Not Quite Alderaan

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Serenity relayed her idea to her father. It was the way she learned to stretch out with her feelings. By covering her eyes, making her rely on the Force. Ben was enthusiastic about the idea and smiled at the memory. He grabbed a helmet and placed it on his head. With the blaster shield down he couldn't see a thing. That's when her father told him to stretch out with his feelings and rely on pure instinct. Similar to what he had told her years ago.

Luke failed the first time and got a zip of electricity to the hand as punishment but he ultimately figured it out. Serenity clapped lightly at his triumph but not too loud. She then heard a beeping noise.
"Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan."

Luke takes off his helmet and steps up to Ben.
"You know I did feel something. I could almost see the remote."
"That's good you've taken your first step into a larger world." He pats his shoulder gently.
"Welcome to the wonderful world of the Force!" Serenity throws her arms up in the air. The ship then rumbles and she hears Chewie's worried growls.

They rush to the cockpit.
"What's going on?" Luke asks.
"Our positions correct Alderaan."
"What do you mean? Where is it?!"
"That's what I'm trying to tell you kid it's not there. Been blown away."

That's what the screaming voices were. The people of Alderaan. Their planets been...blown up...but by what?
"What?! How?!" Luke turns to Serenity and Ben for answers.
"Destroyed by the Empire." Ben states.
"The entire Starfleet couldn't destroy the whole planet. It would take a thousand ships with more firepower then I've-" Han is cut off by rapid beeps. "There's another ship comin' in."
"Maybe they know what happened." Luke suggests.
"It's an...Imperial fighter." Serenity says with closed eyes.
"It followed us!" Luke accuses.
"Nope. It's a short-range fighter." Ben nods.
"But there are no bases around here. Where did it come from?" Han asks.
"Sure is leaving in a big hurry." Serenity half jokes.
Luke shakes his head, "If they identify us, we're in big trouble."
"Not if I can help it. Chewie jam it's transmission." He orders the Wookie.
"Let it go-" Ben starts.
"It's too far out of range Han!" Serenity finishes.

Serenity had a habit of interrupting her father but he didn't mind too much.
"Not for long." Han replies and follows the fighter's flight path.
"That's too small of a ship to be this deep in space on it's own." Serenity thinks out loud.
"It must've gotten lost, part of a convoy or something." Luke says.
Han presses a button, "Well he ain't gonna be around long enough to tell anyone about us."

"Look he's heading for that small moon." Luke points out.
"I think I can get him before he gets there. He's almost in range." Han says.

The group gets closer and closer to this "moon"
Ben and Serenity breath out, "That's no moon." They speak at the exact same time.
"It's a space station." Ben speaks as Serenity lost her words halfway between her brain and her mouth.
Han furrows his brows, "That's too big to be a space station."

The ship gets closer and without a doubt what they're seeing is not a moon.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Luke squeaks quietly.
"You said it. Han you gotta turn the ship around."
"Yeah, for the first time, I agree with you. Full reverse. Chewie lock in the auxiliary power." He demands but nothing changes. "Lock in the auxiliary power!" Chewie responds with a nervous yowl.
Luke says in a high-pitched voice, "Why are we still moving towards it?!"
"We're stuck on a tractor beam, it's pulling us in." Han replies.
"There must be something you can do." Serenity looks at Han with wide eyes.
"There's nothing I can do girl, I'm at full power. I have to shut down...they're not going to get me without a fight."
"You can't win. But they are alternatives to fighting." Her father says lightly.

As the move closer to the mysterious space station, Serenity lets out a small frightened whimper. Luke and Ben notice this and both do their best to comfort the girl despite their own fear. Ben rubs her back while Luke takes hold of her hand. Her hand warms at his touch. She half smiled at the Luke and her father.
This is where the fun begins she thought to herself using her mother's well-used line.

The groups was hiding in compartments underneath the floors. Serenity was pressed up against her father. She didn't dare make a sound in the case the Stormtroopers patrolling the area would hear her. It was a very tight fit and wasn't exactly comfortable but it was the only way to not get taken hostage.

Once Serenity sensed there was no danger, she pushed up on the floor panel, lifting it so she could hop out.
"Boy it's lucky you have these compartments." Luke said as he popped his head out and looked around before getting out.
"I use them for smuggling...never thought I'd smuggle myself in them. This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor beam." Han has his upper-half out of the compartment.
Ben spoke up, "Leave that to me."
"Damn fool, I knew you were gonna say that." Han glares.
Serenity stares at him, "My father is not a damn fool, he is much wiser then you could ever hope to be." She seethed. Ben ignored her statement.
"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" He asked teasingly.
"How are we gonna get past those the Troopers? We'll be dead meat if we're caught." Luke scratches his head in thought.

Serenity eyes light up, "I have an just might be crazy enough to work...but...I need you two..." she points to Han and Luke. "To help execute it."

Argh! Pew! A blaster shot goes off while Chewie yells. Serenity's plan was perfect. Luke and Han disguised themselves as Stormtroopers and broke into a control center.
Luke takes off his Stormtrooper helmet, "Between his howling and your blasting, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here!" Luke shouts at Han.
"Bring em on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around! And why didn't you have to wear a disguise?" He turns to Serenity.
"You try getting that armour over these robes." She fans her hands over her robes.

They were similar to her fathers. She wanted to wear them because she felt like most like her father in them. They were a mixture of dark and light blue hues that made her blue eye stand out from her hazel one. "I would have to strip down." Luke widens his eyes while Han smirks. "Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you!" She exclaimed quite angrily to Han.

Ben was starting to get extremely uncomfortable.
"We found the power outlet sir." 3PO tells Ben.
"Plug in. He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network." Ben says as R2 plugs in. He beeps a couple of time and 3Po translates.
"He says he's found the controls to the power beam that's holding the ship here. He'll try to make a precise location appear on the monitor." Serenity eyes flick to the monitor above R2. "The tractor beam is coupled to main reactor in seven locations." Each location flashes on the monitor. "A power loss to one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave." The monitor zooms in on a main reactor.

Ben looks at the two boys and his daughter.
"I don't think you guys can help, I must go alone." He states.
"Whatever you say I've done more then I've bargained for on this trip." Han rolls his eyes.
"But father I want to go with you!" Serenity moves in front of Ben to stop him.
"Be patient, Serenity. Stay with Luke and watch over the droids.
"But-" she starts but is cut off.
"They must be delivered safely or other start systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. Your destiny lies along a different path then mine." She moves and he presses a button that opens the door. "The Force will be with you...always...I love you Seren." He gives her a quick hug before leaving.
"I love you too Dad." She whispers as she watches him leave and closes the door again.

Chewie gives a couple of growls.
"You said it Chewie," he turns to Luke. "Where did you dig up that old fossil?"
"Might I remind you that "old fossil" is my father. You shouldn't say such things about people's families it's considered rude." Serenity snaps.
"Ben is a great man." Luke defends Serenity.
"Great at getting us in trouble."
"I didn't hear you give any ideas!"
"Well anything's better then waitin' around for him to pick us up."
"Well who do you-" Luke is cut off by R2's bloops.
"What is it?" Serenity asks.
"I'm not quite sure miss...he keeps saying "I've found her" and keeps repeating "she's here"." 3Po states.
"Who? Who has he found?" Luke asks 3PO.
"Princess Leia." The golden droid replies.
"The Princess? She's here?!" Luke and Serenity ask at the same time.

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