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Luke held the burning stick and set the wood aflame. Anakin's body was lain across the wood and soon flames engulfed him. Luke stepped back while Serenity watched the fire rise into the dark sky. Luke took hold of Serenity's hand and looked at her face, all aglow with orange light and the flames reflecting in her eyes. Tears welled in both their eyes. Was it because of sadness? Or because of the smoke that stung their eyes, they would never know. Luke still had the burning stick in his hand, pointed outwards, as to not burn the female figure beside him.

Serenity closes her eyes. She felt the happiness the residents of other star systems that were suffering because of the Empire felt. They were finally freed.

As was Anakin.

Finally freed from the grips of his evil Master, freed from the pain and never-ending suffering he was forced to turn into anger and power. He was freed of the suit the Emperor created to keep him alive and was freed from being Darth Vader, the Sith Lord who consumed him.

Serenity smiled warmly, despite her tears. He would see his parents soon and she was sure they would forgive him. Zayli would be so proud of what he'd done, as would Ben. He would finally get to meet Soreé and meet Leia. She hoped he would see Padmé as well, although it wouldn't be easy since she wasn't a Force sensitive.

Luke squeezed Serenity's hand gently.
"Seren...what are you thinking?" He asked her softly.
"About Anakin. He's free. He'll get to see my parents and he'll get to meet Leia from the netherworld of the Force...he'll be so happy Luke." She whispered, not breaking her gaze from the flames.
"You know what makes me happy?" He asks, Serenity finally breaks her stare to look at him.
"What? What makes you happy?"
"You...Leia, Han, Chewie, R2, 3PO, all our wonderful friends!" He grinned. "But you've been with me since the very beginning. You followed me and helped me through everything. We saved my father, together."

"We make a pretty great team huh." She giggled. Her giggles when cut off when Luke kissed her. He smiled against her lips.
"The greatest." He said lowly.
"Come on." She tugged on him. "Let's go meet up with our wonderful friends."

It was a celebration to that everyone would remember for a lifetime. The fall of the Empire.
The Ewok Village was celebrating the victory of the Rebel Alliance, were dancing around huge fires and banging on drums.

Luke and Serenity had arrived on the celebratory scene. Leia jumped to her brother, arms open wide. Luke returned her hug and then moved on to Han. It was Serenity's turn to hug the young women, who laughed with glee. Serenity shuffled over to Han who wrapped his arms around her. It was quite funny to think of how much she disliked Han all those years ago and now they were good friends, hugging each other. After they pulled away, she watched Luke pat Wedge on the shoulder, both of them with smiles on their faces.

She then felt a tug at the bottom of her blouse. She looked down to see a very familiar Ewok.
"Buddy!" She exclaimed and lifted the tan Ewok into her arms. Buddy threw his paws about her and buried his little face in the crook of her neck. Serenity patted the back of his head and put him back down on the ground. She looked on as Buddy rushed to catch up with his friends.

Serenity spotted Luke leaning against a canopy. She walked over and smiled once she reached him, but she wasn't looking at her. Serenity followed Luke's gaze and was met with a wonderful sight. Her father and Yoda were there in their ghostly figures. Suddenly two new figures appeared, a older woman and a younger man. She recognized the old woman's kind smile.
"Mother." She whispered softly. Zayli's smile grew wider as Ben took her hand.

The young man had a familiar presence. She tried to think of who it could be when a lightbulb went off in her head.

It was no other then Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin looked down at his robes and gave an inaudible chuckle at the young pair in front of him. Serenity snaked her arm Luke's shoulders. Luke looked at Serenity with pure love and adoration. Serenity had the same look on her face. She flicked back to the five Force ghosts when a sixth one appeared beside her mother. A female Twi'lek. She looked around herself, her mouth agape. She glanced at her mother who had a look of surprise written over her features. The Twil'lek then focused her gaze on the two in front of her. She waved rapidly at Serenity.
"S-Soreé?" Serenity questioned you which Soreé responded with a vigorous nod.
"Who's she?" Luke asked.
"I'll tell you all about her later." She said not breaking her gaze from Soreé.

That was when Luke decided to kiss her. In front the ghost audience. Serenity's cheeks grew red when Luke pulled away, but having people watch didn't faze him.
"Luke." She lightly kicked him with her leg. She spared a glance at the Force ghosts, each had a different expression on their faces.

Zayli smiled a toothy smile while looking up at Ben. Ben shook his head in mock-offense but had a smirk on his face. It widened when his wife put her head on his shoulder. Yoda had the same expression he always had, a blank, calm one. Soreé had her mouth slightly open with her head tilted in awe at the cute couple. Lastly, Anakin had his arms crossed over his chest and was looking at his son with amused surprise. He winked at Luke. They both chuckled at Anakin. Luke then put Serenity's arm back to her side, turned and walked away to catch up with Leia, Han and Lando who were close by. Serenity took one last look at the six ghost in front of her. She waved and followed Luke.

Peace And Serenity (Luke Skywalker)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum