I'm Sorry Lana

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Albert's POV

"I'm sorry, we need to break up! I can't take it!" I shrieked with my hands covering my face. "What!? Why!? What the hell!? What did I ever do to you!?" Lana shrieked in response. "It's just a me problem, ok..? It's just that, I don't like you in a loving way anymore. I see you more as a friend. I'm so sorry..."

"I don't get it! What do you mean!?" Lana said and teared up. "I see you as a friend, my best friend! I'm sorry." I said and began to sob. Lana was also sobbing at this point. "I see how it is, Albert. If you didn't like me in the first place, why were we even a fucking couple!?" Lana cried. "I loved you, and I still do! I had a huge crush on you before we were together! I just don't see this going anywhere. I hope you understand, Lana. I love you so much and I don't want it to change. I still want to he your friend, your best friend..." Lana calmed down a bit and sniffled. "I'm sorry, let's just stay friends if that's what you want, if that will make you happy. I love you too. Just get out of here, I'm just going to move away from here. I need to pack." Lana said and pushed me away. "Do you need help!?" I asked her as she ran upstairs. She didn't answer. I hope I didn't hurt her mentally.


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