Getting Revenge for Simple Things

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Rachel's POV-
As Jenny smeared the red lipstick on my beautiful new jeans, I stood there in horror. "What are you doing?!" I practically yelled.

"Hm, color is nice."
They snickered and walked away.

"What a...BEAST. I swear, her precious snicker and ugly smile is gonna be ripped off her face once I pull her hair out and boil it in LAVA!"

"Calm down, your face is redder than my shirt." Scarlett said neutrally.

Oh her shirt is red? "Really?"
I glanced down and indeed it was.

Going off track again. Ugh.

"I can't believe she did that to you!"Aqua raged as her voice shook with anger. I snapped back to reality.
What happened? Oh yeah.


I looked down to examine the red smeared lipstick. No doubt that it's at least one feet across my jeans, and at my thighs too.

It's ruined. I thought as I stared at the mark.

"Scarletttt, we have to do somethingggg. Look at what they did to her!" Aqua tugged on Scarlett's sleeve.

Scarlett looked at her with boredom.

"Her jeans are ruined! And I thought they looked nice too!" Aqua continued to whine.

"Meh. Just buy new ones." She replied as she took a flannel out of her bag and threw it to me.

"Tie it around your waist. And no wait....I have an idea." She smirked and whispered it to us.

*****************next day
Scarlett's POV
We waited until Karen and Jenny left their bags to go criticize some people. Of course, it's apparently too heavy for their stupid arms.

We sneaked over and I handed Aqua the spiders and ketchup.
Anyone with half a brain could figure out what we were going to do.
First, we poured ketchup on the first spot that we think they'll grab first, which is their makeup bags.
Because they're bratty.
Then, we stuffed a spider in each of their bags.

But that was only the part I told Aqua and Rachel about.
Because that would be the most boring prank I pulled in my entire life, and Rachel and Aqua are pretty boring.

"Hurry! " I heard Rachel rush. "They're coming back!"
We hid behind the walls to see their expressions.

"Well that was lame. All she did was cry. It's so disappointing." Jenny said when she came back, fanning herself and batting her lashes as if SHE was going to cry.

Motherfucker cry all you want.

"Oh honey don't be so sad. Here I got a new makeup bag that I can let you borrow!"

Immediately, Jenny's face lit up and she started talking about how she also bought one and would let Karen borrow it too.
What are they? Children?

Sure enough, they took it out to show it. "Wait til' you see this new eye-shadow I got!" Karen squealed as she reached in to grab it.
Instead, she grabbed the rubber spider Aqua had laid on top.

"Hm? What's this?" Her eyes widened in horror as she started screeching.

"OMG OMG THE SPIDER CAUGHT ME! TAKE IT OFF!! TAKE IT OFF!"Aqua and Rachel were laughing their heads off.

I just smirked and waited patiently.
Half of me was cringing though. Her voice was so loud.

Jenny opened the bag and fainted.
Too bad Karen woke her up from her 5 second faint.

As they continued to screech and Aqua and Rachel continued to laugh, I pulled out two baseballs I had borrowed from a dude on my street.

Oh hell yeah.
Rubber spiders and ketchup? Such a weak plan.

I was thinking of something better.
Aiming for both heads, I threw the rock hard baseballs at them.

"Yes!" I patted myself on the back as they both fell down and I went to retrieve the baseballs.

I've always been athletic.

"Scarlett!" Aqua hissed, "we didn't agree on that!"
Rachel nodded along.

"Doesn't matter. You took my opportunity away to punch them, that's the least that I could've done. That's right, I'm mean like that." I chuckled.

They gave me a glare and I shrugged.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind after you see the word, "Blue"?


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