Master Yoda

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"Look I'm sure it's delicious, I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now!" Luke complained.

Serenity shook her head at Luke's complaints. She was sitting down, on the ground meditating in the green man's little hut. She focused on familiar presences like her mother, Han and Leia. Her thoughts even wondered to the presence of Darth Vader. She saw Han and Leia share a kiss in her thoughts to which she almost choked on her own spit. Han was the last person she thought Leia would fall in love with!

She heard the voices of Darth Vader and another...the machine called him his "Master". The conversation was that they had to find "the two young rebels that destroyed the Death Star" and try and turn them to their side. Serenity's face scrunched up in slight anger. They had the nerve to think that she and Luke would turn to the Dark Side! The voice that didn't belong to Darth Vader said that they he believed them to be "the offspring of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi" he responded with a "that's impossible!"

Serenity was snapped out of her meditation when she heard her name, "Seren would you get your head of the stars and focus." Luke grabbed a two small bowls and lifted the lid of the pot suspended over a blazing fire.
Scooping the mixture into the two bowls Serenity replied, "Excuse me for trying to clear my mind and focus on the living Force." Luke handed her the bowl with a small glare.

What Serenity didn't notice was that the little green man was watching her with a curious intent. He had saw her lightsaber before and now she was meditating, focusing on the living Force? A Jedi, she must be... he concluded with a curt nod.

Serenity grabbed the wooden spoon and tasted the weird mixture. She cringed at the rotten taste it had to it.
"Good food, good food hmm?" He asks the young pair.
"Definitely." She choked out and put the bowl down. "You know I'm not that hungry anymore..." she places the bowl on the small box next to her.
"So how far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?" Luke asked.
The green man replied, "Not far. Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you will be with him."

He hobbled over to the two of them.
"Root leaf. I cook." He laughs. "Why wish you become a Jedi? Hmm?" He asks Luke.
Luke stirs the mixture around in his bowl absentmindedly, "Mostly because of my father and Seren." He states.
"Ah, father. Powerful Jedi was he. Mmm. Powerful" He turns to Serenity. "You too are a Jedi?" He asks.
"Not a very good one...but yes, I was trained by my parents in the ways of the Force." Serenity smiled.
"Mmm. Yes. Parents. Strong Jedi they were." He nods.
"Oh come on," Luke scoffs. "How could you know my father and Serenity's don't even know who we are! Oh...I don't even know what I'm doing here! We're wasting our time Seren!"
"Luke...stop that." Serenity frowns.
"I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience." The green man mumbles.
"He will learn patience." Serenity heard her fathers voice.
"Dad." She whispered. The green man turned to face Luke and Serenity.
"Much anger, in him. Like his father."
"Was I any different when you taught me?" Ben asks.
"No." The green man replies. "He is not ready."

Serenity looks at the green man closely and comes to a striking conclusion.
"Yoda. I knew it! That's why your presence felt oddly calming!" Serenity's eyes lit up like bright lights.
"I am ready! Ben—i can be a Jedi! Seren tell him I'm-" Luke sits up but knocks his head against the roof of the hut. Serenity clamps a hand over her mouth to muffle her giggles.
"Ready are you? What know you ready. For 800 years have I trained Jedi." Yoda walks around tapping his cane harshly. "My own council will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment. The most serious mind. This one, long time have I watched. All his life he has looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was." Yoda poked Luke with his cane. "What he was doing. Hmph! Adventure...ha!" He mumbles to himself. "Excitement ha! A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless!"

"So was I, if you remember." Ben stated.
"Master Yoda, I used be reckless...sometimes I still am but the more we practice not being reckless the less reckless we'll become. If we can never practice then we won't change. I've gotten so much better over the years of my training. When I was younger, I used to throw caution to the wind and do stupid things that would endanger me but I learned to control myself. Luke will learn." Serenity concluded.
"He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training." Yoda shakes his head.

"Oh Master Yoda, you must see that Luke will become a powerful Jedi! You must!" Serenity pleads.
Master Yoda sighs, "Too much of your mother, you have in you." He looks up. "Will he finish what he begins?" He asks.
"I won't fail you." Luke leans forward. "I'm not afraid."
" will will be..." Yoda nods slowly. Serenity eyes widen the slightest bit.

"Back so soon?" Serenity jokes as she opens her hazel eye.
"Seren are you meditating again?" He asks with a hint of a groan.
"Of course." She stretches her legs out on the wet, swampy ground. "I would take a walk...but you can't do that without falling in a puddle." She laughs as Luke puts Yoda down and walks over. He grabs his coat off a branch.
"Something doesn't fell right here." He says nervously.
"I felt that too. Makes me feel-"
"Cold." Luke finishes for her.
"That place...strong with the Dark Side of the Force." He points his cane past Luke. "A domain of evil, it is. In you must go."
"What's in there?" Serenity asks.
"Only what you take with you." Yoda replied.
Luke starts to put his weapons belt around his waist when Yoda stops him.
"Your weapons. You will not need them." He states. Luke continues wrapping the belt around him.
"Wait! You're not going in alone are you?!" She stands up, quite alarmed.
"Alone, he must go." Yoda nods.
"Seren...stay there...I'll be alright." He says and continues down the path.

Serenity laughs nervously. A trait she obtained from her mother which she didn't like. It made people think she was crazy.
"Like to meditate you do?" Yoda asks the girl.
"Very much." She smiles. "It calms me down, clears my mind...makes me think there's nothing wrong in the galaxy...although I know there is." Her smiles turns into a frown.
"Your eyes..." Master Yoda points out. "A perfect mix of Obi-Wan and Azaylia they are." He smiles and nods.
"Thank you." She laughs.
"Question yourself on your Jedi abilities you do?" He questions her.
She fiddles with her hands in her lap, "Oh I don't know... I just feel like...I haven't done anything amazing my mother and father have...I feel...mediocre compared to them, I guess." She sighs.
"Mediocre, you are not. Great things I see in your is your mother...forgot to ask I did."
"I think she's doing alright. She's still on Tatooine as far as I know...Dad told me he visits her almost everyday which comforts me." She smiles sadly.
Yoda asks her another question, "Miss her do you?"
"A little. I regret not being there with her when dad died but I can't teleport...just yet." She adds with a small laugh.
"Mmm. Mad are you? At Darth Vader?"
"It's complicated..." Serenity said nothing more about Darth Vader.
"I sense Azaylia's fiery sprit and Obi-Wan's peaceful, careful ways inside you." Master Yoda nods

Serenity stands up quickly.
"I sense somethings amiss. Luke seems, alarmed."

Just then Luke runs out of where he came from.
"Luke what-what happened?" She asks.
"I don't wanna talk about it." He replies, looking quite scared. Serenity doesn't press further.

Peace And Serenity (Luke Skywalker)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें