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Scarlett's POV
The heat surrounded me as I leave a sudden gasp I didn't even know I was holding in.

The heat was taking away the air and replacing it with foul smelling smoke.
It made me weaker and weaker.

I started telling myself that this flame is not true. But it was no use.

What to do?
What to do?

I can't even think clearly.
This smoke is really bad for my lungs.

Fine. We'll just play it the hard way. I managed to stand.


The flames bursted out smoking hot lava.

I screamed.

That's not gonna work.

I stayed there. This is a machine right? So this lava can't harm me.

It reached my foot and burned through my feet.
"GAHHHH!" I yelped in pain.

I was wrong.
I was wrong.
Heck, I was so wrong.

This lava is deadly.

It started bubbling and sizzling.
Like crazy. I'm gonna be boiled. Alive.

"HEY LADY ARE YOU TRYNA KILL US?!" I yelled frantically, looking around and not sure what to do.

A red crystal shape of a fire blaze appeared above the lava, almost on demand. But the problem is, is that this place was only full of lava and rocks beneath. There was no way to get to the gem like Elena did.

Why? What do they want me to do? There was literally nothing to help me get the gem.

The red hot liquid started filling up the whole place, but the gem was STILL above it.

Oh no.

"Alright. ALRIGHT. That's how you wanna play right? I SEE. HOW IT IS." I huffed and rolled up my sleeves and my pant sleeves.

You can do this Scar. Show em' what you're made of.


Wait how's that relatable?
That's not helpful at all!

Oh whatever. Let's do this.
I may not have the brains like Aqua or Elena...
So I'll just use my common sense.

I have no common sense.
Fuck okay let's go.

I took my first step in lava and almost cried. It sizzled my foot and felt horrible to the touch.

My second step in, now both of my feet are feeling this pain together.
Shit shit shit

Tears automatically surge at the corner of my eyes now, but I'm not about to make them fall.

"Oh God is this my punishment? Is this what hell feels like?"

I pursed my lips as I took another step. My toes twitched and I could already see my future scar marks and how red my foot is already.

"At least I have a preview of what hell is like before I go there." I squeaked out.

My legs started getting numb and shaking furiously.

And I'm only on the third step.

I looked up to see that the crystal was still far away. Just 14 more steps. 14 mor—

Oh fuck it.

I ran. Harder than my life. The thick lava felt like tar, and it's now hotter than ever.

My feet are gonna fall off.

I wasn't even sure if I was running but I probably am if I'm getting closer and closer...

I can feel sweat pouring down from my face as the lava started reaching above my ankles and boiling it.
I didn't even try holding my tears anymore. They came rushing down like a waterfall.

Shit shit shit.

My eyes felt heavy now and there's a thick layer of steam above my head. It looked like fog and I could barely see where the gem is now but I still kept running.

The build up of lava on my feet grew thicker and heavier, and made me have a harder time running.

Suddenly, I grew weaker and weaker. Until I collapsed, with my whole body in lava.

I couldn't feel anything now, except more lava now reaching my face and burning its flesh off.
Real hell.

Why is my test like this?
Did they want to get me prepared for pain?
I don't like it. It hurts.

Darkness surrounded me and and at the same time I felt the heat starting to fade away slowly.

The scars started disappearing too and I felt more alive then ever. I regained my energy as I stood up, confused.

Why would I feel alive when I almost died?
The irony.

I took a look around, finding out I was standing right in the middle. I must've collapsed on the gem at the right time.

What's my element? You don't have to tell me twice.

I stepped through a door that had appeared and was greeted by worthless human beings.

Haha just kidding.

Or not.

"I get what they mean by most dangerous." Elena nodded.

Rachel gave me a punch. "You could've died if you didn't run."

"Aqua, you're next."
Delmas nodded at the blue-eyed girl.

I gave her a thumbs up as she headed for her world.
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