You're My Only Hope

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"Thank the maker! This oil bath is going to feel so good! I have so much dust contamination I can barely move." The protocol droid exclaimed. Serenity chuckled as the droid slowly plunged into the oil bath she had made.
"Your welcome." She said quietly.
"Oh thank you miss..." the droid looked at her
"Serenity." She finished for him.
"Miss Serenity. I am C3PO, human cyborg relations." Serenity laughed.
"You don't have to call me Miss Serenity. You can call me Serenity or Seren. I'll let you choose." She watched Luke as he toyed with a small model ship.
"It just isn't fair." He whines as he puts the model down and gets up.
"What are you whining about now?" She asks him teasingly.
"Biggs is right I'm never gonna get out of here."

Serenity crosses her arms, "I wouldn't care too much about what Biggs says."
"Is there anything I could do to help sir?" C3PO asks from his oil bath.
"No, not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest or teleport me off this rock." Luke crouches down and picks at the R2 unit.
"I don't think so sir, I'm only a droid and I'm not very knowledgeable about such things. Not on this planet, anyway. Actually, I'm not even sure which planet I'm on." C3PO replies. Serenity passed Luke another tool to him so he can inspect the R2 unit.
"Well, if there's a bright center in the universe, you're the farthest from it." Luke complains.
Serenity shakes her head, "What my whiny friend means to say, you're on the desert planet of Tatooine."
"I see, sir." C3PO nods still talking to Luke.
"You can call me Luke."
"I see Sir Luke."
Luke laughs, "Just Luke."
"Oh. I am C3PO, human cyborg relations." He introduces himself again. "And this is my counterpart R2D2." He points to the R2 unit.
"Hello." Luke smiles and R2D2 beeps happily.

"You've got a lot of carbon scoring here." Luke says to R2D2. "You boys must've seen a lot of action."
"With all that we've been through, I'm amazed we are still in the condition we are, what with the rebellion and all." C3PO states.
Serenity and Luke gasp, "You know about the rebellion against the Empire?!" They say at the same time.
"That's how we came to be in your service, if you take my meaning sir." C3PO replies.
"Have you been in many battles?" Serenity asks breathlessly, rushing over to C3PO.
"Several, I think. Actually, there's not much to tell. I'm not much more then an interpreter and I'm not very good at telling stories." Luke crouches down and works on R2 again. "At least not very good at making them interesting." He gets out of his oil bath.
"Well my little got something jammed in here real good." Serenity watched as Luke struggles.
"Here. Let me." She crouches down next to Luke while he hands her the tool.

Serenity fiddles with it all while having a grimace on her face.
"Were you on a Star Crusier or so-" She's cut off by a loud beep which startles her and she falls on her butt. She looks behind her and sees a hologram of a young woman in a white dress.
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." The girl says.
"Good job Seren! You broke it!" Luke accuses.
"Did not!" She retorts. "What this?" She asks the pair of droids. R2D2 beeps.
"What is what?! She asked you a question! What is that!"

They group watches the recording over and over again. The young woman repeating the phrase.
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."

Obi-Wan Kenobi? What does my father have to do with this? Serenity thinks but is interrupted by C3PO.
"Oh. He says it's nothing miss, merely a malfunction. Old data. Pay it no mind."
"Who is she? She's beautiful." Luke looks on in awe. Serenity's clenches her fist sightly.

Though she wouldn't admit it, she had a little crush on Luke...but he didn't feel the same way about her so she pushed away her feelings. However, it was always in the back of her mind.
"I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir. I think she was a passenger on our last voyage. A person of importance I believe. Our captain was-"
"Is there any more to this recording?" Serenity asks a little more harshly then she had meant to.

The little droid bleeps.
"Behave yourself R2, you're going to get us in trouble. It's alright. You can trust them. They're our new masters." R2 responds. "He says he's the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a resident of these parts. Quite frankly sir, I don't know what he's talking about. Our last Master was Captain Antilles. But with all we've been through, this R2 unit is a bit eccentric." C3PO concludes.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi. he like a relative of yours Seren? Or does he mean Ben?"
"I beg your pardon but do you have any idea what he's talking about miss?" C3PO asks.
"Well...I don't know of any Obi Wan Kenobi but father might know him." She lies.
"Miss, you're a Kenobi?" C3PO asks.
"Yes. Serenity Kenobi." She replies. "My family and I live out near the Dune Sea. It's quite a ways away but I can run from here to my home without passing out so I guess it's not that far."
"Ben and Zayli are kind of hermits." Luke says.
Serenity counters, "My parents are not hermits Luke."
"I wonder who she is." Luke completely drops the subject.
"It sounds like she's in trouble...I better play back the whole thing." Serenity decides and works on R2.
"Um miss, he says that his restraining bolt has short circuited his recording system. He suggests that if you remove it he may be able to play the entire recording." C3PO states.
"Luke hand me that knife over there." She points, Luke grabs it and hands it to her. " too small to run away from me if I take it off." She says to herself as she cuts off the restraining bolt. "There we go!" She turns around but the young woman isn't there.
"Wait a minute where'd she go? Bring her back! Play the entire message!" Luke orders R2.
"What message!" C3PO hits R2's head. "The message you've just been playing. The one inside your rusty innards!"
Serenity let out a snicker.
"Luke! Luke!" She heard Aunt Beru call.
"I'll be right there Aunt Beru!" He calls back.
"I'm sorry sir, he appears to have picked up a slight flutter."
"Here Seren, see what you can do with him." He hands her the tool in his hand and watches him walk back before she can say anything.
"3PO, I'm sorry but I must get home before dark. The Tusken Raiders are more dangerous at night. I hope you understand. Tell Luke I wish him luck." She hands the tool over to him.
"No need to apologize miss Serenity, I hope I see you again soon."

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Serenity calls out as she enters the cave.
"Hello sweetheart. Thank goodness you came. We were beginning to worry you wouldn't make it back in time." Zayli said from the table.
"Oh Seren!" Her father's voice called from behind her. "I just finished meditating. Shame you couldn't be with me. How was your adventure in Toshce Station?" He smiled at her.
"Oh we didn't go." She replied shortly, taking a bite out of a fruit. "Owen had Luke clean up two droids they bought. I stayed and helped him of course. One the droids had a recording of young woman. He was only able to play a small section of it. The droid claims to be Obi-Wan Kenobi's but I never said anything about you being Obi-Wan I just said you might know him. I expect he'll bring the droid to you tomorrow morning so act surprised."
"Hmm. Interesting." He stroke his gray beard.
"Well I should head off to bed. Night Mom. Night Dad." She yawned and went to her room.

Laying down on her bed, she meditated for awhile. Feeling the Force around her until she finally slipped into sleep.

Peace And Serenity (Luke Skywalker)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें