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Before you start reading I just need to clear something up. So Alexia and Jason are going to be Jake's younger siblings and Alessia is going to his older sister. Got it?

Albert's POV

I woke up naked in a hotel room. Jake came out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. He looked down at me and I stared back at him.

"Staring at me again, huh?" said Jake. "What?" I said. "Nothing-" he said as he sat himself down on the bed. "You should go take a shower. You know what happened last night and you're probably not so clean after that." he said. I let out a sigh and I attempted to sit up. "Ow! Holy fuck-" I hissed in pain.

"Is your ass okay?" Jake chuckled.

"Nope! It burns! You went a little too hard on me!" I yelled.

"Oh, baby boy~" he said in a baby voice. "Shut up." I said. "Aww did the little baby wake up cranky~?"

"That's messed up. I'm your baby but you still hurt my asshole?" I said.

"That was TMI, Albert."

"I don't care. All I care about is how I'm going to drag myself to the bathroom." I said. Jake got up from the bed and he wrapped a blanket around my waist and he picked me up. He took me to the bathroom and he placed me into the bathtub. "There you go baby boy. Do you need me to help you with anything else?" asked Jake.

"No." I glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that! I'm just helping you and your ass." he said.

"So, you love my ass more than you love me?" I said.

"Ok this is awkward I'm just going to leave." said Jake before he left the bathroom.

"You asshole! You didn't answer my question!" I yelled.

Jake's POV

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and I check my messages.

Dad is awake. You better hurry your thicc lil ass over here right now ugly dhdnd dbdbbxbxbx💜💫

You are mean😔💙

I'm sorry!!!💜

Shut up💔

Aw ilyt💜

Oh by the way, Albert is coming

Who is that? Is that the little young man who mom doesn't like?


Is is just me or do I get gay vibes from him?


Is he though?

Don't tell anyone I told you this-

Ok? What is it?


What??? I don't get it!!

I'll tell you when we get there

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