To the City In the Clouds

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Serenity was packing up the ship readying for their trip. Serenity would not stop sighing as Yoda was watching the pair.
"Luke, you must complete the training." Yoda states.
"I can't keep the vision out of my head." He shakes his head. "They're my friends I gotta help them."
Yoda exclaims,"You must not go!"
"Luke please listen to Master Yoda. I can go alone. I'm perfectly capable. If you don't think I can go alone must not trust me as much as I thought." Serenity heaves another one of her many sighs which paints Luke with a new fresh coat of guilt.
"But you will die if I don't. And if you die so will Han and Leia. I can't let you go alone." He says softly while grabbing her arm.
"I can't believe you." Her face scrunches up, like she does when she's mad and she walks to the other side of the ship.

"You don't know that." Her fathers voice says to Luke as he appears in his ghostly figure. "Even Yoda cannot see their fate."
"But I can help them!" Luke whines a little. "I feel the Force."
"But you can't control it!" Serenity snaps. Her father shoots her a disapproving glance at her outburst.
"This is a dangerous time for the both of you. You will be tempted by the Dark side of the Force." Ben states.
"Yes. Yes. To Obi-Wan you listen." Yoda nods to Luke vigorously. "The cave. Remember your failure at the cave."
"Is that what you didn't tell me about?!" Serenity storms over to Luke.
"But I've learned so much since then!" Luke says not looking the young woman in the eye. "Master Yoda, I promise to come back and finish what I've begun. You have my word." He moves to the underbelly of the ship.
"I thought you trusted me Luke. I thought you believed in me. Why don't you trust me to save Han and Leia? Why?" She questions but her father interrupts before Luke can say anything.
"It is you and your abilities the Emperor wants." He tells the young pair. "That is why your friends are made to suffer."
"You don't trust me either do you Dad?" She shakes her head with a disgusted look.
"Seren, I don't want to lose you to the Emperor the way I lost Vader. I don't want to lose Luke either." The ghost clasps his hands together.
"You won't lose me father."
"Stopped they must be. On this all depends. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with the Force as his ally, will conquer Vader and the Emperor." Yoda hums.

Serenity throws her hands up, "I'm a trained Jedi aren't I?"
"Still much to learn, you have young Serenity. Learn it with experience, you will." Yoda smiles. "If you end your training now, taking the quick and easy path as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil." Yoda returns to talking with Luke.
"Patience!" Ben exclaims.
"And sacrifice Han and Leia?" Luke asks.
Yoda replies, "To honour what they fight for...yes."
"If you both choose to face will have to do it alone. I cannot interfere."
"We understand, father." Serenity looks down.
Luke climbs in the ship, while Serenity follows. "Let's try not to have another...incident as will time last time...ok?" She teases while Luke's face heats up.
"Yeah...R2 fire up the converters." Luke orders the droid.
"Luke! Seren! Don't give into hate. Hate leads to the Dark side." Ben warns them.
"Strong is Vader. Mind what you have learned, save you it can." Yoda advises.
Serenity flashes a smile, "We will."
"And I'll return. I promise." Luke promises as the hatch closes and they take off.
"Come back safely, Seren. I love you." Her father says inside her head.
"I love you too Dad." She thinks, hoping he can hear her

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Serenity says nervously. They had landed on Cloud City too easily. Serenity was starting to suspect something was amiss. They walked through the halls of a very white building, one they sense Han and Leia were in. "Shh!" Luke ordered.

They ran down a hallway. Serenity grabbed Luke collar and jerked him back to hide behind the wall. There was a person in Mandalorian armour walking in front of a floating piece of carbonite. Stormtroopers were walking behind the carbonite. Once they were out of sight, Serenity and Luke dived behind the opposite wall. R2 blipped and beeped at the pair, knocking into Luke's legs repeatedly. Serenity stepped out only to be met by the sound of a blaster. She ignited her lightsaber and deflected the shot easily. She spotted the person in the Mandalorian armour disappear around the corner. Luke, Serenity and R2 followed the person. When the rounded the corner, they were shot at. Serenity had always adored the way the blasters bolts made pings and zaps when they clashed with her blue blade.

Her arm had gotten shot, dropping her lightsaber. She ducked behind the wall and used to Force to recapture her lightsaber. She looked at the blaster bolt wound on her arm.
Luke also looked on with a worried face.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

The pair had spotted Leia and Chewie but no Han.
"Luke! Seren! Don't go! Don't go! It's a trap! IT'S A TRAP!!" She screamed at them before being pulled away by the Troopers.
"I knew something was up." Serenity quietly groaned when the Troopers went inside a room.

"Where are we?" Serenity whispered to Luke. They were in a big room with different machinery and metal floors. There was steam and smoke billowing everywhere. They walked carefully along the floors, tapping as their foot hit the metal. The lights suddenly turned on.
"The Force is with you young Skywalker," a sickeningly familiar mechanical voice said. "But you are not a Jedi yet." Darth Vader turned to look at the young girl who was completely facing him. "However, you young Kenobi...are." The two walked up the steps closer to the Sith Lord.

Serenity ignited her lightsaber first, readying herself in her fathers battle stance. Luke then ignited his followed by Darth Vader. Serenity stared the tall figure down. She would fight...for her father

Peace And Serenity (Luke Skywalker)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang