I wish he knew

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I woke up and remembered the longest night of my life.

'I hate my life... Ever since Jake got here, things just got worse. Why? I don't get it! He made out with my girlfriend. We argued a lot. We made each other mad back and forth. I broke him. He broke me. He hugged me and these people were looking at us like we were crazy. We held hands and told each other 'I love you', but I don't think he meant it. We kissed, but he's going to forget that ever happened. Some guy beat us up. I am here now. I found out I'm in love with Jake and not Kirsten...' I teared up as hundreds of thoughts came in rushing inside my head.


It's been about an hour since I left the hospital and no one has told me anything about Jake. Russo was sitting next to me on the couch. Kirsten was sitting on the other side of the couch beside Russo and Ethan. I don't know what's going on but she is acting weird. She has been keeping distance away from me. Elijah and Denis were sitting next to each other. Adam was on the floor playing with Legos. The girls were upstairs sleeping.

We were all watching spongebob since Adam was here. It was really quiet. All I heard was the sound of Legos being put together and whatever the fuck we were watching. Anabella came downstairs and she looked like she just woke up. She came to the living room and she sat beside me.

I broke the silence because I was getting a little anxious.

"So uh, how's Jake?" I asked.

"Umm, he's ok. He was asking about you yesterday." said Russo. "Can we go see him." I looked up at Russo with a concerned look on my face. "I mean... I guess," Russo looked back at me. "Uh let's go now! Please," I said as I stood up from the couch.

"Uh, ok. Do any of you wanna come?" Russo stood up. Anabella got up immediately and she said she wanted to come. She ran upstairs and when she came back she was wearing blue ripped jeans, a pink hoodie and black converses.

"You ready Ana?" I asked grabbing my keys. She nodded and she sprinted over to us and we left.

I drove off and my heart was pounding. I let Russo connect his phone to my car so that he could play his own music.

Anabella was playing on her phone while Russo and I talked. When we got to the hospital I was getting more and more anxious by the seconds.

I let Russo and Ana do all the talking while I zoned out.

"Albert!" I heard a man yell. "Sit down!" It was Russo. "What?" I turned to look at him who was already sitting on a chair. Ana was sitting too. Russo gave me the 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' face.

"Sit down! I've been calling your name out but you were zoned out. You good bro?" Russo looked a bit concerned.

I nodded and I sat down next to him.

"Albert, are you sure you're ok? Do you need some water? Does anything hurt?" asked Russo in a calming voice.

"I'm Alright. I just woke up with a headache. I'm a little sad and confused. It all just feels like a blur. Everything happened so fast." I explained to him.

"Hey uh, Albert? What happened between you and Kirsten? You guys seem off." asked Anabella.

"Yeah, you guys have been acting weird." Russo jumped into the conversation.

"Um-" I was cut off by a doctor coming into the waiting room. "Who asked about Jacob Green!?"

"Wow, how unprofessional. Someone get this lady fired." Anabella chuckled to herself. Russo stood up and he walked over to her. "Oh it was us." he said to her. Anabella and I walked over to them.

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