That Was Useless

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Scarlett's POV
This is horrible. I have a feeling that someone is stalking me.

Okayyy maybe not. I'm just freaking out because once in a whole lifetime, someone actually talked to me.

Wow that just sounded sad.
Way to go Scar, you might have a chance in not being a trash picker upper, or whatever it is.

I heard they make quite the money though. I'm still interested in that job.

I slowly walked into my math class and the first thing I saw was two girls on my desk acting like some hot stuff.
Like excuse me but your butt, is spreading germs. All that contamination.
Imagine if they took a massive dump this morning.

I walked over there with my arms crossed, not even noticing other boys there smirking.

I lied. I did.
I may or may not have tucked my beautiful blonde lock behind my ear seductively. Or tried.

"Please move. You're invading my whole entire desk." I coughed up, trying to sound threatening but elegant at the same time.

Is that even a thing?

Whatever. It is in my world.

"Hey Karen, is this your little friend? Needs a makeover."

Completely ignoring my words. Thanks.

The girl next to her shook her head, looking me up and down in disgust.

"Listen freak, since I'm in a good mood today, I insist you go find somewhere else for that face of yours. You're an eyesore. As a suggestion, I think you should sit righttt there."

She pointed to her right. Following her gaze, my eyes met my dearest friend. The trash can. Isn't it nice?

"Oh, and thank me later sweet cheeks." She blew a kiss, a sweet mint smell escaped from her lips.

I hate mint.

I clenched my fist and started to step forward. Analyzing her, I spoke to myself and imagined the scenario.

With her damn position she's in right now, her damn legs crossed, her damn hand out, her damn mouth perked out.
I can definitely land a blow on this blockhead before she notices.

Shove her to the ground and pull off some sick punches. Best thing yet, she can't fight back with that stupid mini skirt she has on.
Heck, was she even allowed to wear that in school?

As I prepared to throw my punch, someone stepped in holding my arms back. A pretty girl with striking blue eyes.

Of course I'm still better though.

Please tell me she's not with them.

"Let me handle this." She whispered in my ear as I backed up.

Working up tears, the mystery girl kneeled down.

I looked down with a confused look plastered on my face.
"Oh please, please let her get to her desk. I beg of you. Don't make her sad. She has a very sick illness and won't have much days left to live."

Really? I do?

She continued, "It's not much to ask for. It's just a desk right? Just please, let her. "

That girl quickly turned towards me, and her eyes told me what to do.

Suddenly I'm coughing up a storm, trying to sound as sick as possible. Coughing every two seconds, then throwing in a few sneezes and finally wiping away non-existence snot.

Ah why am I actually listening and performing this crap?

"Just this once." Karen said as she quickly stood up looking very disturbed.
The rest of the annoying crew followed her, but some boys stayed in their seats.
_ _ _ _ _ _

Later when the class ended, some guy went over to me and patted me on the back.

"Take care A-ight?"
I nodded and smiled back, but secretly wanting to burn all of them alive.

I grind my teeth together and violently grabbed dramatic blue-eyed girl.

"What was THAT about? Illness? Just for a lame piece of furniture you hafta make up that whole story? You know I can just settle it by beating them up?"

She smiled and tilted her head to the side innocently.

"You want to be beat up too?" I asked as I glared at her and raised my perfectly, beautifully arched eyebrow.

Yes I complimented myself again. So what?

"What's your name?" She asked like nothing's wrong, and ignoring me.

"Why you need to know?" I glared at her.

She gave me a bright smile, showing her all round perfect white teeth.

"...Scarlett." I mumbled and she smiled again.

"What's that again?" She asked.

I rolled my perfect round eyeballs.
Yes, I complimented myself again. Got a problem?

"Scarlett." I said, louder this time.

"The name's Aqua. Nice to meet you too Scarlett." And she skipped along side me, without my permission whatsoever.

Aqua eh? Matches her eyes.

I chuckled as I headed out.
Why am I laughing? I'm going to get her for this.
Motherfucking blue dolphin.
Question time!!

If you could choose any eye color in the world, what would it be?

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