Jason is Gay

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I'm sorry if this chapter sucks but I'm exhausted right now...

Albert's POV

Who is this girl? Who was that guy? What the hell happened?

Jake pulled away from the hug and he held her hands.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" he asked. "I'm ok." said the girl. "I'll go get you some water." said Jake before he rushed out the door. I sat down on a chair and the girl sat beside me. I looked at her and she looked back. She was crying and her makeup was running down. I got up and I picked up a box of tissues that were on a counter and I gave it to her.

"Thank you." she said. "You're welcome." I said before I sat back down. She wiped her tears away with a tissue and she put the box down. "Albert, I recommend that you stay away from that guy that came in with her." said Alexia. "Yeah, don't talk to him." said the girl. "Why?" I asked.

"He's not so great. He might seem like an amazing person at first glance even when you get to know him he comes off as a good guy. If you get too close to him, he will become attached to you and he will not let you go. Just don't talk to him, okay?" said the girl.

"Understood." I said. "Thank you. My name is Diana by the way." she said. My heart dropped and I got anxious. "Oh, y-you're that Diana girl..." I said. "Yeah, I'm Diana." she said. "H-Hi, Diana... Nice to finally meet you! I'm Albert." I said in a nervous tone. "Oh and you're that Albert guy..." said Diana. I chuckled as my face warmed up.

"This is awkward." she giggled with a teethy smile as her face turned to a bright pink. "Tea? Care to share?" asked Jason. "Do you ever shut up Jason?" said Alexia. "So you're that girl that Jake won't shut up about." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe... Jake will not shut up about you either." said Diana.

"Dang, you two are like the same people but Albert is like the gay femboy version." said Jason. "Jason, just the hell up!" said Alessia. "Aren't you dating FoxKirsten?" asked Diana. "Uh, we broke up." I said. "Oh."

Jake's POV

I was making my way back with a water bottle until I stumbled upon the one and only Miguel.

"Fuck. I'm screwed." I muttered to myself. "Why won't you forgive me? Please, I love you!" he said. I pushed him away and I walked away. "Jakey! I didn't mean to hurt you!" he said. I ignored him so then he followed me.

He grabbed my arm and he pulled me into a kiss. I pulled away and I backed away. "You little fucker. I have a boyfriend." I said. "Just give me a chance!" said Miguel. "Aren't you with Diana?" I asked. "That doesn't matter. I love you and I just want to be with you." he said. "No, you're dating Diana and if I ever see you treat her wrong, I swear to god you'll regret it." I said.

"Give me a chance. Just one more." said Miguel. "No! What will it take for you to shut up!?" I yelled. "Break up with you boyfriend." he said. "What?" I scoffed. "Break up with him or I'll make you." he said. "Hell no! Fuck you bitch!" I said as a rushed back to my dad's room.

Albert's POV

Diana and I were talking until Jake barged into the room. He gave Diana a water bottle and she smiled at him.

"Jake, sit down, you literally just gotten out of your way just to look for a water bottle." said Diana. "All the seats are taken." said Jake. "Just take my seat." I said as I got up from my chair. "Albert, no." he said. "Take it bitch." I said. "No, you sit." he said. "I said take it!" I yelled. "Fine!" he said before he sat down on the chair.

"Thank you for your cooperation, love." I said. "Sit." said Jake as he pulled me down from behind, onto his lap. "You're welcome, love." said Jake. "Couple goals!" said Jason. "Goals you will never achieve." said Jake. "Wait, you two are dating?" asked Diana. "Yes sister." I said. "Aw, that's-" Diana got cut off by the door that swung opened.

Jake's mother, Michelle walked in so Jake let go off and he pushed me off. I stumbled and I sped off to the other side of the room. Jake, Jason and Diana laughed at my movement and Jake's face turned red. "We told you to watch out." said Alessia. "Hi mom..." said Alexia. "Who drove you and Jason here?" asked their mother. "I took them with me." said Alessia. "Oh ok!"

"Jay, Di and his little friend are here too." said Jason. Miguel walked into the room and he glared at Jake.

[Time Skip! Haven't done that in a while! 👉👈]

Albert's POV

I was talking to Jake and his family for a little while before we decided to leave because Jake's father had called asleep. "We should get going, dad's asleep." said Alessia. "Why don't we all have dinner together back at home." said Michelle. "I'm down." said Alessia. "Just us or can they all come?" asked Jason. "Everyone." said his Michelle.

"Sure, I'll go. What about you Miguel?" asked Diana. Miguel was in the corner of the room, scrolling on his phone. "Yeah, whatever." he said. We all agreed to go and we all left to the parking lot. "Jake, can you drive? I don't know any streets from here." I said. Jason and Alexia came out of no where and they asked if they could go with us.

"Why do you want to go with us? Why don't you go with Alessia or mom?" asked Jake. "We wanna third wheel." said Jason. "That's not third wheeling because there are two of you." said Jake. "It's a two in one because Alexia and I are twins dumbass." said Jason.

"Can we go with you two? I'll make sure to keep Jason distracted!" said Alexia. "Fine, hop in." I said. "Thank you!" said Jason. I gave Jake my car keys and we all got in the car. Jake started the car and he drove us to his mother's house.

How long have you two been in a relationship?" asked Alexia. "I don't really know, it just kind if happened on accident." I said. "Albert was the first one to confess, I guess." said Jake. "Things just started to happen after I told Jake about how I felt. Jake made the first move and he didn't stop after that." I said. "So, Jake is dominant in the relationship?" asked Jason. "Uh no!" I scoffed.

"Yes I am." said Jake. "Albert, Just admit it! Jake is top!" said Jason. "When was the last time you were top, Albert?" asked Alexia. "He tried to be top last night but he couldn't even take the pain of being a bottom and especially the next morning." said Jake. "Wait, you already had sex?" asked Alexia. "How does that even work?" asked Jason.

"Jason, shut up! I've caught you watching gay porn in the bathroom like a week ago! You should know!" said Alexia. "Shut up Alexia!" yelled Jason. "Jason's gay!" yelled Jake. "No, shut up or I'll jump out of the car!" said Jason. "Do it!" said Alexia. "No I'll die!"

"Where's the aux cord?" said Alexia. "I don't know where it's at." I said. "Alexia, we're almost here. Why do you want the aux cord?" asked Jake. "I don't know." said Alexia. I turned the radio on and we listened to music for a few minutes.

Jake reached for my hand and he intertwined him fingers in between mine. I looked up at him and I smiled a little. "Hey Albert, just so you know, my mom doesn't support homosexual relationships so we can't talk about us and we can't get too intimate as long as we're at her house." said Jake. "Alright." I said.

Jake pulled up to the side in front of a house. He took the keys out and he looked at me. "You really do not want my mother to find out about us. I'm telling you. This is a warning. You'll end up like Alessia's ex girlfriend." said Jake. "What happened to her." I asked. "I don't think I should tell you." said Jake. "Are you just telling me this to scare me?" I asked. "No, I just don't think I should tell you. It's kind of a sensitive topic." said Jake.

"Alright, fine." I said. "Good luck. I love you." said Jake. "Love you too." I said before he kissed me. I broke the kiss as soon as I heard a squeal from the back. Jake glared at Alexia.

"Alexa, shut down bitch." said Jake. "It wasn't me! It was Jason!" said Alexia. "Shut up!" yelled Jason. "Wait, that girly scream came out of you?" I asked. "Jason gay confirmed?" said Alexia. "He's not gay, he's just a girly boy." said Jake. "What a baby!" said Alexia. "Alexa, shut up." said Jason. "I'm not Alexa!" yelled Alexia. "Alexa, play Despacito." said Jason.

"Stop arguing." I said. "You two are acting childish." said Jake. "Can you both stop sending us gay daddies energy?" said Jason. "Says the gayest of the gays." said Alexia. "I'm not fucking gay!" Jason yelled.

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