Double Elementals Part 2

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Scarlett's POV
"Hey don't think that just because you're my mother that you could stay in my room!"

I slammed the door shut before my 'mom' could walk in. Covering the door with both arms, I spat out, " Who knows? Maybe you're still possessed. Or worse, kill me while I'm sleeping! I don't trust you. I don't trust you at all!"

All she did was shake her head and smiled.

"Fine, I don't want to sleep in the same room with my daughter anyway. I'll just accidentally show your friends something that I just found...or kept."

I was confused until she snapped her fingers and a book appeared floating in the air. She made wavy motions with her hand to flip the pages. And I saw what was in it. Pictures of me. When I was a baby. Naked. I never knew how scary this moment could be. How one baby picture could lead to utterly chaotic disasters!!

I snapped out of my daze and puffed up my chest, trying to look brave. ....But my words didn't really cooperate."W-where did you get that?" I stuttered, reaching out to grasp the book, but it vanished before I could even lay a finger on it. "Hmm, when you were a baby of course."

I looked down.
"But you weren't even here with me when I was a baby!"

"Who says?"  My mother smirked and walked away gracefully, knowing that I'll stop her. She really does act like me sometimes...I just realized.

"Wait!" I said.

Suddenly feeling a pinch of regret.

"You can. You can. Sh-SHARE the room" My eye started twitching and I smacked it to stop it from twitching again.

I don't usually share stuff.
And I believe this was the second time I've used the word 'share' in my entire life.

*when Scarlett was four years old*

Random girl went up to me and poked my back.
I turned around expressionless, for a four year old even.

"Hi!!! My name is Sally. Want to play and share some crayons!!!!??"

My four year old self was creeped out and was at the same time fascinated about how mother nature can create such an insect to have such enthusiasm.

Four year old me snickered.
"Share? What's that?"

*end of flashback*

I snapped back into reality and realized that was 13 years ago. My mother turned back smiling and went in and laid on the bed.

While she was enjoying the comfort of it and sighing, I left murmuring to myself.

The others told me that they'll be at Demroy, so I teleported there.

Soon, a familiar surrounding took place, and I quickly spot my friends, and Delmas.

"Delmas! Glad to have you back!" I waved.

"You're here." Aqua said and smiled, I nodded and turned back to Delmas who started talking.

"So since I'm back here, we'll start training again tomorrow."

We all looked at each other with frowns, and groaned. "Why Delmas. Why?! We saved you and now you want us to suffer?! Didn't you already teach us everything???? We don't need a review." Elena was laying on the ground whimpering like a little kid.

"I'm just playing with you." Delmas said. We all stopped and looked at her weirdly.

"You know what play means?" I asked.

There was a gleam in everyone's eyes.

"Nope. Meet me here tomorrow to start our training." She chuckled and disappeared.

"Ughhhhh!!!!!" We all whined simultaneously.
Yes, it's cheesy.
And yes, you know idontw loves cheese.
So here's my question:
Do you have any allergies? If so, what are you allergic to?
My answer personally is:
Yes, I'm allergic to humans.

Heh jk love you guys :3

But seriously I once started sneezing when I was near someone.


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