Another Skywalker

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"The face you make, look I so old to young eyes?" Yoda asks while watching the fire.
"No, of course not." The two day at the same time.
"I do." He turns around to face the young pair. "Yes, I do. Sick I have become. Old and weak...when 900 years old you reach, look at good you will not hmm?"
Serenity laughs loudly, "Master Yoda, I don't think humans like Luke and I are capable of reaching such an age."

Yoda hobbles his way over to his bed.
"Rest soon I will. Yes. Forever sleep...earned it I have." He sits down.
"Master Yoda you can't die." Luke frowns. Serenity doesn't say anything, she just looks at Yoda with pleading eyes.
"Strong with the Force am I ...but not that strong." He states as Luke grabs his cain. "Twilight is upon me, and soon, night must fall. That is the way of things. The way of the Force."

The little Jedi shuffles into bed and reaches for the blanket. Serenity helps him pulling it up to his chin.
"But-but we need your help." Serenity in a sad sounding voice.
"I've come back to complete the training." Luke states.
"No further training do you require. Already know that which you need." Yoda's eyes flutter open and closed.
"Then I am a Jedi." Luke turns to Serenity who musters up a half smile.
"Oh!" Yoda exclaims, laughing which soon turns into coughing. "Not yet. Still, one thing remains...Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will."
"Master Yoda what about me? I feel I have to confront Vader as well...bring him to the light. My-my mother still believes there is good in him. She told me that Anakin and her were like that would make him my—sort of—uncle...right?" Yoda doesn't say anything.
"Is Vader really my father Master Yoda?" Luke asks. The question had been burning in his mind since he found out.
"Rest I need. Yes. Rest." Yoda turns his back to the curious pair.
"Yoda we must know." The two say almost at simultaneously.
"Your father he is. Serenity, your uncle Vader is. Not by blood, exactly, but by a special sort of bond him and Azaylia had. A bond that was broken when he turned." Yoda sighed.
"But is wasn't broken...just cracked a still loves him pains her to think about him..." Serenity trails off and looks down at the ground.
Yoda continues talking to Luke, "Told you did he?"
"Yes." Luke replies.
"Unexpected this is...and unfortunate."
"What, unfortunate that I know the truth?" He says his anger rising the slightest bit.
"No." He turns back to face them. "Unfortunate that you rushed to face him, that incomplete, was your training, that not ready for the burden were you."
Luke shakes his head, "I'm sorry."
"Remember...a Jedi's strength flows from the Force." He sinks into his bed. "But beware...anger, fear, agression, the Dark side are they." His voice was getting raspier by the second. "Once you start down the Dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Luke, Serenity..." Serenity leans forward to hear him better. "Do not-do not underestimate the power of the Emperor...or suffer Vader's fate you will. When gone, am I..." he chokes a little before continuing. "The last of the Jedi you will be." He points to them. "The Force runs strong in both your families. Pass on what you have learned."

"Luke..." Yoda's voice is barely a whisper. "There is....another....Sk-Sky—walk—er." He says before he slips away into his forever sleep.

Serenity eyes widen at the realization that her and Luke are only Jedi left. Her father was gone and so was Master Yoda. Her mother decided she would stop being a Jedi when Serenity was finished her training. She locked her lightsaber away in a trunk somewhere in their home. Maybe Serenity would find it some day...

And then there was the possibility of another Skywalker roaming around in the galaxy. Somewhere. Luke and Serenity said nothing to each other, only sat on the ground in wonder and surprise. Serenity then stood up.
"I-I need to—meditate—on this." She stand brushing her hands on her leggings. She looked down at the bandage wrapped around her thigh. It was sort of annoying and itchy, she was glad that she could take it off soon. The wound had healed enough.

She walked outside, her boots squishing into the wet ground. She found the spot she would usually meditate when Luke and Yoda were training. It was a extremely rare patch of dry ground. Long tree branches snakes this way and that, long green vines hanging from them. Her thoughts were racing. She sat down on the ground, cross legged and started to breath in the plush smell of Dagobah. Her mind started to clear and she felt the energy of the Force buzzing around her. She focuses on one main question. Who is the other Skywalker? She reaches out, feeling like she's travelling the galaxy for one person. Her brows furrow in concentration. The names of all those lifeforms jumble together in one big puddle of words. But one name stands out.


Serenity eyes snap open. "Leia." She mumbles. "Leia Organa?! No, no that-that can't be right." She closes her eyes and focuses on again. The same name echos through her head. "Leia...Leia's...Luke's sister? But how would that be. Luke lived on Tatooine....Leia lived on Alderaan. That wouldn't be possible. How would they still be siblings if they were born on separate planets." She scratched her head in hard thought. "Unless..." he eyes light up as she realizes. "Unless they weren't! They-they would've been born on the same planet but-but separated because-because of—of Vader!" She stands up putting her hands on her head. "Oh! It makes sense! They're both the same age! That-that means they're twins! Luke and Leia are-are twins!!"

She sprints back to Yoda's home, only to find Luke isn't there. She then runs to where their X-wings were. She felt his presence there.
"Luke! Luke! It's Leia! You and Leia ar-" she yells but is cut off by Luke.
"Twins. I know. You figured it out too I assume." He smiles at her.
"Yes, yes I did." She breathes. Serenity notices her father's Force ghost sitting beside Luke. "Hi Dad." She waves. He smiles warmly in return.
"Your insight serves you both well. Bury your feelings deep down you two. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor." He warns.
"Yes father." Serenity nods.

Luke gets up.
"I'm gonna tell R2 to start up my ship. Would you like my to tell C4 to start up yours?" He asks.
"Sure. Thank you." His gaze lingers on Serenity a little too long. She breaks the eye contact first and looks down with heated cheeks.
"So...when's the wedding." Ben whispers with a little wink.
"Dad!" She whisper-screamed and looked to see if Luke heard that. Ben chuckles while Serenity sighs.
"What's wrong Seren?" He asks her, with a serious face.
"I'm...afraid dad. What happens if Vader kills Luke? Or if he kills me? I'm not so afraid of him killing me...but Luke is a different story."
"Seren, you forget your mother and I fought in a war. I was always shaken when I thought of losing Zayli. But she was a strong woman and she didn't die easily. Luke is also extremely strong and I'm sure he won't die without putting up a good fight. Your mother went on a dangerous mission when she was pregnant with you. She didn't tell me until after the mission, the sneaky thing."
Serenity laughs, "That sounds like Mom."
"And don't deny that you have feelings for Luke. Your thoughts betray you." He smirks.
"But he doesn't have feelings for me." Her whole body heaves a sigh.
"He does. I've seen the way he looks at you...he loves you." Ben nods.
"Then why won't he say it?" She looks into her father's caring eyes. How she missed them.
"Why don't you?" The questions rings Serenity speechless. "May the Force be with you, my sweet daughter." He says before disappearing.
"May the Force be with you too Dad." She says with a sad smile...

A/N: I just realized something! So if Order 66 never happened and if Anakin never turned and killed all the Jedi in the Temple...Serenity would've probably grown up in the Temple and she would be likely Soreé's Padawan cause Soreé would be a no longer be a Zayli's Padawan by then. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT WHOLESOMENESS?!!!! I cry.

Peace And Serenity (Luke Skywalker)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon