The Pain of Loss

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Metallic groaning screeched in Serenity's ears. The group looked around uneasily.

That's when the walls started to move towards them.
"The walls are moving!" Luke exclaimed.
"Well don't just stand there! Try to brace it with something!" The Princess said taking hold of a long metal pole. "Help me!" She demanded to Han who helped her immediately.

Serenity froze in fear.
"Oh, Force. Oh, Force." She kept repeating over and over as the walls started to close in on her. "Wait..." she then held her arms out of tried to stop the walls with the Force. Her face scrunched up and her arms started to shake with effort.
"3PO! Come in 3PO!" She heard Luke scream into the comlink. "3PO! Where could he be?"

Serenity groaned in pain. She felt as if her head was being ripped apart.
"Everything...hurts..." she says in a strained voice. Her whole body was vibrating as she did her best to keep the walls still.
"Seren! Don't blow yourself out! Stop!" He made his way over to her, moving all the spare parts. Serenity then collapsed, out of energy.
"SEREN!" Luke screamed. He picked her up by her arms and helped her to stand.

She wasn't unconscious but she couldn't exactly stand on her own.
"Luke..." she whispered.
"Where could he be? 3PO will you come in!" He yells while Han helps the Princess get on top of the scrap pile.

"One things for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner." Han says jokingly.
Serenity eyes flutter open and closed, she had drained most of her energy using the Force.
"Seren, stay with me." Luke whispers while Han helps the Princess get back on the top when she fell down.
Serenity heard a voice come from the comlink. She couldn't tell what the voice said.
"3PO?!" Luke held the comlink up to his mouth. "Will you shut up and listen to me?! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level level will ya?! Do you copy?! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level! SHUT DOWN ALL THE GARBAGE MASHERS ON THE DETENTION LEVEL!!" Luke screams at the poor droid. Serenity closes her eyes tight and holds on desperately to Luke, ready to feel the life squish out of her, when the walls suddenly come to a grinding halt.

Serenity tentatively opens one eye and sees they're not dead. She opens the other as she hears Han yell in relief. The group laughs happily they weren't smushed.
"You did great 3PO!" Luke shouts into the comlink.
Serenity tilts her head back and whispers, "Thank Force."
"We're alright! You did great! Hey open the pressure hatch on unit number...where are we?" Luke asks the girl who was in his arms. Serenity grabs the comlink and says, "3263827!" She laughs loudly and spots a familiar thing on top of the scrap pile. "My lightsaber!" She exclaimed.

There it was in all it's glory. She used the Force to grab it. "Oh let's get out of here. Please." She whispers to Luke.

"If we can avoid any more female advice we may be able to get outta here." Han says as the group brushes the filth of their clothes.
"Well let's get moving!" Luke runs a hand through his wet hair. The group then hears some sort of alarm. Chewie lets out a howl and runs away.
"Where you goin?" Han asks and aims his blaster.
"No wait they'll hear-" but Han already shot. Serenity threw up her arms in disgust.
"Come here you big coward." Han says to the scared Wookie. Chewie shakes his head. "Chewie come here."
"Listen...I don't know who you are or where you came from, but from now on you do as I tell you...Kay?" The Princess smiles and turns around. The group starts to walk.
"I really really like you." Serenity laughs.
"Look your Worshipfullness, I take orders from one person. Me." He points to himself.
"It's a wonder your still alive." Serenity snickers.
"Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?" The Princess asks with a sassy tone.
"No reward is worth this." Han shakes his head.

"It's them blast em!" A Stormtrooper shouts. Serenity is ready to deflect it with her saber but Han already shot him.
"Get to the ship!" He runs at the Stormtroopers while Chewie follows him.
"Where are you going? Come back!" Luke yells after him but it's too late
"He certainly has courage." The Princess puts her hands on her hips.
"But what good will it do us if he gets himself killed." Serenity winks.
"Come on. Seren!" Luke beckons and takes the Princesses hand. A twinge of jealousy went through her but she pushed it away.

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