The Millennium Falcon

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"Han Solo, I'm Captain of the Millennium Falcon." A man with brown hair introduces himself. "Chewie here tells me your looking for passage to the Alderaan system."
"Yes, indeed, if it's a fast ship." Ben states.
"Fast ship?" He looks offended at the statement. "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?"

The group shakes their heads.
"Should I have?" Ben asks.
"It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less then twelve parsecs." Han boasts.
"Whoop de do." Serenity mumbles under her breath.
Han glares, "For your information, girl, I've outrun Imperial Starships. Not the bulk cruisers, mind you, the big Corellien ships now."

Serenity crosses her arms and says nothing more. She doesn't give up her icy glare.
"She's fast enough for you old man." Han turns to her father. She sniffs violently. She hated when people called him "old". He could accomplish much more then a normal person his age could.
"What's the cargo?" He asks.
"Only passengers." Ben replies. "Myself, the boy, my daughter and two droids." He leans forward, "And no questions asked."

Han glances over to Serenity and chuckles.
"Daughter eh? She's a feisty one."
"I get it from my mother." Serenity says coldly.
"What is it? Some kinda local trouble?" He asks flicking his gaze back to Ben.
"Let's just say that we would like to avoid any Imperial entanglements." He smiles.
"Well that's the real trick isn't it? And it's gonna cost you something extra...Ten thousand, all in advance." Han demands.
Luke finally breaks his silence, "Ten thousand?! We could buy our own ship for that."
"And who's gonna fly it, kid. You?" Han asks teasingly.
"You bet I could! I'm not such a bad pilot myself. We don't have to sit here and listen-" he starts to get up but Serenity grips his arm and jerks him back down.
"We could pay you two thousand when we reach Alderaan. Right father?" She turns to Ben who smiles at her. Luke snaps his head in confusion at her absurd offer.
"Yes, that's sounds good." Ben nods his head towards her.
"Seventeen?" Han asks Serenity to which she nods.
He smirks, "You guys got yourselves a ship. We'll leave as soon as you are ready. Docking Bay 94."
"94." Her father repeats. Han's eyes flick behind the trio.
"Looks like someone has taken an interest in your handiwork." He nods. The three turn around and see the bartender pointing in their direction while a Stormtrooper stands beside him.
"We gotta go." Serenity states what is already obvious.

They exit the Cantina. Serenity and Ben had the hoods of their cloaks pulled over their heads. They walked quickly.
"I think you'll have to sell your Speeder." He says to Luke.
"That's alright, I'm not coming back to this planet anyway." Luke replies.

"If the ships as fast as he's boasting. We ought to do well." Ben states.
Serenity scoffs, "I don't like this Han Solo. If I find out he's lying to us him and my lightsaber will get acquainted quite well."
"Oh Seren, don't blow your top just yet. We have to see the ship first." Luke pats her shoulder lightly.

They walk into Docking Bay 94 and come face to face with a massive ship. The three stand there gazing at the ship.
"What a piece of junk!" Luke exclaims.
"I see my lightsaber is going to meet him sooner then I thought." Serenity whispers in Luke's ear. His ear tingles from the warmth of her breath. He laughs quietly.
"She'll make it .5 past light speed. She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts kid." He wipes a cloth on the underside of the ship. "I made some special modifications myself."
"Yeah, can see that." Serenity mumbles.
"But we're a little rushed, so if you'll get on board, we'll get going." Han glares at Serenity. She returns the stare.

The groups boards the ship when Serenity hears the familiar sound of blaster bolts.
"I hear the sound of blasters." Serenity sing-songs.
"Chewie get us out of here!" Han yells from the entrance of the ship. The group rushes to put on their seatbelts.
"Oh, my. I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel." 3PO complains as the ship takes off.

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