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Rachel's POV
"What where are you going?!" Karen screamed, wiping her purse with a piece of napkin.

"I said I was sorry!" I groaned.

I only accidentally shoved the water bottle from her hands.
Hey, it was by accident.

"I don't care! You have to repay me!" She yelled.

"It's only water!" I said angrily.
I ran through the halls of YANS high-school, jumping and swerving over people walking casually.

She's really getting on my nerves.
It was extremely crowded today and I had to stop right in the middle of my tracks.

Her devil feet must have been really fast for her to catch up to me (EVEN WITH HEELS ON) because as soon as I turned around, I felt a sting on my cheeks.

And for some reason, that slap must have been enhanced with her devil powers because it was louder than my alarm clock.
Bitch just slapped me.

Every kid in the hallways were listening now.

"Haha. You worthless no life. How does that feel for your pathetic self? You better be giving me back hundreds of dollars for my purse. You got it?" She smiled wickedly and turned away.

The students in the hallways laughed and cheered Karen on, pointing their fingers at me.

She's pathetic

Haha can her broke self even pay back?


Tsk tsk I pity her

I heard all of these while looking down on the ground, like a small prey who can't even do anything.

And for once, I felt extreme anger rising.

My fists clenched without me even knowing and I found myself smirking.

"Rule number 23.....never turn your back on the opponent."

Karen turned around puzzled, but before she could turn around fully, I punched her with all my might.

She flew across until the end of the hall as I snapped back into reality. What happened?

Oh wait.

I rolled up my sleeves and coughed.
"Oh my how did you get there? Oh look it's a rat on the ground, how lovely...well see you guys later!"

I rushed out and everyone backed away as I made my way down the hall. For the first time in forever, no name calling.


"I kind of got angry today and may or may not punched Karen until she flew across the hall." I scratched my head, still not believing I actually did that.

Elena sat there gaping. "You? The girl who is all like kindness and stuff?"

I nodded and shoved a piece of salad in my mouth. "You've got to be kidding me." Aqua said uncertainly.

I shook my head and devoured a piece of tomato.
"Although, my fist kind of burned though." I said.

Scarlett smiled. "Does it burn like this?" She asked, lighting her fork on fire.

"Scarlett! Stop, there are people around!" Aqua said hurriedly, pouring her milk all over Scarlett's hand.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "I can light it off myself.. Now you ruined my hands AND food."
Aqua looked at her innocently and turned around to face me.

"Oh well that's good. You actually stood up for yourself. Thank god the teachers didn't see you though right?"

I nodded.

"Rachel.......listen to me. Let's try to avoid them from now on okay? It will put us in great danger." Aqua said in a soothing 'motherish' voice and reached out a hand to touch my shoulder.
Elena nodded along like a doll.
"Yeah what she said."

Scarlett looked at me with a blank expression.

How did they change her emotions so fast?
I didn't like it. This didn't seem like them at all. They would've cheered me on.
Besides, they usually are the ones to start the problem but now they're being hypocrites, telling me to be careful and whatnot.
I knew that there was definitely something wrong.

"You're hiding something." I said, pushing Aqua's hand off my shoulder.

Elena bit her bottom lip and played with her charm bracelet. She only does that when she's nervous.

Something was up. "W-what?" Scarlett asked. It was the first time that she didn't seem confident in my eyes.

"You're hiding something." I repeated, slower this time. They were silent, and so was I.

"Tell me." I said.
Aqua acted dumb. "What?"
"You know what." I said, tables trembling.

Sounds of winds slashed across our cafeteria's windows. "Please Rachel. No." Aqua said looking weak.

Soon, the windows are going to blast, and students will be filled with glass injuries.

I spotted a few looking at the windows nervously. I felt my fingers getting sweaty as I spotted a tornado outside.

It's requiring me a lot of force to control that much energy only from my fingertips, and not my palms.

The clouds got darker and darker and one of the cabinets of the cafeteria flew across the room.
A whole bunch of students stood up, frightened, glancing all around the room.

Aqua looked hopeless, and she had no choice.

"Fine. We'll tell you." Elena's jaws plopped open and Scarlett cleared her throat like nothing happened at all.

I twirled my fingers under the lunch table, and the wind disappeared, leaving the birds chirping happily again.
Everyone sat back down, confused as ever, and the room erupted in whispers.

But still, Elena sighed in relief.

"Now, TELL me." I said threateningly.

I didn't want to do this to my friends, but they're keeping a secret from me. Aqua breathed heavily before speaking again.

"Delmas...Delmas was found dead yesterday. Evil spirits killed her. Her magic wasn't strong enough to protect herself. The spirits....well, the spirits want our blood."

I could tell my eyes changed completely into white, because Scarlett was looking at them intensely.

I was afraid of my next question.

"What kind of spirits?" I asked, now noticing how much I'm shaking.

"Our mothers Rachel. Our mothers." Aqua said shaking her head in disbelief, and wept softly.

Scarlett cleared her throat again, looking up to the ceiling as if she was trying to keep her tears in place.

I can't believe it.
Our mothers killed Delmas? Their best friend?
When shit goes down.
Heh sorry.

Sooo this chapter's question is:

What do you think happens after death?

(I know, #deep)

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