Scarlett's Injury

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Aqua's POV
After the 'incident', Jenny and Karen were having detention for five weeks straight and were grounded by their parents.

We were let off with a warning since we were mainly the ones injured.

Served them right.
I knocked on Scarlett's door.

Scarlett's mom showed up.
She opened the door and revealed a look I couldn't decipher on her face.

"May I go inside to see Scarlett?" I asked.

She nodded hesitantly and led me to her room.

As soon as I walked in, I gasped.
It was a large room painted in light yellow. Kind of creamish actually.
Scarlett wasn't the only one there.

Rachel stood right next to Scarlett with a bowl of red liquid and an ice pack in her hand. She worked quietly while I scooted myself over. "Is she okay?" I whispered.

Rachel nodded. "She just has a bump on her head, a black eye, maybe some bruises along her back, that's all. " I gasped again.

All I received was a small bruise at the back of my head from hitting it on the pipe accidentally.

"Just a bump on her head? Her skull would've been damaged by now. She really is...strong."
I hesitated and my eyes landed on a silver bowl.

"Then what's that?" I asked pointing to the red stuff.

Rachel's face grew pale. "...blood."
She answered.

I drew back in alarm, my heart beating fast.
"Sorry Aqua, I didn't tell you but..." She lifted up Scarlett's bandage on her head.
There sat a huge lump of swollen skin that was still flowing out fresh blood. My mouth dropped open with disbelief and horror.

How is that a bump?!

"She's been bleeding nonstop since yesterday at school. It's been over 12 hours."

Still though, she managed to survive with that much damage done...

"H-how is that possible? That's not human! She would've died with that much blood! How could Jenny and Karen have done so much harm?!" I wept softly.
"We just met. We didn't get to go eat macaroni and cheese together yet. And—and we didn't finish our training yet!"

"Calm down Aqua, she'll be okay. She's a tough girl."
I wiped away my tears.
Her mom must've been really worried.

"What about Elena?" I asked regretfully remembering that she might have the same injury.
Rachel laughed. "She wasn't even hurt. She just got punched in the stomach and face. "

"oh." Was all I can say.
I wanted to know why Scarlett was the main target. And why she got beat up so badly.

Oh wait nevermind.

I thought back to our fight. Scarlett acted tough and she was mostly involved by giving back punches to both Jenny and Karen.
She stood up and acted okay, meanwhile Elena just was laying there the whole time.

And...that textbook that landed on Scarlett's head must've caused the injury.
I've seen it. Scarlett must've took more than 40 hits to the head from that giant textbook.
I winced at the thought.

"...But didn't the book in library said we have the power to heal? Is that all a lie?" I asked, pursing my lips.

Rachel nodded.
"Yep. It was a lie."

"I'm not surprised she decided not to go to the hospital." Rachel spoke softly as I stared at Scarlett's still body.

"Even though she should've. They could've figured out her secret. I mean, she probably has some type of weird blood like us since we're Elementals."

I nodded in agreement.
Scarlett..why pretend to be okay?
Scarlett is a badass.
Now I'm curious.

Which Elemental do you relate to the most?
Scarlett- The rebel
Elena- The responsible and smart one
Aqua- The drama queen/motherly one
Rachel- The sarcastic and caring one


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