Pregnancy Test

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I'm getting emotionally destroyed as I'm writing this. Please excuse my lazy writing. I'm very sorry.

Kirsten's POV

"Get cleaned up, we'll finish cooking and we'll talk." said Meg. I flushed the toilet and I washed my mouth at the sink. I went back to into the kitchen and we finished cooking.

We set up the table and we called everyone down to eat. When we were done eating Meg and I went into the living room and we talked there.

"Kirsten, may I ask you why you're asking me about pregnancy symptoms? Have you done anything with anyone?" asked Meg and I nodded. "Did you use protection?" she asked. "I don't really know. I don't think so." I said.

"What do you mean you 'don't really know'?" asked Meg. "I don't remember. My memory is so blank from the moment. I was doing stupid things with Jake and before I knew it, we were in his room doing-"

"Oh, so you cheated on Albert?" asked Meg. "It was an accident." I blurted out. "Wait, how? I am so confused." she said. "We were drinking." I said.


"It was still wrong for me to do that." I said.

"Is that why you two broke up?" she asked.

"It wasn't really just that." I said.

"Oh ok. Well do you want to talk about the symptoms now?" asked Meg. "Yeah, I'm ready." I said.

Meg told me about some of the symptoms and the more she told me, the more I panicked inside. When she was done, I zoned out. I was trapped in my own head and I couldn't get out.

"Kirsten, you messed up. You didn't want this. You just ruined your life. You're not stable enough for this. Why would you do this to yourself?"

I was beating myself up in my head and I couldn't make it stop.

"Kirsten!" I heard another voice yell. I came back to reality and Meg was yelling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you okay? " asked Meg.

"Yeah, I zoned out." I said.

"Did you listen to what I said?" she asked.

"Yeah, I heard everything." I said.

"I think you should buy a test or something." said Meg. "Yeah I think I want to go now. Can you come with me?" I asked. "Yeah, of course!" said Meg. "Alright, let's go." I sighed. I got my keys and we went to the car. We drove to the nearest Walgreens and we went inside.

"Alright, follow me!" said Meg as she pulled me to an isle. She grabbed a box and she gave it to me. "You should try using these." she said. "Oh ok, is that it?" I asked and she nodded. We went over to a cashier and we payed for the test.

When we got home Anabella, Raven and Adam were watching a movie on the TV. Ana looked back at me and she smiled.

"What is that?" she pointed at the box. "Something." I said. "What is that something?" she asked. "Nothing." I said. Raven looked at Ana and then me. "What's up?" she asked. "Kirsten, just tell me." said Anabella in a more serious tone.

"Ok fine! It's just a pregnancy test." I said. "Wait what?" she said. "You're pregnant?" asked Raven. "I don't know." I said. "Are you going to use the test?" asked Ana. "Yeah I'm about to take it." I said. "Do you need help?" asked Meg. "Maybe, let's go upstairs." I said.

"Can I go too?" asked Anabella. "Sure. Raven do you want to hang out upstairs too?" I asked and she nodded. "Adam can you stay down here for a few minutes?" I asked. "Yes!" he said. "Alright, don't get into trouble." I said before we all went upstairs.

Went into my room and we shut the door. "Girls only zone." said Raven. "Yes sister." I said. I opened the box and I took the first test out.

"Ok so, you have to pee on that and wait thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, you may see two lines. If you have two lines, you're may be pregnant. If you see one line, you are probably not pregnant." said Meg.

"Ok!" I said.

Anabella's POV

Kirsten went into the bathroom and  we waited for her to come out. A few minutes later she came out. We hung out and after around thirty minutes Kirsren checked the test. I was nervous. She probably doesn't know that I know about what happened between her and Jake.

"Only one line." she said. "Take the other test." said Meg. Kirsten nodded and she took the other test with her to the bathroom. When she came out we waited for another thirty minutes. When thirty minutes passed Kirsten checked the test. She had a shocked look on her face.

That's not good...

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