"

I took my phone out and opened Instagram and went live.

"ALBITCH! I'M LIVE!" I screamed.

He jumped and looked back at me. "Hi!" He quickly looked back at him game. "Stop swearing!"

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