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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Albert's POV

I woke up to the sound of buzzing. I opened my eyes to see Jake who was already awake.

"What is that noise?" I asked. "Sorry, that's my phone." said Jake before he picked his phone up from the nightstand. He picked up the call and he put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" he said. "Wait, what!?" he sat up.

He talked to the phone for a few minutes before he hung up. He looked shocked. "Are you, okay?" I asked. "I have to go." said Jake.


"I have to go back home."

"What's wrong?"

"My dad is in the hospital and I have to go back to Ohio." he said. "I can take you there if you need me to." I said. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and he pecked my cheek. "Thank you so much, Albert!" said Jake.


Jake and I packed and we got ready. I was in the living room with Kirsten.

"So, when are you coming back?" asked Kirsten. "I don't really know yet." I said. Jake came down stairs and he sat beside me. He kissed me on the lips and I kissed back.

"Get a room!" said Russo who was making his way to the living room. I pulled away and I looked at Russo. "Why are you kissing Jake in front of Kirsten?" he asked. "He's with Jake now." said Kirsten. "That's adorable. The ship has sailed." said Russo.

"We should hurry up and go Albert." said Jake. I got up from the couch and I looked at Kirsten. She got up and she hugged me. "Good luck! I'll miss you guys!" she said.

"What's going on? asked Russo. "I have to go home for family issues but Albert is taking me there." said Jake. "Oh ok! You guys have a safe trip!" said Russo. "Thanks!" I said.

"Let's go Jake." I said before he got up from the couch. We went to the garage and we got into the car. Kirsten came into the garage and I rolled my window down. "Hey Albert! About the break up-" said Kirsten. "What's up?" I asked. "Do you think we should announce it or should we wait a little?" she asked.

"I mean we can go ahead and announce it. There's really no reason for us to wait." I said and she nodded. "Welp you guys have a safe trip. Bye!" said Kirsten. "Alright, bye! See you soon!" I said before I rolled the window back up. I backed out from the garage and then we were off.


It was a little bit past midnight and Jake and I were tired so we decided to stay at a hotel. I pulled up at a random hotel and we checked in for the night. We took our bags and we went into the elevator.

"What if the elevator gets stuck." said Jake, nudging me.

"Don't say that dumbass!" I said.

When we finally got to our room I ran to the bed and I flopped onto it.

"Sleepy boy." said Jake. "I'm very tired." I said. "I'm going to go take a shower." he said. He took some clothes out and his toothbrush out of his bag and he went into the bathroom. I took my phone out and I scrolled through Twitter.

I eventual came across Kirsten's Tweet...

"Albert and I broke up. We decided to take a break since we weren't really happy. We're okay with each other so please don't send hate or anything❤❤❤"

I decided to Tweet something too.

"Yes we did break up but dont worry. im doing great! i hope for the best for kirsten and i hope she's doing great too. im not home right now. i had to leave florida with jake because of some issues so im not going to be posting for a week or so"

I clicked 'tweet' and I waited for the replies to come flooding in. Most of the replies were supportive. A few minutes later Jake came out of the bathroom. "Aren't you going to take a shower, stinky?" he said. "Shut up!" I giggled. I got my toothbrush and some clothes and I went into the bathroom. I took a shower and I brushed my teeth. When I was done I came out of the bathroom and I layed beside Jake in bed. I turned the bedside lamp off and I looked over at Jake who was scrolling on his phone.

"What are you doing there?" I asked. "Looking at stuff." said Jake. "What are you looking at though?" I asked. "I can't tell you." he said. "Why? Are you looking up dick pics or something?" "What? No! I'm just on Instagram you dumbass!" he said. "Why can't you tell me what you're looking at though?" I asked.

"Well why do you want to know? There's nothing interesting to-" I pushed his phone away and I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we fought for dominance. I climbed onto his lap without breaking the kiss. He pushed me off and he rolled onto me and he pinned me onto the bed.

"I'm top you little hoe." he whispered in my ear in a subjective voice. I giggled and I tried to pull his shirt off. He eventually took it off himself and he took mine off too. He smashed his lips onto mine and we kissed. He pulled my pants and my underwear off and he looked down at my stiff dick. He wrapped his hand around it and he thrusted it up and down. I let out a few moans before he covered my mouth with his other hand making my moans sound muffled. I lifted my shakey arms up to his pants and I weakly slipped his pants and his underwear off.

He continued to thrust his hand up and down my dick for a few minutes until I came. He let go of it and he removed his other hand from my mouth. I stared up at his lust-filled eyes as I panted.

"I'm not done yet." he said. "W-wait what?" I panted out. He positioned his tip up to my hole and he slowly inserted himself inside.

"Ow, ow, ow~! Stop~! Jakey~! That hurts~! Mmph~!" I hissed in pain as he pushed himself in and out. He stopped and he pulled himself out. "Did you bring any lube or anything like that?" he asked. "No, I don't think so." I said.

"Oh well too bad baby boy." he said in a baby voice before he slammed himself back inside of me. I let out a loud moan before he covered my mouth with his hand again. I moaned as he pushed himself in and out. All my moans were being muffled by his hand.

"Why are you so god damn tight!" he groaned as he picked up speed. He slammed in and out for a while until I came again but he continued until he came inside of me without warning me. He pulled himself out and he laid beside me on the bed.

"I'm sorry." he panted. "It's whatever." I said. He pulled the blanket and he covered me with it. He pulled me closer and he cuddled me. "That's what you get for not planning ahead. Now you have to deal with the pain tomorrow." he said. "Shut up." I giggled. "Oh ok... goodnight then." he said.

"Goodnight." I said before I pecked him on the cheek.

[Ok writing this was not as bad as I thought...]

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