Flowers were decorated everywhere. There was a shiny marble floor in which we were standing on. The most spectacular thing was the four statues at the end of each pole.

There were four elegant girls in dresses with horrified looks on their faces.

Delmas grinned. "Ah, those are the past heroes."
She spoke as if she was reading my mind.

"The what?" Aqua asked glumly, still constantly glancing back and forth between Delmas and Scarlett.

"The past heroes. They were the best fighters that served Demroy. However, they lost against the battle of the evil Yaxer."

"The hell is a Yaxer?" I interrupted.

"Yaxer is the leader of a group called Maniacs. Believe me, I can definitely tell why they're named the Maniacs. But right now, I need to wake up the friend of yours, because the next part that I am going to tell you is very important."

Delmas twirled her finger around and created a blast of light which circled Scarlett. "By the way, how did you get her to have an injury like this? Did you run into demons of your own?"

"Errr I guess you can say that." I said, looking down at my feet.

"You have the power to heal?!" Aqua asked, finally returning back to her happy voice.

Delmas nodded.
"Only the guardians do."

Scarlett fluttered her eyes and opened them slowly, letting out a tiny breath. Aqua hovered around her, hugging Scarlett.
She realized this and pushed Aqua away, coughing.
"I hate contact."

Delmas clutched her heart and grimaced.
Her face was soon replaced with a smile.
"Ah I'm getting weaker."

Scarlett slowly sat up.
"What happened? Ah never mind." She touched her head and let out a tiny wince.

"Delmas cured you." I said as Scarlett looked at Delmas with a look I couldn't interpret.

"T-thank you." She muttered, not looking at any of us.

I chuckled.
You get to hear Scarlett say 'thank you' once every two years.

I guess even if Delmas cured her, she still had a little pain left.
Which I guess was a reasonable.

Aqua explained to her real quick about what Delmas had said so far.

"Okay so you are telling me, that these four people's group name is heroes? Ah.."
Scarlett asked, at the same time flinching because of the pain.

Delmas shook her head.

"They were past heroes, but their name wasn't heroes. They were Elementals, like you guys."

Delmas paused, as if expecting all four of us to say something. Then a stab of realization pierced through me.
Simultaneously, all four of us yelled.
"That's our parents?!"

So that's what they looked like.....

Delmas nodded.

Scarlett's eyes widened at the sight. Then she spoke.
"My mother is beautiful!...Not as much as me though. Ah..." After saying that, she grimaced and touched her head.

I swear she winces every time she speaks. She should just stop talking to avoid pain.

I sighed. "You don't even know which one of them was yours.

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