Home Stretch

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"Squad Leaders, we've picked up a new group of signals. Enemy fighters are coming your way." A man from the Rebel base says over his comlink.
"My scopes negative. I don't see anything." Luke states.
"Pick up your visual scanning." Red Leader orders the fleet but Serenity didn't need to. She could already sense where the fighters were. Right behind them.
"Here they come!" Serenity exclaims as she hears the TIE-fighter engines roar.

One of them starts firing from directly behind her trying to hit her power thrusters. She swerves and spins in order to not get hit.
"Blast! This is exactly way I hate flying! I think I'm gonna be sick." She mumbles to herself, hoping the others didn't hear her. They probably did.

"Watch it you've got one on your tail." Someone warns.
"I'm hit!" She hears an explosion come from somewhere. Serenity frowns and sighs.
"You've picked one up. Watch it!" Luke exclaims.
"I can't see it." She recognized the voice as Biggs.
"If I could—see the darn thing—I—would watch it." Serenity jokes with a strained voice as she maneuvers her X-Wing around the blaster bolts.
"He's on me tight, I can't shake him."
"Hold on, I'll be right there." Serenity states. She watches her scanner and waits till the TIE-fighter is perfectly in the center. She presses the two triggers and fire at the fighter. It exploded with a loud boom. "Yes!" She exclaims triumphantly.

"Fall in, Fall in." Red Leader demands.
"Watch your back Luke! Watch your back. Fighters coming in above you." Biggs warns him.

Serenity senses Luke's ship get hit. Her breath hitched. She couldn't lose Luke too.
"I'm hit but not bad. R2 see what you can do with it. Hang on back there." He says to the little droid.
"Red Six, can you see Red Five?" A man from the control center asks.
"There's a heavy fire zone. Red Five where are you?" Red Six asks Luke.
Luke exclaims, "I can't shake him!"

Serenity steers up right behind the TIE-fighter tailing Luke.
"I'm on him Luke, hold on." Serenity says.
"Blast it Seren! Where are you?" Like asks.
"I can only go so fast Luke. Don't give me that attitude!" Serenity teases as she shoots and hits the TIE-fighter causing it to explode. She breathes a sigh of relief.
"Thanks Seren."
"Good shooting Kenobi. I'm impressed." Red Leader says quite happily.
"Thank you Sir, I try my best." She chuckles.
"Red Leader, this is Gold Leader. We are starting our attack run." Gold Leader states.
Red Leader replies, "I copy Gold Leader, move into position."

Serenity listened in to the conversation between the Gold Leader and his fighters. Serenity jumped a little when she sensed each of the ships get blown up one by one.
"They came from behind." The last survivor said before his ship blown up too.

There was silence for a bit.
Red Leader broke it, "Red boys, this is Red Leader. Rendez-vous at mark 6.1"
"This is Red Two flying towards you."
"Red three standing by."
"Red Leader, this is Base One...keep half your group out of range for the next run." The man ordered.
"Copy that Base One. Luke, take Red Two and Three...and...how 'bout Kenobi too." Red Leader says. Serenity nods. "Hold up here and wait for my signal to start your run."

Serenity waits while Red Leader takes his fighters into their attack run. Red Leader hit the target but it wasn't precise enough. Serenity groaned inwardly. They were so close!
"Red Leader we're right above you. Turn to point 05 we'll cover for you."
"No you stay there! I just lost my starboard engine. You get set up for your attack run." Red Leader demands and screams before his ship is shot down. Serenity's eyes widen and she takes a deep breath, her body sightly shaking.
"Biggs, Wedge, Seren, let's close it up. We're going in full throttle that ought to get these fighters off our backs."
"Right with ya Boss." Wedge replies.
"Luke at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?" Biggs asks.
"It'll be just like Beggars Canyon back at home...remember Seren?" He asks the girl.
"You betcha!" She laughs.

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